William A. Wellman

William A. Wellman

Nascimento : 1896-02-29, Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

Morte : 1975-12-09


William Augustus Wellman was an American film director. Although Wellman began his film career as an actor, he worked on over 80 films, as director, producer and consultant but most often as a director, notable for his work in crime, adventure and action genre films, often focusing on aviation themes, a particular passion. He also directed several well regarded satirical comedies. Wellman directed the 1927 film Wings, which became the first film to win an Academy Award for Best Picture at the 1st Academy Awards ceremony.


William A. Wellman


Nasce uma Estrela
Original Story
Um músico ajuda uma jovem cantora a encontrar fama quando a idade e o alcoolismo enviam sua própria carreira para uma espiral descendente.
You Must Remember This: A História da Warner Bros.
Self (archive footage)
Este documentário celebra os 85 anos de vida dos Estúdios Warner Bros. e foi produzido, escrito e dirigido por Richard Schickel, crítico veterano da tradicional revista Time americana. o ator, produtor e diretor Clint Eastwood narra a história de uma dos mais tradicionais estúdios da América. Em You Must Remember This: A História da Warner Bros, Schickel monta uma crônica sobre a história da Warner de uma maneira sem precedentes, usando cenas de centenas de produções do estúdio para ilustrar como esses filmes serviram como um espelho para os valores, moral e atitudes de várias gerações. É possível conferir imagens marcantes de O Cantor de Jazz, Casablanca, Assim Caminha a Humanidade e O Exorcista, entre outros.
Filmmakers in Action
Self (archive footage)
What is the state of cinema and what being a filmmaker means? What are the measures taken to protect authors' copyright? What is their legal status in different countries? (Sequel to “Filmmakers vs. Tycoons.”)
Nasce Uma Estrela
Um astro do rock se envolve românticamente com cantora iniciante. Ele a ajuda a subir na carreira, mas a medida que ela vai se tornando também uma estrela, o cantor começa seu rápido declínio em função do abuso de alcóol e drogas. Ela tenta retribuir a ajuda, mas o cantor a rejeita, prejudicando definitivamente o relacionamento. Mesmo estando os dois apaixonados.
Gable: The King Remembered
Friends and co-workers recall the life of Hollywood screen star Clark Gable.
Lafayette Escadrille
A hotshot young flyer falls for a French sex worker during World War I.
Lafayette Escadrille
A hotshot young flyer falls for a French sex worker during World War I.
Lafayette Escadrille
A hotshot young flyer falls for a French sex worker during World War I.
Darby's Rangers
Stationed in Scotland, Maj. William Darby and the men under his command are trained by British commandos, becoming the U.S. Army's 1st Ranger Battalion. Their drilling period is rigorous, but the men find time to romance local women before being deployed to fight the Nazis. U.S. forces battle from French North Africa to Italy, but when a surprise attack decimates the 1st and 3rd Battalions at the Battle of Cisterna, Darby and the 4th Battalion must come to their aid.
Good-bye, My Lady
An old man and a young boy who live in the southeastern Mississippi swamps are brought together by the love of a dog.
Rota Sangrenta
Um capitão da marinha mercante, resgatado dos comunistas chineses por moradores de uma aldeia, é 'convencido' a transportar toda a aldeia para Hong Kong em um antigo barco a vapor.
Dominados Pelo Terror
A family saga: In a stunning mountain valley ranch setting near Aspen, complex and dangerous family dynamics play out against the backdrop of the first big snowstorm of winter and an enormous panther with seemingly mythical qualities which is killing cattle.
Nasce uma Estrela
Esther Blodgett (Judy Garland) é uma sonhadora artista que deseja se tornar uma grande estrela do cinema americano. Seu sonho se torna realidade quando ela conhece o astro de Hollywood Norman Maine, e os dois se apaixonam. Depois de um tempo, eles se casam, e a carreira de Esther começa realmente a decolar, e ela passa a ser chamada pelo nome artístico de Vicky Lester. Só que enquanto sua fama aumenta, seu marido está cada vez mais decadente e afundado no álcool, o que começa a abalar a carreira da esposa. Segunda versão da clássica história e primeiro filme colorido do diretor George Cukor.
Um Fio de Esperança
Quando um avião comercial passa por problemas de motor durante um voo Transpacífico e o piloto perde o controle, é o copiloto veterano mas decadente Dan Roman (John Wayne) que consegue trazer o avião em segurança. Um problema atrás do outro acontece neste voo Transpacífico. Você tem o piloto que perde o controle! O copiloto decadente. O engenheiro de voo inseguro. O jovem segundo oficial atrevido. E uma lotada cabine de passageiros com toda a gama de problemas e personalidades possível. Aqui você tem o Duke em um papel que ele não queria, e um filme com o título da canção que se tornou tema de Duke. O que mais poderia qualquer fã de John Wayne querer? Está tudo aqui, e mais algumas coisas.
Geleiras do Inferno
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Um avião de transporte C-47, a versão militar do DC3 e chamado Corsair, faz um pouso forçado nos campos congelados de Labrador, e o piloto do avião, o capitão Dooley, deve manter seus homens vivos em condições enquanto aguarda o resgate. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Geleiras do Inferno
Um avião de transporte C-47, a versão militar do DC3 e chamado Corsair, faz um pouso forçado nos campos congelados de Labrador, e o piloto do avião, o capitão Dooley, deve manter seus homens vivos em condições enquanto aguarda o resgate. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
My Man and I
In California, a Mexican-American is falsely accused of killing the farmer he was working for after the racist farmer stiffed his immigrant employee with a bad check.
Caravana de Mulheres
No tempo em que o “Oeste” dos EUA se estendia somente até o Texas e a Califórnia, a região começava a receber os primeiros colonos brancos. Havia uma severa carência de mulheres entre os trabalhadores da fazenda de Roy Whitman, no vale da Califórnia. Assim, Whitman vai até Chicago, no leste, para recrutar 150 mulheres que desejassem se tornar esposas de seus empregados.
No Palco da Vida
Comprised of eight unrelated episodes of inconsistent quality, this anthology piece of American propaganda features some of MGM Studios' best directors, screenwriters and actors; it is narrated by Louis Calhern. Stories are framed by the lecture of a university professor. In one tale a Boston resident becomes angry when the census forgets to record her presence. Another sketch chronicles the achievements of African Americans while still another pays tongue-in-cheek tribute to Texas.
Assim São os Fortes
Em 1830 o caçador de castor Flint Mitchell e outros homens brancos estão caçando nos territórios então sem nome de Montana e Idaho. Flint se casa com uma mulher índia Blackfoot como uma forma de ganhar a permissão de entrar nas ricas terras de caça de seu povo, mas descobre que ela significa mais para ele do que um bilhete para um bom habitat de castores. O caçador Flint Mitchell e outros homens da montanha unem forças para entrar num território de caça ainda virgem, mas devem lidar com um chefe Blackfoot ressentido.
The Happy Years
Based on a collection of stories with the focus on young John Humperkink "Dink" Stover, a student at the Lawrenceville Prepatory School, in 1896, whose family, in Eastcester, New York, have just about given up on his education because he is an incorrigible student. He gets into one situation after another and incurs the dislike of his classmates, who think he is cowardly but he changes their opinion when he challenges several of them to a fight. When he returns home for the summer, he meets Miss Dolly Travers and increases his 'hatred of women' because she does not accept his schoolboy pranks. Back at school, in the fall, he is more difficult than ever until his philosophy is changed by a teacher.
The Next Voice You Hear...
The Next Voice You Hear... (1950) is a drama film in which a voice claiming to be that of God preempts all radio programs for days all over the world. It stars James Whitmore and Nancy Davis as Joe and Mary Smith, a typical American couple. It was based on a short story of the same name by George Sumner Albee.
Battleground, O Preço da Glória
Um esquadrão da divisão 101st Airborne fica encurralado na cidade sitiada de Bastogne durante a Batalha do Bulge. Nós acompanhamos um grupo de soldados norte-americanos, como eles lutam com os alemães, em um nevado e nebuloso inverno, perto Bastogne na II Guerra Mundial. Eles estão com pouco combustível, rações e munição. Os alemães estão constantemente incentivando a sua rendição via rádio e folhetos. E mais importante, o nevoeiro espesso e abrangente dificulta a movimentação e identificação do inimigo e impede a ajuda pelo apoio aéreo aliado. Este filme centra-se muito mais sobre a psicologia e moral dos soldados do que em cenas de ação e heroísmo.
Céu Amarelo
Um bando de ladrões de banco em fuga para o deserto. Perto da morte por falta de água tropeçam em o que parece ser uma cidade fantasma, apenas para descobrir um velho mineiro e sua neta morando lá. Os ladrões descobrem que o velho está procurando ouro e resolvem fazer fortuna rápida roubando a dupla. Seu plano começa a dar errado quando o líder da gangue, Stretch, se apaixona pela neta, o que desencadeia um confronto entre a turma toda.
A Cortina de Ferro
The Iron Curtain is based on the actual 1945 case of Soviet cipher clerk Igor Gouzenko, (Dana Andrews), who, after careful training, was assigned to the U.S.S.R. Embassy in Ottawa, Canada in the midst of World War II. Eventually, Gouzenko defected with 109 pages of material implicating several high level Canadian officials, outlined the steps taken to secure information about the the details of the nuclear bomb via numerous sleeper cells established throughout North America. The scandal that resulted when details of this case were publicized by American columnist Drew Pearson in early 1946 involved Canada, Britain and the United States.
Cidade Encantada
Rip Smith's opinion-poll business is a failure...until he discovers that the small town of Grandview is statistically identical to the entire country. He and his assistants go there to run polls cheaply and easily, in total secrecy (it would be fatal to let the townsfolk get self-conscious). And of course, civic crusader Mary Peterman must be kept from changing things too much. But romantic involvement with Mary complicates life for Rip; then suddenly everything changes.
Cidade Encantada
Rip Smith's opinion-poll business is a failure...until he discovers that the small town of Grandview is statistically identical to the entire country. He and his assistants go there to run polls cheaply and easily, in total secrecy (it would be fatal to let the townsfolk get self-conscious). And of course, civic crusader Mary Peterman must be kept from changing things too much. But romantic involvement with Mary complicates life for Rip; then suddenly everything changes.
Gallant Journey
Director William A. Wellman adds another to his long line of salutes-to-aviation films in this bio of an aviation pioneer, John Montgomery (Glenn Ford.) In 1883 he built a practical glider despite the opposition of his friends, who thought he was crazy, and of his family, who were afraid that his dreams of flying would hurt his father's political ambitions. He pursues his education at Santa Clara University where the Jesuits lend a helping and understanding hand. An earthquake destroys what appears to be a working model for an airplane, but a gold-sorting machine Montgomery invented, and then neglected, promises to provide for his financial needs to keep working on his aircraft until he gets involved in costly lawsuits defending his invention.
Gallant Journey
Director William A. Wellman adds another to his long line of salutes-to-aviation films in this bio of an aviation pioneer, John Montgomery (Glenn Ford.) In 1883 he built a practical glider despite the opposition of his friends, who thought he was crazy, and of his family, who were afraid that his dreams of flying would hurt his father's political ambitions. He pursues his education at Santa Clara University where the Jesuits lend a helping and understanding hand. An earthquake destroys what appears to be a working model for an airplane, but a gold-sorting machine Montgomery invented, and then neglected, promises to provide for his financial needs to keep working on his aircraft until he gets involved in costly lawsuits defending his invention.
Story of G.I. Joe
War correspondent Ernie Pyle joins Company C, 18th Infantry as this American army unit fights its way across North Africa in World War II. He comes to know the soldiers and finds much human interest material for his readers back in the States.
This Man's Navy
During World War II, Chief Aviation Pilot Ned Trumpet is in charge of an airship at Lakehurst, New Jersey naval base. Trumpet orders an unauthorized and premature attack on a German submarine but the bomb misses and the submarine fires back, hitting the airship. Trumpet takes over the controls and sinks the submarine, The pilot faces a court-martial for disobeying orders but the older man takes the blame for his actions. Weaver transfers to the Ferry Command, and while on assignment in Burma, his aircraft crashes in Japanese territory. Trumpet rushes to the scene with a rescue team. Both are successfully brought out and are decorated for their heroism. Afterward, Weaver indicates that he will be returning to the lighter-than-air service in Lakehurst, to reunite with his "father".
Buffalo Bill
Em 1877 um homem cavalgava pelo oeste e, da noite para o dia, tornou-se célebre. Não descobriu um continente, nem venceu uma guerra. Não foi um grande general, estadista ou cientista, ainda assim após várias décadas as lendas sobre ele continuam tão vivas quanto em sua época. Seu nome era William Frederick Cody, mas para os jovens e velhos, ricos e pobres, reis e plebeus, era conhecido como Buffalo Bill. Ele começou a construir sua fama quando era batedor, por ter uma pontaria infalível e, ao defender uma diligência que fora atacada por índios bêbados, ter salvo Louisa Frederici , a filha de um senador. Cody não queria matar e ansiava pelo estabelecimento de uma co-existência pacífica entre os brancos e os índios. No entanto esta era uma tarefa difícil, pois um ambicioso empresário, Vandevere, só queria ter cada vez mais lucro, não se importando em tirar os índios das suas terras ou promover a matança indiscriminada de búfalos.
A Morte Dirige o Espetáculo
After one member of their group is murdered, the performers at a burlesque house must work together to find out who the killer is before they strike again.
Consciências Mortas
Dois vagabundos estão passando por uma cidade no oeste, quando chega a notícia de que um fazendeiro local foi assassinado e seu gado roubado. As pessoas da cidade se juntam aos vagabundos, formam uma patrulha para capturar os criminosos. Eles encontram três homens na posse do gado, e estão determinados a ver a justiça ser feita no local. Quando uma patrulha alcança três homens suspeitos de matar um fazendeiro local, alguns deles ficam fortemente divididos sobre se devem ou não linchar os homens.
Thunder Birds
On a secluded base in Arizona, veteran World War I pilot Steve Britt trains flyers to fight in World War II. One of his trainees, Englishman Peter Stackhouse, competes with Britt for the affections of Kay Saunders, the daughter of a local rancher. Despite their differences, Britt makes sure Sutton passes his training and becomes a combat pilot -- even though he loses Kay to the young man in the process.
Até Que a Morte nos Separe
In Hoyt City, a statue of founder Ethan Hoyt is dedicated, and 100 year old Hannah Sempler Hoyt (who lives in the last residence among skyscrapers) is at last persuaded to tell her story to a 'girl biographer'. Flashback: in 1848, teenage Hannah meets and flirts with pioneer Ethan; on a sudden impulse, they elope. We follow their struggle to found a city in the wilderness, hampered by the Gold Rush, star-crossed love, peril, and heartbreak. The star "ages" 80 years.
Até Que a Morte nos Separe
In Hoyt City, a statue of founder Ethan Hoyt is dedicated, and 100 year old Hannah Sempler Hoyt (who lives in the last residence among skyscrapers) is at last persuaded to tell her story to a 'girl biographer'. Flashback: in 1848, teenage Hannah meets and flirts with pioneer Ethan; on a sudden impulse, they elope. We follow their struggle to found a city in the wilderness, hampered by the Gold Rush, star-crossed love, peril, and heartbreak. The star "ages" 80 years.
Pernas Provocantes
A café in Chicago, 1942. On a rainy night, veteran reporter Homer Howard tells an increasing audience the story of Roxie Hart and the crime she was judged for in 1927.
A Cidade que Nunca Dorme
Comedy of a North Woods clam-digger who journeys to Detroit to earn money for outboard motor by working on auto assembly line.
The Light That Failed
A London artist struggles to complete one last painting before going blind.
The Light That Failed
A London artist struggles to complete one last painting before going blind.
Beau Geste
Michael "Beau" Geste deixa a Inglaterra depois de acontecimentos que o deixaram frustrado, e se junta a infame Legião Estrangeira Francesa. Lá, ele se reúne com seus dois irmãos no norte da África, onde enfrentam mais perigo com seu comandante sádico do que com os árabes rebeldes.
Beau Geste
Michael "Beau" Geste deixa a Inglaterra depois de acontecimentos que o deixaram frustrado, e se junta a infame Legião Estrangeira Francesa. Lá, ele se reúne com seus dois irmãos no norte da África, onde enfrentam mais perigo com seu comandante sádico do que com os árabes rebeldes.
Men with Wings
Reporter Nicholas Ranson is jubilant when, on 17 Dec 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright take their first airplane flight. Back home in Underwood, Maryland, however, his uncle Hiram F. Jenkins, owner and editor of the local newspaper, refuses to print the story. Nicholas quits and continues to work on his own airplane, with the devoted help of his little daughter Peggy. Peggy is actually the first in her family to fly when her friends, Patrick Falconer and Scott Barnes, induce her to get inside a large kite they have made, and run with it in a field until she is airborne. The kite is caught in a tree, however, and Peggy gets a black eye. Later, Nicholas dies when his experimental airplane crashes, leaving his wife and children alone. By Peggy's adulthood, planes are capable of flying at an altitude of 11,000 feet, and speeds of nearly 100 m.p.h. Peggy continues her father's obsession with flight by helping Scott and Pat to build a plane.
Men with Wings
Reporter Nicholas Ranson is jubilant when, on 17 Dec 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright take their first airplane flight. Back home in Underwood, Maryland, however, his uncle Hiram F. Jenkins, owner and editor of the local newspaper, refuses to print the story. Nicholas quits and continues to work on his own airplane, with the devoted help of his little daughter Peggy. Peggy is actually the first in her family to fly when her friends, Patrick Falconer and Scott Barnes, induce her to get inside a large kite they have made, and run with it in a field until she is airborne. The kite is caught in a tree, however, and Peggy gets a black eye. Later, Nicholas dies when his experimental airplane crashes, leaving his wife and children alone. By Peggy's adulthood, planes are capable of flying at an altitude of 11,000 feet, and speeds of nearly 100 m.p.h. Peggy continues her father's obsession with flight by helping Scott and Pat to build a plane.
Nada é Sagrado
Os jornais informam que Hazel Flagg (Carole Lombard) sofre de uma doença incurável. Wally Cook (Fredric March), um jornalista de Nova York passa a investigar o caso e acaba se apaixonando pela moça.
The Last Gangster
A crime boss goes searching for his ex-wife and son after a ten-year prison stint. His old gang has other plans though, and use the child to try and make him disclose the location of the loot he hid before going to the slammer.
Nasce Uma Estrela
Hollywood, anos 30. Esther Blodgett é mais uma das inúmeras garotas que sonham em virar estrela de cinema. O sonho torna-se realidade quando, trabalhando como garçonete numa festa, atrai a atenção do astro Norman Maine. Apaixonado, ele a transforma numa grande estrela. Porém, enquanto a amada conquista o sucesso, Norman se afunda no alcoolismo.
Nasce Uma Estrela
Hollywood, anos 30. Esther Blodgett é mais uma das inúmeras garotas que sonham em virar estrela de cinema. O sonho torna-se realidade quando, trabalhando como garçonete numa festa, atrai a atenção do astro Norman Maine. Apaixonado, ele a transforma numa grande estrela. Porém, enquanto a amada conquista o sucesso, Norman se afunda no alcoolismo.
A Fuga de Tarzan
Tarzan Escapes é um filme estadunidense de 1936, dirigido por Richard Thorpe, John Farrow, James C. McKay, George B. Seitz e William A. Wellman, inspirado na série literária Tarzan de Edgar Rice Burroughs. Foi o terceiro filme da série realizada pela MGM, com Johnny Weissmuller no papel do “Rei dos Macacos”.
Small Town Girl
Kay is a girl living in a small rural town whose life is just too dull and repetitious to bear. One night, she meets young, handsome, and rich Bob Dakin, who asks her for directions while drunk and then proceeds to take her out on a night on the town. Kay likes the stranger, and when the drunken Bob decides that they should get married, Kay hesitates little before consenting. The morning after the affair, Bob, once sober, regrets his mistake. His strict and upright parents, however, insist that the young couple pretend marriage for 6 months before divorcing, in order to avoid bad publicity. Bob resents Kay for standing in the way of him and his fiancée, Priscilla, but Kay still hopes that he'd have a change of heart.
Robin Hood of El Dorado
In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him.
Robin Hood of El Dorado
In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him.
Mares da China
Second Unit Director
Captain Alan Gaskell sails the perilous waters between Hong Kong and Singapore with a secret cargo: a fortune in British gold. That's not the only risky cargo he carries; both his fiery mistress and his refined fiancee are aboard!
O Grito da Selva
Jack Thornton has trouble winning enough at cards for the stake he needs to get to the Alaska gold fields. His luck changes when he pays $250 for Buck, a sled dog that is part wolf to keep him from being shot by an arrogant Englishman also headed for the Yukon. En route to the Yukon with Shorty Houlihan -- who spent time in jail for opening someone else's letter with a map of where gold is to be found -- Jack rescues a woman whose husband was the addressee of that letter. Buck helps Jack win a $1,000 bet to get the supplies he needs. And when Jack and Claire Blake pet Buck one night, fingers touch.
The President Vanishes
The President Vanishes, released in the United Kingdom as Strange Conspiracy, is a 1934 American political drama film directed by William A. Wellman and produced by Walter Wanger. Starring Edward Arnold and Arthur Byron, the film is an adaptation of Rex Stout's political novel of the same name.
Bandoleiro do Amor
A young lady named Hilda who works as a servant for the wealthy Clarksons, sheep farmers, and dreams of being a great singer. An upcoming visit by Sir Julian, a famous composer arriving from London, drives jealous Mrs. Clarkson (an interfering biddy who fancies she can sing - but can't) to send away Hilda, so he doesn't hear Hilda has a good voice. Meanwhile, an infamous outlaw named Stingaree has just arrived in town and kidnaps Sir Julian, then poses as him at the Clarksons, where he meets Hilda a few hours before she is to leave.
Looking for Trouble
Joe and Casey trouble-shoot for the phone company. They try to prove that Joes's girl Ethel's boss Dan is a crook but are trapped by criminals and left in a burning building.
College Coach
Ruthless Coach Gore creates turmoil at a college by hiring players and alienating students. Along the way, the coach loses his wife Claire Gore to a grandstanding player. Inside look at college football of the 1930s replete with fake grades, non-student players, and the importance of football to a college's reputation.
Tu És Mulher
Assistant Director
Alison Drake, the tough-minded executive of an automobile factory, succeeds in the man's world of business until she meets an independent design engineer.
Wild Boys of the Road
At the height of the Great Depression, Tommy's mother has been out of work for months when Eddie's father loses his job. Eager not to burden their parents, the two high school Sophomores decide to hop the freight trains and look for work.
O Passado de uma Mulher
A young woman is on trial for murder. In flashback, we learn of her struggles to overcome poverty as a teenager -- a mistaken arrest and prison term for shoplifting and lack of employment lead to involvement with gangsters. In a brothel, she meets a young lawyer, scion of a wealthy and prestigious family, who falls for her and helps her turn around her life. But her past catches up with her, and she must face the music rather than cause him scandal.
Fome Por Glória
Tom Holmes is someone guided by honesty and moral rectitude, a heroic veteran of the World War I marked by the unbearable suffering caused by his battle wounds, a traumatized but courageous man who will experience, in the years to come, the pain of misfortune but also the happiness of success and hope and love for other human beings.
Lilly Turner
One woman faces many trials on the road to romance after unwittingly marrying a bigamist, then a carnival's barker and then falling for a young engineer.
Central Airport
Aviator Jim Blaine and his brother Neil are rivals not only as daredevil flyers, but also for the love of parachutist Jill Collins.
Frisco Jenny
Frisco Jenny was orphaned by the 1906 earthquake and fire and has become the madame of prosperous bawdy house. She puts her son up for adoption and he rises to prominence as district attorney dedicated to closing down such houses. When her underling Dutton proposes killing the DA, she kills the underling and must face execution.
The Conquerors
A newlywed couple journeys west to make their fortune, and begins a banking empire.
O Preço da Compra
Nightclub singer Joan Gordon runs away from her gangster boyfriend to become a mail-order bride to a struggling North Dakota farmer. Their relationship has a rocky start, but just as Joan realizes she's developing feelings for her husband, her old boyfriend arrives to win her back.
Love Is a Racket
A gossip columnist helps a Broadway ingenue who's beholden to a penthouse gangster.
No Palco da Vida
A farmer's widow takes on the land and her late husband's tempestuous son.
Vingança de Buda
When he's forced to kill his best friend, a Chinese hit man adopts the man's daughter.
Safe in Hell
To avoid the rigors of the law, Gilda flees New Orleans and hides on a Caribbean island where the worst criminals can ask for asylum. Besieged by the scum of the earth, Gilda will soon find out that she has found refuge in hell.
O Preço do Dever
Company Workman (uncredited)
A tough District Attorney goes after a murderous crime gang, only to find that his witnesses, an innocent family, have clammed up in fear of reprisals.
O Preço do Dever
A tough District Attorney goes after a murderous crime gang, only to find that his witnesses, an innocent family, have clammed up in fear of reprisals.
Triunfos de Mulher
Lora Hart manages to land a job in a hospital as a trainee nurse. Upon completion of her training she goes to work as a night nurse for two small children who seem to be very sick, though something much more sinister is going on.
Screen Snapshots (Series 10, No. 8)
Pola Negri, Bebe Daniels, Mitzi Green, Polly Moran, Mack Sennett and Marjorie Beebe are seen relaxing at Palm Springs, a California winter resort; Barbara Stanwyck and Ricardo Cortez play golf; other celebrities are shown in Malibu Beach.
Inimigo Público
Chicago, 1909. Dois garotos, Tom Powers e Matt Doyle, que são bem amigos, crescem numa área pobre da cidade. Eles frequentam salões de sinuca e fazem pequenos furtos, que são vendidos para o receptador de 3ª categoria Putty Nose. Em 1915 os dois amigos estão se tornado jovens homens, que de dia fazem entregas e à noite planejam roubos com Putty Nose, que lhes dá revólveres e dicas para o 1º grande golpe deles. Porém as coisas não saem como o planejado e, apesar de Tom e Matt conseguirem escapar, um cúmplice deles é morto e Putty Nose, que prometeu protegê-los, deixa a cidade. Em 1920 eles fazem amizade com Paddy Ryan, que lhes diz que a chegada da Lei Seca fará com que ganhem muito dinheiro vendendo bebida. Realmente em pouco tempo Tom e Matt ganham o bastante para frequentar os melhores lugares, usarem roupas finas e carros luxuosos, mas para manter este padrão de vida o preço é às vezes muito alto.
Mulher do Outro
The friendship of two working stiff railroad engineers is put to the test when one falls for the other’s wife.
Maybe It's Love
A very young Joan Bennett tops the cast as Nan Sheffield, the daughter of a college president. The nominal leading man is Tommy Nelson, the black-sheep son of a wealthy alumnus. Though Nelson is an ace football player, President Sheffield refuses to enroll the boy because of his bad reputation, whereupon Tommy's father withdraws his financial backing and bars his son from ever setting foot on Sheffield's campus. Falling in love with Nan, Tommy signs up with the college under an assumed name, giving up his wastrel ways to lead the football team to victory. Joe E. Brown steals the show as Speed Hanson, a goofy gridiron star who emits a loud and long yell whenever scoring a touchdown (this was, in fact, the first film in which Brown's famous "Yeeeeowww" was heard -- but certainly not the last).
Young Eagles
Lieut. Robert Banks, an American aviator on leave in Paris, meets Mary Gordon, a young American who lives abroad, but their romance is cut short by his return to the front. In an air battle, Robert brings down and captures the Grey Eagle, Baden, and takes him to American Intelligence in Paris. Mary, ostensibly a spy for the Germans, drugs Robert, who awakens to find that his uniform has been stolen by Baden. Later, in an exciting air conflict, Baden is wounded but shoots down Robert's plane. The German rescues him, however, and takes him to an Allied hospital, assuring him of Mary's love; his faith in her is restored when he learns that she is actually a spy for U. S. Intelligence.
Dangerous Paradise
Heyst, a hermit on his own tropical island, plays unwilling host to red-headed stowaway Alma. Danger looms...
Woman Trap
In Woman Trap, Hal Skelly is hard-bitten police sergeant Dan Malone, whose mission in life is to rid his community of gangsters. The revelation that Dan's own brother Ray (Chester Morris) is the secret head of all local criminal activities does not weaken Dan's resolve in the least. The barely relevant title is a reference to "heroine" Kitty Evans (Evelyn Brent), the wife of a minor gang functionary. Screenwriter Joseph L. Mankiewicz, presumably on a dare, makes a brief appearance as a crime reporter.
The Man I Love
Wellman’s first all-talkie, scripted by Herman Mankiewicz, with arrogant boxer Richard Arlen romancing Mary Brian, then falling for temptress Olga Baclanova (Freaks) on the eve of the big fight.
Chinatown Nights
Joan Fry, a society woman, falls in love with Chuck Riley, the white-leader of a powerful gang in Chinatown, and he quickly drags her down into the depths with him. But seeing her so much in love with him causes him to realize he isl in love with her, and he determines to lift her up again. "Boston" Charley, the rival gang-leader, has other plans.
Beggars of Life
After killing her treacherous step-father, a girl tries to escape the country with a young vagabond. She dresses as a boy, they hop freight trains, quarrel with a group of hobos, and steal a car in their attempt to escape the police, and reach Canada.
Ladies of the Mob
A dead criminal's daughter falls in love with a small-time crook and tries to get him to reform before he winds up like her father.
Ladies of the Mob
A dead criminal's daughter falls in love with a small-time crook and tries to get him to reform before he winds up like her father.
The Legion of the Condemned
Finding his sweetheart, Christine, in the arms of a German officer, Price joins the French Air Legion. Christine is later revealed to be the spy whom Price has been ordered to drop behind enemy lines. They are reconciled, are captured by the Germans, and are rescued by his unit.
The Legion of the Condemned
Finding his sweetheart, Christine, in the arms of a German officer, Price joins the French Air Legion. Christine is later revealed to be the spy whom Price has been ordered to drop behind enemy lines. They are reconciled, are captured by the Germans, and are rescued by his unit.
Doughboy (uncredited)
Jack trabalha com seu carro esporte e sonha voar. Sua vizinha Mary está apaixonada por ele, mas ele não parece estar interessado nela. Jack está aos encantos de Sylvia, mas não tem chances com ela porque Sylvia só tem olhos para David. Quando a guerra começa a ecoar, Jack e David são treinados para serem pilotos. Sua rivalidade logo se transforma em amizade, ao longo que eles lutam contra os alemães no céu da França. Mary se alista no esquadrão feminino para tentar ficar mais próxima de Jack. Primeiro vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Filme da história.
Jack trabalha com seu carro esporte e sonha voar. Sua vizinha Mary está apaixonada por ele, mas ele não parece estar interessado nela. Jack está aos encantos de Sylvia, mas não tem chances com ela porque Sylvia só tem olhos para David. Quando a guerra começa a ecoar, Jack e David são treinados para serem pilotos. Sua rivalidade logo se transforma em amizade, ao longo que eles lutam contra os alemães no céu da França. Mary se alista no esquadrão feminino para tentar ficar mais próxima de Jack. Primeiro vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Filme da história.
You Never Know Women
On her way to the theater, Vera, star of a Russian vaudeville troupe, is rescued from a falling girder by Eugene Foster, a wealthy broker who persists in his efforts to win the girl. Foster engages the troupe to perform at his home, and Vera, stunned by a fall, awakens to find Foster pleading his love, while Norodin, her partner who loves her, sees them embrace. Norodin, who performs an underwater stunt, asks Vera not to be present for his act and causes her to believe him dead; heartbroken, Vera tells Foster of her mistake; and enraged, he attempts to seize her. The magician appears, pins Foster to the wall with knives, and advises him to leave before the last blade is thrown.
The Cat's Pajamas
O Cavaleiro Pirata
Peter, um rapaz do campo, está apaixonado por Mary, mas ela por sua vez está apaixonada por Harry. Peter descobre que Harry na verdade é um contrabandista e conta para Mary. Impressionada,ela logo se apaixona por ele.
1925 Studio Tour
A tour of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio in 1925 shows the people who make the movies there, and gives viewers a glimpse at how movies are made.
The Circus Cowboy
After a 2-year absence, Buck Saxon returns home to find his girl, Norma, married to the town's wealthiest citizen, Ezra Bagley, yet professing to love Buck. Unjustly accused of attempting to murder Bagley, he escapes and joins a circus, where he falls in love with Bird, a tightrope walker.
The Vagabond Trail
Searching for his wayward brother, saddle tramp Donnegan (Buck Jones) gets in trouble with a bully and is thrown off a freight train
Not a Drum Was Heard
Jack Mills comes to the aid of a friend, Bud Loupel (William Scott), who has robbed a bank to keep up his house payments.
Cupid's Fireman
McGee becomes a fireman over the protests of his mother, who doesn't want to see her son sacrifice his life the way his father did. When she dies, McGee adopts little Elizabeth Stevens, who takes care of him instead of vice versa. Along the way he meets Agnes Evans, a chorus girl, and falls in love.
Big Dan
Dan O'Hara, known as "Big Dan," returns from the war, and finding that his wife has left him, turns his home into a boys' camp and begins to train boxers. He meets Dora Allen, rescues her from an unwanted suitor, and gives her shelter in the camp. For a time, their relationship, which has become serious, is complicated by the intrusion of another suitor and by a woman who informs Dora that O'Hara is already married. The wife dies, however, and O'Hara wins Dora.
Second Hand Love
Andy Hanks is an itinerant fix-it man who comes to town with his horse and dog as his only pals. He falls in love with Angela Trent, a young woman with an air of mystery about her.
The Man Who Won
Bill is a gambler, whose friend Scipio goes in search of his wife Jessie. Jessie, fed up with her life of poverty, has run off with the wealthy and villainous James. She has left behind her two children on James' promise that she can send for them later. Scipio leaves the tots with Bill when he goes on his search..
British lieutenant
In the Canadian province of Acadia, young Evangeline is betrothed to Gabriel. But before their wedding can take place, the British imprison the men and send them into exile with their lands forfeit to the Crown Evangeline follows the exiled men in hopes of finding her beloved, but even after he and the other Acadians are released in Louisiana, she cannot find him, always arriving at some locale just after he has departed. But she dedicates her life to searching the continent for the man she loves.
The Knickerbocker Buckaroo
A lost film. Teddy Drake is a pleasure-seeking aristocrat who ends up expelled from his exclusive Fifth Avenue club for playing practical jokes and other rambunctious antics. He decides to reform his selfish ways and boards a train heading heading for the Southwest.