Aleksandr Plotnikov


Пираты Галактики Барракуда
A space pirate from the distant Barracuda galaxy, possessing amazing superpowers, comes to Earth. To escape the punishment of harsh cosmic law, the alien takes on the guise of a quiet schoolboy, Mitya, and begins searching for a repeater left on Earth in time immemorial to send a distress signal to his team. He accidentally saves the girl Christina, who is being bullied by her classmates, and finds himself in the same company with the young hooligan and bully Kolya. Now their common task is not only to escape from their alien snake-people pursuers, but also to defuse a bomb that could destroy the entire solar system! But in order to save the Earth, you first have to understand that only friendship and self-sacrifice can resolve problems on a galactic scale.
Я - богиня
O Capitão Soviético
O Capitão Fyodor Volkonogov, um respeitado agente da URSS, descobre que está sendo alvo de uma conspiração política e foge, sendo perseguido por seus ex-colegas. Vulnerável e sem esperança, Fyodor recebe uma mensagem do inferno: após a morte, ele será condenado a tormentos eternos. A única maneira de evitar isso é se arrepender e encontrar pelo menos uma pessoa que lhe conceda o perdão. Mas o tempo de Fyodor está se esgotando...
The Lesser Evil
The relationship between the spouses Vika and Max has been cold for a long time, Max is not ready to lose Vika, so he is looking for different ways to return the former intimacy to the relationship with Vika. Max is even ready to have a child, but, unfortunately, he is infertile.
I Will Live
Alla devoted most of her life to her ex-husbands, son and daughter. She works as a tutor while continuing to support her adult children and husbands. Relatives come to her for lunch every day, not at all interested in Alla herself. In one of these family dinners, choking on potatoes, Alla almost dies, but "relatives" do not even notice this.
In late nineteenth-century Yakutia, Habji and his wife Keremes have just buried their second child, and are preparing for a harsh winter of famine. Instead of giving them the help he promised, the local prince foists a Russian convict, Kostya, on the family, who the law decrees must live in the same house as them. They initially struggle to find a common language, and the convict soon decides that he will be the master of the house from now on.
Masked figures with machine guns march into the secondary school in Karatas, take the pupils hostage, and execute one of them. They make no demands. Silent terror is their modus operandi. Seeing as the army will take two days to arrive due to a snowstorm, maths teacher Tazshi decides to assemble his own assault team: his ex-wife, the gym teacher, the cowardly school principal, an alcoholic night watchman, the village idiot, and an incompetent chief of police.
Pharmacy of Happiness
In the future, all diseases have disappeared, and people don't need medicines. They come to the pharmacy for spiritual joys: a languid look, an anti-scandalous vaccine and vitamins against lies.
On their way home through an unknown city, Alexander and his father are attacked and seriously injured by some drunken juvenile delinquents. The father dies, and Alexander becomes a dangerous witness, which must be eliminated.
No Limite do Perigo
Quatro jovens de Moscou viajam para Altai para fazer rafting em um rio que corta a montanha. Isolados da civilização, frente a frente com a natureza, nossos heróis não são querem saber de relaxar, mas acabam forçados a lutar pela sobrevivência quando algo dá errado. Eles pedem a ajuda de um grupo que encontram no rio. O que eles não sabiam era que os colegas são criminosos e agora os jovens são reféns de criminosos.
Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone. The Movie
"Chernobyl: Exclusion zone. The finale" will put an end to the story of five teenagers who tried to prevent the world's most famous man-made disaster. They will have to return to where it all started – Chernobyl, in order to solve the mystery of the origin of the Exclusion Zone. The full-length film will provide answers to all riddles and intrigues, and its creators promise to maximize the dynamism of the action, the entertainment of action scenes and the quality of visual special effects.
Salt and Bread
The village tradition of ‘Salt and bread’ still works to these days. For long years villagers hadn’t forgotten the story of a man, who stole his father’s fortune and went abroad. No one knows his whereabouts, and what he is doing. His elder brother’s heart is full of revenge.
The Storm
The action unfolds in our days, in the small Volga town of Kalinov, where nothing has changed since the days of Alexander Ostrovsky’s classical play: if any rays of light do appear in the dark empire, then they are doomed to perish quietly in the general absurdity and ignorance, or shine brightly as a token of protest against lie and tyranny. The young, married girl Katerina Kabanova leads a happy life — at first sight. Only her mother-in-law Kabanikha constantly nags her and does not allow her to take things easy. Her weak-willed husband Tikhon loves his wife, but he always sides with his powerful mother. When Katerina unexpectedly falls in love with Boris, the young relative of the town’s mayor, she finds that he also has tender feelings for her…
The Death of the Tapeur
Tapeur, who introduced himself as a composer invites the young lady into the Movie Theatre of Baron Schmitt. Suddenly the seance turns into a tragedy — Baron presents to the audience a brand new miracle - the mechanical Pianola which replaced the Tapeur, and thus the young lady falls in love with the Baron.
Executive Producer
Sasha é uma professora de uma cidade pequena. Ele finge que um valentão comum na companhia de seus colegas não deve ser intimidado e ter a oportunidade de ver Lisa. Em casa Sasha é um ganancioso para o cara do conhecimento. Ele sonha em deixar sua pequena cidade, mas várias barreiras estão em seu caminho.
Buy Me
Katya, a young girl from a good family, a student of philology is awarded a grant to study archives in Paris but instead of heading to Paris she travels to the Arab Emirates to start international modeling career…
The Exhibition
Lena gets mixed up in an adventure of her girlfriend and agrees to participate in an exhibition. Unexpectedly she becomes a living statue: before hundreds of long- ing eyes, deprived of the possibility to move or speak – everything that remains is to meet herself and her inner enemies.
Roman is a born proofreader from a family of proofreaders, a real intellectual from St. Petersburg who comes to Narva-Jõesuu, a small Estonian spa town, to find inspiration, tranquility, and silence. He does proofreading of the encyclopedia of the Baltic Sea Fishes, compiled in the same location by Professor Polyanski, winner of the Nobel Prize. This work is very important for Roman. He would have accomplished his task, but once he swam too far in the sea. It was then that Helena came into his life, to change his ideas about the world forever.
Kicks: Defendendo o Que é Seu
Um adolescente de 15 anos e seus dois amigos percorrem toda área da baía em busca dos tênis roubados. Um conto moderno com muito humor e um lirismo surpreendente.
Sticky Notes
The story of an emotionally detached backup dancer named Athena, who must return home to Florida to help care for her estranged father, Jack, after he gets diagnosed with cancer. There she must contend with Jack’s irresponsible lifestyle while looking after six year old Honey Bunny who is only beginning to grasp the err in Jack’s ways.
Russia. The near future. The country’s authorities have passed a law about the rental of men for a certain period, after which they should be returned to the spouse... In order to keep her husband, Anna decides to try a trick, but the plan is spoiled by her husband, who is perfectly happy with the new law...
Nina is a successful family woman, but she has her “Achilles’ Heel”: her younger sister, the reckless Alla. Nobody understands why Nina looks after her all the time. One day Nina’s patience comes to an end, but she has to face a difficult choice...
Drawing Class For Adults
Two heroines: Lyuba (Love) and Vera (Faith); one is 26, the other 40 years old. They met at drawing classes. For Vera the meeting is accidental, for Lyuba it is necessary. The love for the same man begins their short friendship.
Brother Dejan
The last twelve months in the life of Dejan Stanić, a former general in the Balkan war. For ten years, he was forced to hide from justice, especially the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, on various undisclosed military bases. He finally found refuge with Slavko, an old man living in a small village in the mountains. Suffering from extreme isolation, Dejan will not only have to face a new environment and a new reality but won’t be able to escape his past.
New Russians
Six various novels united in a one movie.
Love for Rent
A young businessman tries to rent a family in order to impress his rich relative.
Модель счастливой жизни
The Hope Factory
Industrial city of Norilsk: factories, cold, chemical air. The only desire of young people living here is to leave, against all odds. A docu-style, emotionally-driven drama about a young girl desperately fighting for an escape which is so blurry, and for love which is so insecure.
Last Summer
A measured car journey through Italy of a young 30-year-old couple on the eve of the wedding explodes with the arrival of the groom's younger brother. Under the rubble of rock and roll, arranged by the brother at their own expense-will be their ideals, ideas about life, goals and love, as well as their relationship and upcoming marriage. After the last free summer, autumn will come, and each of the three will have to answer for their actions.
Intimate Parts
Residents of a big city, each of whom has their own sexual problems and desires, secret and, most often, shameful from the point of view of society, need to solve them. Each of the characters tries to solve their problems in their own way: someone sublimates them, someone turns to a psychotherapist for help, someone rushes into experiments... but sooner or later they all return to where they started, and they have to overcome themselves again and again to get at least a little, even a millimeter closer to their happiness.
A former research assistant Pasha is trying to invent defocusin at home. The substance that will render public persons' image to be out of focus in unwanted pictures. For about half a year Pasha has been testing the substance prototypes on his wife...
Четверг, 12-е
Executive Producer
Short Stories
A young writer brings a collection of short stories to a big Moscow publishing house. The manuscript stays at the office and mysteriously influences the lives of anyone who opens it and reads at least one page. There are four stories in the manuscript, and four readers whose lives are changed after reading them. The situations range from realistic to absurd to thrilling to create a rich portrait of life in contemporary Russia and showcase the thoughts, feelings and ambitions of people who live there.
Till Night Do Us Part
A genuine satiric comedy, based on real conversations - both amusing and sad - overheard by a journalist in one of the most expensive Moscow restaurants. Hilarious and revealing, this is a film about women who choose between affection and money, film producers that don't really know what they're filming, and weary businessmen who sometimes say screw it, down a shot and leave their mother-in-laws to pay the bill. But most of all, it's about true love that favors noisy kitchen floor over gilded fine-dining halls.
Your habitual life can end at any time if your habits are more important to you than your life.