Richard Pefferle

Nascimento : 1905-01-05, Sidney, Ohio, USA

Morte : 1969-03-07


O Espião do Chapéu Verde
Set Decoration
"Spy in the Green Hat, The (1966)" on the other hand, is both exciting AND funny. Especially the scene where Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn) hides from THRUSH agents under a young woman's (the incredibly cute Letícia Román) bed and is caught by the woman's grandmother (Penny Santon), who is forcing Solo to marry the young woman. He successfully escapes, but is hunted by a legion of stereotyped Italian gangsters. Now that's comedy.
Criminosos não Merecem Prêmio
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Por alguma razão, o prêmio Nobel de literatura deste ano foi concedido ao jovem escritor Andrew Craig, que parece estar mais interessado em mulheres e bebidas do que em escrever. Outro vencedor é o Dr. Max Stratman, famoso físico germano-americano que vem a Estocolmo com sua jovem e bela sobrinha Emily. O Departamento de Relações Exteriores dá a Craig uma assistente, a Srta. Andersson. Craig logo percebe que o Dr. Stratman está agindo de forma estranha. Na segunda vez em que eles se encontram, o Dr. Stratman nem sequer o reconhece. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Contramarcha Nupcial
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A newlywed couple on their honeymoon visit friends who are having marital problems of their own.
O Mundo Maravilhoso dos Irmãos Grimm
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The Grimm brothers Wilhelm and Jacob, known for their literary works in the nineteenth century, have their lives dramatized. Wilhelm fights to write something entertaining amongst the sea of dry, non-fiction books they write and he sets about collecting oral-tradition fairy tales to put into print. Their life story is countered with reenactments of three of their stories including "The Dancing Princess," "The Cobbler and the Elves" and "The Singing Bone."
Atlântida: O Continente Perdido
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"Atlântida: O Continente Perdido" retorna à lenda do continente desaparecido de Atlântida ao contar a história do jovem Demétrio, um pescador grego que resgata a bela Antilia de um afogamento em mar aberto. A princesa da Atlântida então convence ao já apaixonado rapaz a retornar com ela ao seu estranho e glorioso reino. Lar de maravilhas e encantamentos, Atlântida também é um povo cheio de desejo e maldade, de ambições da conquistas ilimitadas e isto acaba por levar a cidade a sofrer a vingança furiosa da própria Terra, desaparecendo em um colapso que a enterrou em um local até hoje desconhecido para o homem.
A Bela dos Bas-Fond
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Slick lawyer Thomas Farrell has made a career of defending mobsters in trials. It's not until he meets a lovely showgirl at a mob party that he realizes that there's more to life than winning trials. Farrell tries to quit the racket, but mob boss Rico Angelo threatens to hurt the showgirl if Farrell leaves him.
Les Girls
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Os ex-membros de uma trupe de dança estão na justiça por causa de memórias recentemente publicadas. Cada um insiste no seu próprio ponto de vista. Depois de escrever um livro revelador sobre seus dias na trupe de dança "Barry Nichols and Les Girls", Sybil Wren é processada por difamar sua colega dançarina Angele. Uma narrativa no estilo Rashômon apresenta a história de três pontos de vista, onde Sybil acusa Angele de ter um caso com Barry, enquanto Angele insiste que na verdade era Sybil quem estava tendo o caso. Finalmente, Barry mostra seu lado da história.
Ten Thousand Bedrooms
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In this musical-comedy, Dean Martin plays an American hotel mogul who becomes smitten with a young Italian woman (Anna Maria Alberghetti) when buying a hotel in Rome. To marry this gal, he has to get her three older sisters married off.
Alta Sociedade
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Os amigos da infância Tracy Lord (Grace Kelly) e C.K. Dexter-Haven (Bing Crosby) se casaram e se divorciaram muito rapidamente. Agora, Tracy está prestes a se casar de novo, desta vez com um esperto empresário alpinista social. Bing ainda a ama. A revista Spy chantageia a família da Grace ameaçando revelar as façanhas do pai playboy se não for permitida fazer a cobertura jornalística do casamento.
Meet Me in Las Vegas
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Chuck Rodwell is a gambling cowboy who discovers that he's lucky at the roulette wheel if he holds hands with dancer Marie. However, Marie doesn't like to hold hands with him, at least not in the beginning...
Decisão Amarga
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Quando seu filho Andy é sequestrado e mantido para o resgate, David Stannard liquida seus bens para atender a demanda de meio milhão de dólares. Uma observação casual por repórter de jornal Charlie Telfer faz com que ele mudasse de idéia. Apesar dos apelos de sua esposa Edith e irmão e a condenação resultante da imprensa e do público, Stannard vai em um programa de televisão em todo o país, mostra o dinheiro e avisa o seqüestrador que não um centavo será pago para o resgate; em vez disso, o dinheiro será usado para rastrear o sequestrador se Andy não é devolvido ileso. A polícia então encontrar camisa manchada de sangue do rapaz.
O Ladrão do Rei
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An ex-soldier turned highwayman uncovers a plot to take control of England from King Charles II.
O Tesouro de Barba Rubra
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John Mohune, um menino de dez anos, é deixado pela mãe moribunda aos cuidados do mulherengo Jeremy Fox, chefe de um bando de contrabandistas. Juntos, eles vivem várias aventuras na caça a um tesouro.
Easy to Love
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Two men vie for the heart of a Cypress Gardens swimming star.
Dá-me um Beijo
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Fred and Lilli are a divorced pair of actors who are brought together by Cole Porter who has written a musical version of The Taming of the Shrew. Of course, the couple seem to act a great deal like the characters they play. A fight on the opening night threatens the production, as well as two thugs who have the mistaken idea that Fred owes their boss money and insist on staying next to him all night.
Remains to Be Seen
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A singer and her apartment manager get mixed up in a creepy Park Avenue murder and find themselves facing danger at every turn.
O Prisioneiro de Zenda
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An Englishman vacationing in Ruritania is recruited to impersonate his cousin, the soon-to-be-crowned king after the monarch is drugged and kidnapped.
Ver, Gostar e Amar
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In squeaky-clean New York at the turn of the century, playboy Charlie Hill falls so much in love that he can walk on air. The object of his affections is beautiful Angela Bonfils, a mission house worker in the Bowery. He promises to reform his dissolute life, even trying to do an honest day's work.
Two Weeks with Love
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The Robinson family are spending two weeks of summer vacation at a resort in the Catskills. Older daughter Patti vies with her friend, Valeria, for the affections of Demi Armendez but Patti is at a disadvantage because her parents think she is too young for boys. But with Patti singing at an amateur show and a dance, her adventures in quest of Armendez ends happily.
Twice Blessed
Assistant Set Decoration
Stephanie and Terry are identical twins who have been raised separately since their parents divorced seven years earlier. Each envies the lifestyle of the other; and they decide, without telling Jeff or Mary, to switch families for a day or two. They soon find that it is harder to do what the other person is expected to do, and that looking alike is not enough. When they find that their charade may bring their parents back together, they agree to continue it. A major complication begins when Alice, Jeff's girlfriend and co-worker, finds out the real story.
Set Dressing Production Assistant
Hafiz, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle himself.
A Dupla Vida de Andy Hardy
Assistant Set Decoration
Andy (Mickey Rooney), ligado à faculdade, deixa escapar propostas de casamento para sua namorada Polly (Ann Rutherford) e sua amiga Sheila (Esther Williams).
Art Department Assistant
Reporter Homer Smith accidently draws Marcia Warren into his mission to stop Nazis from bombing Allied Conwoys with robot-planes.