Queta Carrasco


El vergonzoso
Softcore sex-farce about a guy with a really big lump in his underpants...and all the women who flock to him.
Bancazo en Los Mochis
El cabaretero y sus golfas
One night in the cabaret, a drug trafficker places drugs in a man's pocket without him noticing.
Vuelven los pistoleros famosos III
Agente 0013: Hermelinda linda II
Nana Chona
A sophisticated device falls into Hermelinda's hands and when the Soviets and Arabs try to retrieve it, an international witchcraft war breaks out.
El ratero de la vecindad 2
Roberto y su nueva familia estan pasando por dificultades economicas por lo que decide formar otra vez su vieja banda y comienzan a tratar de organizar algunos robos que resultan mal. La esposa de Roberto y su abuelita recurren al engaño disfrazandose de monjitas para poder vender galletas y rompope, sin embargo la abuelita hace de las suyas y se meten en problemas.
Hermelinda Linda
Nana Chole
Live action feature based on the Mexican comic about the exploits of a witch living in the outskirts of 'Bondojia', when a ruthless small time politician tries to steal their land in order to build a luxurious condo.
Cruz de olvido
Ambitious, insensitive mother blocks daughter's marriage by telling her fiance a lie about her.
Los humillados
Territorio sin ley
Mexican feature film
El vecindario 2
(AKA: Ratero 2 or Cada quien su madre.) Innocent man forced to hide from the police, ends up taking refuge in a brothel.
El ratero de la vecindad
Roberto es un ladrón que le hace creer a su hijo Pepito y a todos sus vecinos que es un honesto Mecánico. La güerita recién llegada a la vecindad es la muchacha de la que Roberto se ha enamorado. Pero Roberto tiene una doble vida, ya que también es Bobby "El elagante" jefe de una banda de ladrones, quienes siempre fallan en todos sus robos y juntos se ven envueltos en persecuciones graciosas y equivocaciones constantes. Una divertida comedia para toda la familia.
The Neighborhood
Mexican comedian Alfonso Zayas is just one of the many folks in town who are cheating on their spouses, imagining themselves quite clever and secretive, even while unbeknownst to them their spouses are cheating on them in turn! When one of the many women with whom Zayas has a child dies tragically, he attempts to integrate his daughter into one of his other families, calling her his goddaughter. But when his son falls in love with her, the many sexual escapades around town threaten to take a disturbing turn for the worse.
Mi nombre es Sergio, soy alcohólico
Nuestro Juramento
"Nuestro Juramento" is the life of the singer, Julio Jaramillo, presented episodically, having as background his childhood, youth, his first loves, the apotheosis of his career and his dramatic end. The musicalization of the film has the singles taken from the singer's original recordings.
Discotec fin de semana
A group of young adults find love in a discotheque.
Three episodes: 1) "A Christmas dinner" where the family members fantasize about being somewhere else. The fetishist father wants to put on feminine clothes. The son longs for another transvestite adventure. The daughter yearns to be a singer and destroy the saints of the church with her voice. The youngest son wants to stab everyone dead. 2) "Game of mirrors". Two young classmates kiss on a picnic, but the girl's brother accuses the couple of being immoral. Bizarre things develop. 3) "Tetrahedron". A very fat man faces his girlfriend's longing for love.
Prisión de mujeres
'Prisión de Mujeres' is a film by Fernando A. Rivero that narrates a harsh reality: the strength of women in a prison, how they lose their dignity and do not stop for anything.
Old Woman
La presidenta municipal
Queta, esposa de don Casimiro
La India Maria becomes the municipal president due to a ballot typo.
Descenso del pais de la noche
A young woman of wealthy class rejects the world that surrounds her and dies, but in her wake a shaman resuscitates her. She is dedicated to transgressing all the rules of her society. In the end a strange character offers him a flower and they both love each other.
Las adorables mujercitas
Tragam-me a Cabeça de Alfredo Garcia
Market Vendor (uncredited)
Alfredo Garcia engravida a filha de um latifundiário mexicano que, revoltado, oferece 1 milhão de dólares por sua cabeça. Um músico arruinado descobre que o procurado já está morto e corta a cabeça do defunto para receber a recompensa.
Faith, Hope and Charity
Madre de Filigonio (segment "Fe")
Three episodes. Faith: a woman is attacked. Hope: a fakir is crucified. Charity: a woman faces bureaucracy.
El vals sin fin
Josefina Burdoa
The Innocent
Mamá de niña
The innocence of a woman due to a mental deficit will become the worst nightmare for her loved ones, after the harsh reality of the outside world made her their victim.
El metiche
Clownish simpleton can't resist meddling in his neighbors' business. Pretty much a remake of El Reveltoso.
Los perturbados
(segment "La Obsesión")
El águila descalza
La Llorona, paciente Manicomio
Shmuck makes a superhero costume, rides his bike to crime scenes. He gets involved with something big involving US capitalists taking over local Mexican businesses.
Patsy My Love
Written by future Nobel-prize winner Gabriel García Márquez, this is the story of Patsy, a wealthy debutante with an acute sense of living and boundless curiosity. She falls in love with an older man (Julio Alemán) whom is married and mediocre, and thus learns the hard way about unhappiness, marring her rose colored world.
Un Quijote sin mancha
Doña Angustias
A lawyer trying to fix everyone's problems, instead causes problems, which always end up in funny situations.
The Revenge of Hurricane Ramírez
(as Enriqueta Carrasco)
Landru, a French businessman, arrives Mexico with the idea of ​​promoting their fighters, what nobody knows is that besides Landru promoter and fighter is a mad scientist who seeks to alter human genetics mixing it with the animal to make stronger and fiercer to their gladiators.
Los Asesinos
Mujer Asesinada
Starring Nick Adams in his final role, a lone cowboy rides into a small Western town that is besieged by a gang of hoodlums in search of treasure. The search leads to an all out war between the town bosses, a family of crooked ranchers and other unsavory characters. But when Shannon (Nick Adams) enters the picture, they may have met their match...
There are not Crosses in the Sea
Village girl
A mute fisherman helps another whose boat capsizes, he dies and leaves behind a girl whom he raises as his own daughter.
La muerte en bikini
The bodies of murdered young women are turning up on a beach.
Your Excellency
Invitada a recepción (uncredited)
Na Pepeslávia, um país poderoso do bloco oriental, a embaixada da pequena República dos Cocos está prestes a atingir uma importância decisiva, já que em uma próxima assembléia que todas as nações realizarão para discutir o futuro do mundo, o voto da pequena republica pode decidir o triunfo de um ou outro bloco. O ministro das Relações Exteriores López (Cantinflas) trabalha na embaixada, que todos conhecem como "Lopitos" e cuja posição é a última das autoridades, até um dia, por uma série de golpes sucessivos em seu país, a presidência chega à Padrinho de "Lopitos", que nomeia imediatamente seu afilhado embaixador na Pepeslávia.
Hired killer is contracted to do a hit... against his better judgement.
Dr. Satan
Dr. Satan, a mad scientist and sorceror, plans to take over the world. In order to do so, he wakes up three zombie slaves from the dead and attempts to make a deal with the devil. He sends his zombie servants to do harm to anyone who stands in his way. Will anyone be able to stop him?
La tierna infancia
Hermana Camila
Single mother sends her son to an orphanage because she feels she can't provide for him.
Fuera de la ley
Three outlaws get arrested, and the fourth tries several times to break them out of jail. Also, there are can-can girls.
Cantinflas, o Bom Pastor
Para o povo mexicano de San Jerónimo el Alto vem o Padre Sebastián, enviado para ajudar o idoso Padre Damián nas suas funções sacerdotais. O padre 'Sebas' colide com a oligarquia da cidade abrindo uma escola onde ele explica as encíclicas dos trabalhadores e também os ideais do trabalhador, e com a irmã do padre Damián, convencida de que só vem para ficar com o trabalho do seu irmão. A cidade começa a gostar do novo padre, criando muitas situações jocosas.
El tejedor de milagros
Pueblerina (uncredited)
Arnulfo is a man weaving baskets. Remedios has given birth in front of the house of a woman and her aid, but the village is spread the word that the child born as a child God and an atheist would think exploit to their advantage the "miracle ".
Los forajidos
Cowboy heroics. With masks on.
Juana Gallo
Ninon's assistant
Peasant woman leads a regiment during the final days of the Mexican Revolution. Also, romantic entanglements.
La mente y el crimen
The discovery of a human torso thrown into a waterway, leads the viewer to observe the work of modern criminology and the task of special agents to track and record the psychopath's mentality through the elucidation of techniques present in the reality of the police investigation.
Vecina de Macario (uncredited)
O pobre e faminto camponês Macario sente saudades de uma boa refeição. Então, no Dia de Finados, a esposa prepara um peru assado. Na hora do jantar, Macario recebe a vista de três espíritos: o Diabo, Deus e a Morte. Cada um quer dividir o peru com Macario, mas ele só oferece a comida a Morte. Como recompensa, a Morte dá a ele uma garrafa de água capaz de curar qualquer doença. Logo Macario está mais saudável do que qualquer um na cidade. Mas isso desperta a atenção da população e, mais que isso, causa medo a todos, levando Macario a uma verdadeira inquisição.