Miglen Mirtchev

Miglen Mirtchev


Miglen Mirtchev est un acteur français d'origine bulgare. Il a été formé au Conservatoire Supérieur d'Art Dramatique de Sofia et réside en France depuis 1984.


Miglen Mirtchev


Emil Cioran
Vanessa Springora tells how she found herself under the influence of a famous writer. In 1986, she was 13; him, almost 50. She explains how she was the victim of a triple predation: sexual, literary and psychic. But beyond her individual story, she also questions the excesses of an era, and the complacency of an environment blinded by talent and celebrity.
Le Horla
Damien and Nadia, 34, leave Paris with Chloé, their 8-year-old daughter, to settle in the provinces. Graphic designer for an events company, the first negotiated a full-time telework to follow his partner who has just been offered a position at the Rivière Research Institute where her friend and colleague Marion already works. The couple are expecting a child. But behind this new beginning hides a deaf threat that will soon implode the happiness of this seemingly perfect family.
The story of four lifelong friends who met in the 2000s when they were presidents of the BDE of the Nantes Institute of Business. At the time, they were the "Bioman": the kings of partying, excess and "transmutation". 20 years later, they have mellowed out and lead well-ordered lives. Except... Once a year, when they get together for the WEB: the Bioman Weekend. There, they "transmute" hard as they like to say. In short: they drink and sing in a pathetic way.
Babel Carpenters
A young Parisian priest, Gaston Froissart, decided to change the pastor's attire for the life of a monk in the Chartreuse monastery. Mysteriously, the diocese called him back, and he instantly returned to the duties of a parish priest in Paris. but a few years spent in the monastery completely changed him as a person. the surrounding world seems to oscillate between reality and mystical visions, testing the strength of his faith. these tests will help him to pass the main stage in his life – to reunite with the supreme being.
Le père
Cut off the world, Ferdinand lives in a small village with his family. Since the death of his mother, Ferdinand has been stuck in a total silence. On a midsummer day, he decides to end it all up.
Philip é um famoso escritor dos EUA que vive exilado em Londres. Sua amante vem regularmente vê-lo em seu escritório, um refúgio para os dois. Eles fazem amor, discutem, se reconciliam e conversam por horas sobre mulheres, sexo, antisemitismo, literatura, e de como permanecer fiel a si mesmo.
Os Tradutores
Confinados em um bunker de uma mansão luxuosa, sem nenhum contato com o exterior, nove tradutores foram contratados para trabalhar no esperado último livro de uma trilogia que é best-seller mundial. Quando as primeiras dez páginas do original aparecem na internet, e alguém chantageia o editor ameaçando divulgar o resto do material, o trabalho dos sonhos torna-se um pesadelo. O ladrão é um dos presentes e o editor está pronto para fazer qualquer coisa para desmascará-lo.
Fata Morgana
A short film about a young couple’s last morning together before the war in Donbass tears them apart
After two years in jail, Issa is about to get out when he meets Gaëtan, a young inmate who has not served his sentence yet.
Murder in Provins
Renan Thomas, stage director and actor is stabbed when he is playing in The Legend of Knights, a medieval spectacle in Provins.Karin Demarle and her son are witnesses of this intent of murder committed by a disguised person. By chance the help comes soon and the life of Renan is safe. Patrick Robin and his ex-wife Karine Demarle will be in charge of this case of criminal investigation.
Kursk - A Última Missão
Russian Captain Ivan Timoshenko
Baseado em fatos reais, o filme narra a explosão e o naufrágio do submarino russo Kursk no ano de 2000. Os tripulantes precisam sobreviver às águas geladas do Mar de Barents enquanto esperam por um resgate que pode não chegar por causa do descaso das autoridades.
Praça Pública
Castro (Jean-Pierre Bacri) é um ex-apresentador de TV que se reúne com velhos amigos, incluindo sua ex-esposa, em uma grande festa nos arredores de Paris. No decorrer da festa, torna-se óbvio que o sucesso mudou Castro, que costumava compartilhar as visões políticas idealistas de sua ex-esposa, mas agora tem uma perspectiva mais realista, senão cínica, da vida.
Na Moscou da década de 1990, Polina (Nastya Shevtzoda) desenvolve uma grande capacidade como bailarina desde os oito anos de idade. Ela entra para a escola do professor Bojinsky, que trabalha o seu tremendo potencial, e, com apenas 18 anos, ela realiza seu estimado sonho de entrar para o Bolshoi. Nessa época ela conhece Adrien (Niels Schneider), um charmoso francês que apresenta a ela não apenas o amor, mas também uma outra forma de dançar, mais contemporânea e expressiva.
Le tuteur de Gérald
Serge is a winner, he sells kitchen furniture like hot cakes. His son, Gérald, who has just lost his restaurant, applies for a job in his dad's firm. It's Gerald's wish but it's Serge's reality and you do not become a top salesman overnight.
Son of the Wolf
In a former army fort, young Johnny learns to train and command Iron, his first attack dog.
Mister S
What seems like an innocent wine tasting weekend turns into a bizarre, wicked, sensually overheated debauchery, culminating in a murderous grand finale evening and fateful morning after.
At 9:00, Laurent receives a worrying text message. 9:01, his mobile's stolen. 9:30, his son disappears. 10:00, his house burns down. 10:15, his wife leaves him. 10:30, his company goes bankrupt. 11:00, he's in custody. The day's got off to a bad start.
The Great Man
Sent to Afghanistan for 6 months, legionnaires Markov and Hamilton are caught in an ambush during an unauthorized expedition. Markov saves Hamilton, seriously wounded by rebel fire, but leaves the Legion without honors. Once back in Paris, Hamilton, convalescing, hopes to remain a legionnaire, while Markov, now a civilian and without working papers, tries to make ends meet with his son Khadji. Hamilton lends his identity to his Chechen friend, so that he can work legally. But one day, Markov disappears, leaving Hamiltion disorientated and Khadji alone in the world.
Paixões Unidas
Victor Schneider
Um grupo de jovens europeus decide reunir-se em torno de um projeto único: criar uma Federação Internacional de Futebol, que regule e promova a nível internacional a prática do futuro desporto-rei. Mais de 100 anos depois, esta instituição atravessou as maiores alterações e rupturas do século pela mão de dirigentes como Jules Rimet, João Havelange e Sepp Blatter.
I Made My Own Course Down the Passive Rivers
Flore, eighteen years old, joins Arthur to go to a party which does not exist. On their way, strange characters and hallucinations lead them into the night. Flore experiences mourning and her lost childhood to find herself at the heart of her desire.
O Centenário Que Saiu Pela Janela e Desapareceu
Vladimir Karpov
No dia de seu centésimo aniversário, um homem foge da casa de repouso. Certo de que nunca é tarde pra recomeçar, ele embarca em uma série de aventuras enquanto conta a história surreal de sua vida.
Quebra de Conduta
Um oficial do FBI se relaciona secretamente com uma agente, uma mulher americana que trabalha em um departamento do Banco da Rússia.
The Lobster's Cry
Le père
A Russian soldier returns from war service in Chechnya. Though greeted warmly by his family, he seems unable to adjust.
Blind Man
A police inspector must solve two grisly murders. The problem is that his only suspect is a blind man.
En chantier, monsieur Tanner !
Igor Zeltsev
Bank Error in Your Favour
Monsieur Denissovitch
After working with the bank for a long time, Julien decides to open a restaurant with his best friend. Unfortunately, when the bank refuses to grant him a loan, he comes up with a plan.
Um Conto de Natal
Maître Bakine - Henri's lawyer
Quando sua matriarca régia adoece, a problemática família Vuillard se reúne para uma hesitante reunião de Natal. Entre eles está o rebelde Henri e a nervosa Elizabeth. Juntos sob o mesmo teto pela primeira vez em muitos anos, seus ressentimentos e anseios intrincados e há muito negados emergem novamente.
The Maiden and the Wolves
Not long before World War I, in a French Alpine town near the Italian border, a pack of slaughtered wolves is delivered to local taxidermist Leon (Patrick Chesnais). A surviving black cub comes down from the mountains looking for his family, and is saved from discovery and certain death by Leon’s young daughter Angele, who releases him back into the wild. The Great War comes and goes, making local foundry owners the Garcins rich. Family patriarch Albert Garcin (Michel Galabru), who happens to be Angele’s godfather, has given a free lifetime’s lease of a shack in the hills to a gypsy woman (played in flashbacks by Elisa Tovati in which she’s seen, literally, having dances with wolves on stage). Her son Guiseppe (Stefano Accorsi), who appears to be slightly mentally handicapped, guards the wolves he’s befriended up there, especially the black pack leader he calls Carbone.
The Walking Man
The middle of the 1970s. A photographer encounters an emaciated and brooding man with a hawk-like face. The man is called Viktor Atemian and this film is his story. He's a man who tries his hand at writing, meets with success, then falls upon hard times and ends up in the street.
Le caricaturiste
As Gentille opens, Fontaine Leglou is walking down a Paris street, and stops to confront a man whom she suspects is following her. She tells him he looks normal, but she's sorry, she doesn't have time to have coffee with him. When he convincingly protests that he was not following her, she apologizes and asks him to have coffee. Fontaine would seem to have a relatively good life. She works as an anesthetist at a fancy mental hospital, and she's got a live-in Nobel Prize-winning arctic scientist boyfriend, Michel, who seems to love her. But there's clearly something nagging at her. She walks around in a perpetually distracted state, and frequently mistakes other peoples' identities and their intentions. When Michel proposes to her, she needs some time to digest it before she responds.
Shameless slimeball Eduard "Edik" Letov - clad in an everpresent Hawaiian shirt - puts the sting on alien travelers hoping to connect with their roots, by having local phonies pose as the visitors' long-lost relatives. Complications abound when Letov attempts to pass off an entire village under the guise of a community wiped out during the Second World War. The arrival of a group of trouble-causing misfits, among them mobster Barukh - who wishes to bury his mother's remains, only to discover that someone keeps exhuming them - and the lech Simon - a Canadian with an insatiable fetish for his sexy translator - turn Letov's latest scheme into a veritable cat's cradle.
Looking for Cheyenne
Cheyenne, a journalist, decides to leave Paris after being laid off and to settle down in the middle of nowhere, far from the society she hates. The trouble is that she leaves Sonia, her true love, behind. The latter, a teacher who loves her job, refuses to give up everything - including her comfort - to follow her. Sonia makes all the efforts in the world to forget Cheyenne, whether in the arms of Pierre, a charming anarchist, or in those of Béatrice, a gay woman who soon proves perverse and dangerous, only to realize that her heart belongs to Cheyenne and nobody else.
Reis e Rainha
Diretora de galeria de arte bem-sucedida passa por uma crise no casamento, não consegue se relacionar bem com o filho, tem o pai em estágio avançado de câncer e reencontra o ex-marido, que ainda ama, com sérios problemas mentais.
People - Jet set 2
John-John is the best party promoter in Ibiza. He's responsible for the wildest parties ever. A party fixed by John-John is bound to be a success, and everyone will queue to get on the guest list. The former party prince among the jet setters in Paris, Charles de Poulignac, is therefore in no doubt about where he should go in order to revenge his former clients. He flies to Ibiza, where he hopes to make an alliance with John-John, and put an end to life as persona non grata in Paris, and again take his place as the party prince of Paris. Written by HardHouseClubber
Lost Seamen
Subotica, le Hongrois
Based on a novel by Jean-Claude Izzo, this melancholic movie focuses on three sailors being the last remaining crew members on their ship which is aground in the harbor of Marseille. After the owner has sold the "Aldébaran", only the Lebanese captain Aziz, the Greek Diamantis and the Turk Nelim are stuck on the boat for a lack of prospects. Aziz doesn't want to return to his wife, Diamantis tries to find a girl he left at the age of 20 and Nelim, young and foolish, just wants to have fun...
Les migrations de Vladimir
Fleeing the mafia, Vladimir, a young romantic Russian in love with Rimbaud, ends up without money in Paris. After taking part in a game show, where presenter Victor Lalumière bows him, he is found by the Russian mafia who wants to kill him.
La dinde
December 1953. Rosa and Alfred, a young couple of Polish Jews, await the return of Rosa's brother from America. Alfred will take care of the turkey. The delivery man brings it still alive.
Thérapie russe
How will Charles manage to become a man again now that his wife has left him, that he can't even roll a simple joint and that even his cleaner thinks he's a jerk ? By inviting Leonid, a chimney-sweep with a Russian accent to join him? By letting him move in while he's still living in his appartment? By talking to him frankly and listening blindly to his suggestions? Russian therapy has its good points, even if its founding principles are rather strange...