Jason Carlin


Nosso Natal na Fazenda
Production Design
Um pai viúvo herda uma fazenda a poucos dias do Natal e planeja passar um tempinho no campo. Seus filhos, no entanto, criam um plano para ficar lá para sempre.
The Party's Just Beginning
Production Design
In a bleak Inverness midwinter, Luisaidh is careening off the rails after the suicide of her best friend. She medicates her misery with joyless sex, chips and a belief in the power of positive drinking. Surrounded by bittersweet memories, she struggles to find someone to talk to or some reason to make life worthwhile at the most stressful time of the year.
Um Toque de Felicidade
Production Design
Na véspera de Natal, Goose, um pequeno órfão, se encontra com Anthony, um homem enigmático com um poder muito especial. Agora Goose lhe pedirá ajuda para encontrar algo muito valioso, sem imaginar que esse estranho mudará sua vida para sempre.
Ways to Live Forever
Production Design
Sam loves facts. He wants to know about UFOs and horror movies and airships and ghosts and scientists, and how it feels to kiss a girl. And because he has leukemia he wants to know the facts about dying. Sam needs answers to the questions nobody will answer.
Production Design
Adaptation of the book by David Almond, set in 1960s Tyneside. Two 14-year-old boys team up against Mouldy, the town bully. Turning Crazy Mary s garden shed into a workshop, they discover that the sculptures they create come to life. Together they raise a golem, a creature fashioned from clay, capable of dispatching anyone, even Martin Mould. But when Mouldy winds up dead, the boys have to deal with the awful power they may have unleashed and the perils of getting what you wish for.
One for the Road
Production Design
One for the Road follows Jimmy, Paul, Richard and Mark who meet on a rehabilitation course for drink drivers. Jimmy is young, ambitious and desperate to sell his late father's business; Paul has been salesman of the year three times running, however, that was five years ago; Richard is a retired millionaire property developer and Mark is a taxi driver with a weakness for weed and philosophy.
Gypsy Woman
Art Direction