Jill Eden


Vale Light
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In the public housing commission estate of Pendle Vale, a single mum and her daughter do it tough, until one day a witch decides to change their fortune.
Killer Native
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A bitingly wicked take on first contact between British settlers and Aboriginal people – and zombies.
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When Chinese-Australian teenager Lawrence cheats at and fails his high-school exams, destroying his dreams of a medical degree, he's banished to the country for the summer. There, he meets wily old conman the Professor and his cynical daughter Sarah, and learns that even the sneakiest scam can't conjure up love. Is it a true story? That might be another of Leung's tricks.
A Proposta
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Após um intenso tiroteio entre policiais e uma gangue de foras-da-lei, Charlie Burns (Guy Pearce) e seu irmão Mike (Richard Wilson) são capturados pelo capitão Stanley (Ray Winstone). Juntamente com seu irmão Arthur (Danny Huston), o trio é procurado por ter cometido um crime brutal. Na tentativa de pôr fim a um sangrento ciclo de violência, Stanley faz a Charlie uma proposta aparentemente impossível de ser aceita.
Anacondas: Em Busca da Orquídea Maldita
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Um ambicioso grupo de cientistas embarca numa perigosa expedição na selva em busca de uma orquídea rara, uma lendária planta que guarda o segredo da vida eterna e da fortuna. Na esperança que a descoberta impulsione as suas carreiras, os exploradores abrem caminho rio acima, enfrentando perigos como insectos venenosos, crocodilos ferozes e caçadores de cabeças, sem contudo imaginar que lhes está reservada uma ameaça bem maior: um ninho de anacondas gigantes, vorazes carnívoras com mais de quinze metros de comprimento que não vacilam perante nada para defenderem o seu local de criação - precisamente onde se localiza a orquídea maldita.
Ned Kelly
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Ned Kelly (Heath Ledger) é um bandido que, ao lado de seus dois irmãos e de dois amigos, liderou durante anos uma gangue que aterrorizou a Austrália. De 1878 a 1880 a gangue de Kelly realizou assaltos, sequestros e assassinatos, sendo caracterizada pelo uniforme que usavam, capacetes de ferro e uma placa de aço protegendo o peito.
Brilliant Lies
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Susy Conner accuses former employer, Gary Fitzgerald, of harassment and unfair dismissal for failing to comply with his sexual demands. Relating the incident to conciliation lawyer, Marion Lee, Susy comments that the trauma experienced should entitle her to a compensation payment of $40,000.00.
Hotel Sorrento
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Meg, Pippa, and Hillary are sisters who grew up in Sorrento, a small seaside town in Australia. Meg, who has lived in England for 10 years has just written a criticially acclaimed novel which she claims is entirely fictional. The book causes a stir in Sorrento and in her family when it is supected that the book is not as fictional as she claims.
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A young woman investigates the death of her mother, who drowned when her daughter was still a baby. The question is: was it murder, suicide or merely an accident?
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A mild-mannered English conscientious objector moves to what he feels will be the relative calm of Australia after World War I, but gets caught in the middle of violent battles between the rising trade unions and fascist groups.
Death of a Soldier
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Based on a true story, James Coburn portrays a military lawyer assigned to defend a confessed psychotic killer. Set in the context of WWII and the uneasy US-Australian military alliance. The accused killer claims to have killed 3 women in order to possess their voices. Despite the defense lawyer's concerns that the killer is not fit to stand trial, the US military presses forward with the case and its desire to have the killer executed in order to strengthen the shaky alliance.
Jogos de Estrada
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Um caminhoneiro americano no Sul da Austrália começa a suspeitar que um homem que dirige uma caminhonete verde, mata jovens mulheres ao longo de sua rota, e passa a jogar um jogo de gato e rato para pegá-lo em flagrante.