Director of Photography
Ele corre. Ela persegue. Ainda assim, de alguma maneira, o amor e o riso encontram um caminho quando um piloto da categoria "World 600" (Elvis) conhece uma agente da Receita Federal (Nancy Sinatra) em O Bacana do Volante. Pela primeira vez desde que fez par com Ann-Margret em Viva Las Vegas, Presley tem como parceira uma cantora e dançarina de grande octanagem. Bill Bixby é o gerente que acaba forçando Elvis a, sem querer, dar um golpe de $145,000 na Receita Federal. O tanque de risadas e ainda abastecido pelo comediante veterano da TV Gale Gordon (The Lucy Show) e Carl Ballantine. A lista de canções supersônica inclui Let Yourself Go, Your Time Hasn’t Come Yet, Baby e Your Groovy Self.
Director of Photography
Hollywood drama loosely based on the life of film actress Jean Harlow, with Carroll Baker in the title role. One of two feature film biographies, both released in 1965 and both with the same title, about the '30s platinum blonde movie star.
Director of Photography
A woman lives in Acapulco with moochers and a husband who married her for her money.
Sylvia West (Carroll Baker) may not be who she says she is. Her fiancé, the very well-to-do Frederick Summers (Peter Lawford), hires an investigator named Alan Maklin (George Maharis) to do some digging, and what he finds out about her life prior to becoming a writer is quite shocking. Will the newfound knowledge ruin the marriage? Gordon Douglas (Young at Heart) directs this drama, which is based on E.V. Cunningham's book.
Director of Photography
TV star Jason Steel reluctantly becomes the sounding board for his best friends' bored wives, and must fend off their advances while managing his own fragile relationship.
Director of Photography
Mike Edwards (Elvis Presley) é um piloto que, lançando pesticidas em plantações, tenta guardar dinheiro para abrir com Danny Burke (Gary Lockwood), um amigo, sua própria companhia. Porém tudo se complica quando Danny perde o dinheiro deles no jogo e o monomotor que usam para trabalhar é apreendido para pagar dívidas. Eles então conseguem uma carona para Seattle, onde acontece uma Feira Mundial. Lá Mike e Danny esperam ganhar algum dinheiro. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Director of Photography
Three soldiers in Korea go through inner torment when they're ordered to execute an enemy soldier.
Director of Photography
A lawyer begins to win after his wife secretly becomes his bookie to save their money.
Director of Photography
A. J. Niles is the author of a series of 'Bachelor Books'. These books describe the romantic life of a bachelor in various cities of the world. But when he runs into trouble with the I.R.S. for back taxes, he needs to write another book fast, to pay them. His publisher decides a book about life in the American suburbs would be a hit and settles him into Paradise Village. One bachelor plus lonely housewives equals many angry husbands.
Director of Photography
A popular but naive country singer is elected governor of a southern state and, once in office, decides to dismantle the corrupt political machine that got him elected. Director Daniel Mann's 1961 political drama stars Susan Hayward, Dean Martin, Wilfred Hyde-White, Martin Balsam, Ralph Meeker, Connie Sawyer, William Walker, Ray Teal, Larry Gates and Kathryn Card.
Director of Photography
American-born Anna Vorontosov teaches school in a remote, primitive section of northern New Zealand. Her experimental teaching methods have won her the love and affection of her pupils and their parents and the admiration of the unhappily married school inspector, Abercrombie. Her personal life, however, is less secure; frightened of love and sexually inhibited, she has always been aloof with men. Eager to break down this barrier is Englishman Paul Lathrope, a somewhat irrational and immature fellow teacher who aspires to be a singer. Though Anna is attracted to him, she refuses to submit to his advances.
Director of Photography
O filme conta a história de Gloria Wandrous, uma charmosa prostituta de Nova York que carrega um passado perturbador. Ela se apaixona por um homem milionário e casado, mas tem dúvidas sobre se poderá dedicar-se a um único amor.
Director of Photography
A disillusioned writer explores the subterranean depths of San Francisco's North Beach district.
Director of Photography
Em uma noite tempestuosa no Canal da Mancha, John Sands (Charlton Heston), o capitão de um pequeno navio de salvamento, quase o choca com o cargueiro Mary Deare, que aparentemente estava abandonado. Sands sobe a bordo do Mary Deare, esperando achar alguma carga que seria, segundo leis internacionais, de quem pegar primeiro. Porém nada acha e, para sua surpresa, se depara com o 1º oficial Gideon Patch (Gary Cooper), que há 4 dias assumira o comando do navio em razão da morte do capitão Taggart. Em razão da tormenta Sands não voltou para seu navio, assim ele e Patch navegam até o Mary Deare encalhar. Em Londres eles não dizem que o navio encalhou, pois Patch suspeita que aconteceu algo errado e quer que o Mary Deare seja vistoriado por um órgão imparcial.
Director of Photography
Um jovem idealista venezuelano foge de sua terra natal para escapar de uma revolução. Na esperança de encontrar a paz, ele vai para as montanhas e as florestas da Amazônia. Lá ele encontra Rima, a Garota dos Pássaros, uma órfã vivendo uma vida natural. É tudo um romance admirável contando uma história de 'Busca, Amor e Violência'. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Director of Photography
Jimmy (Rex Harrison) e Sheila (Kay Kendall) formam o casal Broadbent, que está de volta à Inglaterra depois de ter passado um bom tempo na América. Mas eles terão dificuldades com a adaptação da filha Jane (Sandra Dee), totalmente acostumada com a rotina americana.
Director of Photography
Gaston Lachaille é o solteiro mais cobiçado de Paris, sendo rico, bonito, bem vestido e com vários criados ao seu dispor. Gigi é uma jovem irrequieta, que recebe aulas de sua tia Alicia para se tornar uma dama da aristocracia. Eles são amigos, até que Gaston começa a se sentir atraído por Gigi.
Director of Photography
Four sisters in New Zealand fall for four U.S. soldiers en route to the Pacific theater in WWII.
Director of Photography
Bitter over their divorce, a wealthy businessman (Bing Crosby in a rare non-singing, unsympathetic role) prevents his ex-wife from seeing their child. She then takes him to custody court, and a judge tries to determine what will be best for the child.
Director of Photography
The story of boxer Rocky Graziano's rise from juvenile delinquent to world champ.
Director of Photography
Three completely different stories are told through dance.
Director of Photography
Europa Central, 1910. Os dias de realeza da princesa Beatrice (Jessie Roce Landis) estão com os dias contados, a menos que sua única filha, a princesa Alexandra (Grace Kelly), cause uma boa impressão em um primo distante, Albert (Alec Guinness), um príncipe herdeiro que há 23 anos Beatrice não vê e que resolveu chegar repentinamente. Albert tem procurado uma noiva por toda a Europa. Ele está entediado em ter de rotineiramente namorar princesas e se mostra mais interessado no meio de ordenhar vacas, que existe na propriedade onde Alexandra mora, do que no jardim de rosas dela. Porém ele começa a sentir ciúmes de Nicholas Agi (Louis Jourdan), o tutor de Alexandra, pois sente claramente que ela está muito atraída por Nicholas e é correspondida.
Director of Photography
A roguish poet is given the run of the scheming Wazir's harem while pretending to help him usurp the young caliph.
Director of Photography
70 A.C. Micah (Edmund Purdom), o filho de Eli (Walter Hampden), fica tão obcecado por Samarra (Lana Turner), uma sacerdotisa pagã, que pega parte da fortuna de seu pai e vai atrás dela, que foi para Damasco. Apesar de desejar muito Samarra ele se recusa a fazer qualquer oferenda aos deuses que ela adora, pois Micah jurou ser fiel apenas para Jeová. Mas Samarra planeja seduzir Micah e fazê-lo abandonar sua fé.
Director of Photography
Interrupted Melody is the inspirational filmed biography of world-renowned Australian soprano Marjorie Lawrence. She’s a foremost Wagnerian, equal to the vocal and physical demands of the composer’s oeuvre. And she’s a beacon of triumph to anyone who fights back when personal tragedy strikes.
Director of Photography
Dois americanos em uma viagem de caça pela Escócia se perdem. Acabam chegando numa pequena aldeia, que não está no mapa, chamada Brigadoon, na qual as pessoas abrigam um segredo misterioso, e se comportam como se ainda estivessem vivendo duzentos anos no passado.
Director of Photography
An inexperienced female teacher is hired at a private elite school for boys where she raises a few eyebrows among the all-male faculty.
Director of Photography
Ambrose C. Park, left on a park bench as an infant with an impulsive need to find his parents, is an assistant to a diamond cutter. Shyster lawyer Remlick, in a strategy to get a fabulous uncut diamond through Ambrose, arranges for Emily Drummon, Duke Fargoh and Maggie Drummon to pose as Ambrose's long-lost parents and sister. The diamond, through many comic situations, is acquired and the gang is going to have Ambrose cut the diamond, and relieve him of the two stones and his parental illusions at the same time. But Maggie, who has no taste for the deception, tips Ambrose off and a wild chase ensues. At the end, Ambrose is very happy as he can now marry his "sister."
Director of Photography
Charles Wills (Van Johnson) é um escritor que volta a Paris para reencontrar a filha, criada pela cunhada, Marion Matine (Donna Reed). Lá ele relembra Helen Ellswirth (Elizabeth Taylor), o grande amor da sua vida, que ele conheceu em Paris quando a 2ª Guerra Mundial terminou na Europa. Charles recorda que trabalhava como jornalista no "Star and Stripes", tendo logo se apaixonado por Helen e em pouco tempo estavam casados. Porém ele recebia um pequeno salário, assim dedicou suas noites para escrever um romance, que foi rejeitado por vários editores. Quando ele tinha perdido todo o ânimo surge uma boa notícia: poços de petróleo no Texas, que lhe foram dados pelo sogro, James Ellswirth (Walter Pidgeon), quase como uma brincadeira, pois nada produziram e de repente se tornaram bem produtivos.
An elderly Catherine de Medici reflects back on how the prophecies of Nostradamus accurately predicted the fates of her husband, her three sons and herself.
Director of Photography
Nostradamus writes a letter to his young son, and his prophecies are compared to events of the French Revolution.
Director of Photography
Em Roma, (exatamente nos idos de março de 44 A.C., como tinha sido previsto) César (Louis Calhern) é assassinado, pois os senadores alegam que sua ambição o transformaria em um tirano. Mas Marco Antonio (Marlon Brando) consegue, em um inflamado discurso, reverter a situação e os conspiradores são obrigados a fugir. A partir de então dois exércitos são formados, um comandado por Marco Antonio e Otávio (Douglass Watson) e o outro por Cássio (John Gielgud) e Brutus (James Mason), sendo que este segundo exército é numericamente inferior, mas os conspiradores preferem cometer suicídio a serem capturados.
Director of Photography
Rick Belrow Livingston, in love with Broadway star Lisa, is sentenced to 30 days in jail for speeding through a small town. He persuades the judge's daughter Cindy to let him leave for one night, so that he can visit Lisa on her birthday. After that he goes on the town with Cindy and she falls in love with him. But Dr. Schemmer wants his son to become her husband.
Director of Photography
An Englishman vacationing in Ruritania is recruited to impersonate his cousin, the soon-to-be-crowned king after the monarch is drugged and kidnapped.
Camera Operator
A famous opera singer falls for his sergeant's sister at boot camp.
Director of Photography
A Montana lawyer gets distracted after moving to California with his wife and children.
Director of Photography
Eric Wainwright, a busy impresario, is besieged by hordes of wannabe concert stars, eager for their big break. One of them is Cynthia Potter, a talented pianist... but she can't get in to see him. When she learns that Wainwright is auditioning young musicians for a children's concert tour, Cynthia dons braces and bobby sox and passes herself off as a child prodigy.
Director of Photography
Mary Herries has a passion for art and fine furniture. Even though she is getting on in years, she enjoys being around these priceless articles. One day she meets a strange young painter named Elcott, who uses his painting skill to enter into her life. Little does she expect that his only interest in Mary is to covet everything she has.
Director of Photography
Traça vagamente a vida do tenor Enrico Caruso (1873-1921). Ele ama Musetta, em sua cidade natal, Nápoles, e depois Dorothy, filha de um dos patronos do Metropolitan Opera. Caruso é inaceitável para os pais de ambas as mulheres: para uma, porque canta; para Dorothy, porque ele é um camponês. Para os patrícios de Nova York, Caruso é baixo, peito largo, barulhento, emotivo, não refinado. Sua apreciação vem lentamente. O filme retrata o lamento de Caruso de que "o homem não tem voz, a voz tem o homem": ele não pode estar nos lugares que quer, porque deve estar em outro lugar cantando, inclusive no dia da morte de sua mãe. Ao longo do filme, Mario Lanza e estrelas do Met cantam, inclusive com o 'menino' Luciano Pavarotti.
Director of Photography
A bedridden and gravely ill man believes his wife and doctor are conspiring to kill him, and outlines his suspicions in a letter.
Director of Photography
Biography of celebrated American jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Director of Photography
The Second World War is over, and the Miniver family is trying to keep themselves together in post-War Britain, among continuing shortages and growing tensions within the family.
Director of Photography
A struggling young father-to-be gives in to temptation and impulsively steals an envelope of money from the office of a corrupt attorney. Instead of a few hundred dollars, it contains $30,000, and when he decides to return the money things go wrong and that is only the beginning of his troubles.
Director of Photography
Soames and Irene Forsyte have a marriage of convenience. Young Jolyon Forsyte is a black sheep who ran away with the maid after his wife's death. Teenager June Forsyte has found love with an artist, Phillip Bosinny. The interactions between the Forsytes and the people and society around them is the truss for this love story set in the rigid and strict times of the Victorian age.
Director of Photography
United States Federal agent Rigby travels to the Central American island Carlotta to investigate a stolen aircraft engines smuggling racket.
Director of Photography
Julia and William were married and soon separated by his snobbish family. They meet again many years later, when their daughter he has raised invites her mother to her wedding, with the disapproval of William's mother.
Director of Photography
Wealthy Polly Fulton marries a progressive scholar whose attitudes toward capitalism and acquired wealth puts their marriage in jeopardy.
Director of Photography
Tommy McCoy grew up poor and scrappy. As a young man he discovers that he can fight with his powerful right arm. He becomes successful at boxing, however he has an alcoholic father.
Director of Photography
A war widow falls in love with the man who informed her of her husband's death.
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
Director of Photography
Mary Rafferty comes from a poor family of steel mill workers in 19th Century Pittsburgh. Her family objects when she goes to work as a maid for the wealthy Scott family which controls the mill. Mary catches the attention of handsome scion Paul Scott, but their romance is complicated by Paul's engagement to someone else and a bitter strike among the mill workers.
Director of Photography
In this family saga, Mrs. Parkington recounts the story of her life, beginning as a hotel maid in frontier Nevada where she is swept off her feet by mine owner and financier Augustus Parkington. He moves them to New York, tries to remake her into a society woman, and establishes their home among the wealthiest of New York's high society. Family and social life is not always peaceful, however, and she guides us, in flashbacks, through the rises and falls of the Parkington family fortunes.
Director of Photography
Anos depois de sua tia ser assassinada em sua casa, uma jovem se muda de volta para casa com seu novo marido. No entanto, ele tem um segredo e fará qualquer coisa para protegê-lo mesmo que isso signifique enlouquecer sua esposa.
Director of Photography
Poor physics student Marie is studying at the Sorbonne in 1890s Paris. One of the few women studying in her field, Marie encounters skepticism concerning her abilities, but is eventually offered a research placement in Pierre Curie's lab. The scientists soon fall in love and embark on a shared quest to extract, from a particular type of rock, a new chemical element they have named radium. However, their research puts them on the brink of professional failure.
Director of Photography
Starstruck Indiana small-town girl Lily is pestering theatrical producer John Thornway for a role but he is reluctant.
An amnesiac World War I vet falls in love with a music hall star, only to suffer an accident which restores his original memories but erases his post-War life.
Director of Photography
A French diplomat who's recovered from amnesia is blackmailed over crimes he can't remember.
Director of Photography
Com o início da segunda guerra mundial, Vin, o filho mais velho, regressa da universidade e se apaixona por Carol Beldon, neta de Lady Beldon, uma aristocrata de Beldon Hall, uma mansão vizinha. Apesar de discordâncias iniciais, se casam. Com a iminente ameaça de ataques aéreos à Inglaterra, Vin decide fazer sua parte e se junta à Força Aérea Real como piloto. É enviado para uma base localizada perto da casa dos pais. Clem ajuda na Operação Dynamo com o barco a motor da família. Sozinha em casa, a Sra. Miniver encontra um piloto alemão ferido em seu jardim. Ela o alimenta, o desarma calmamente e avisa às autoridades locais.
Director of Photography
Tess e Sam trabalham no mesmo jornal e não gostam muito um do outro. Pelo menos na primeira vez, porque eles acabam se apaixonando e se casando. Mas Tess é uma mulher muito ativa e uma das feministas mais famosas do país; ela é ainda eleita como "A Mulher do Ano". Por estar ocupada o tempo todo, ela se esquece de como ser realmente uma mulher e Sam começa a se sentir negligenciado.
Director of Photography
A woman pretends to be her own twin sister to win back her straying husband.
Director of Photography
Na Londres do século XIX, o médico e pesquisador Harry Jekyll (Spencer Tracy) crê que bem e mal existam em todas as pessoas. Jekyll tem muita determinação para provar sua teoria, que é criticada por quase todos que conhece, inclusive Charles Emery (Donald Crisp), o pai de sua noiva Beatrix (Lana Turner). Após trabalhar incansavelmente em seu laboratório, Jekyll elabora uma fórmula. Não querendo colocar em risco a vida de ninguém, ele mesmo a bebe. Como resultado, seu lado demoníaco é revelado, que ele chama de Mr. Hyde. Mas o pior ainda estava por vir, pois inicialmente Jekyll acreditava poder controlar as aparições de Hyde e logo ele veria que estava completamente enganado.
Director of Photography
Discovery by Flo Ziegfeld changes a girl's life but not necessarily for the better, as three beautiful women find out when they join the spectacle on Broadway: Susan, the singer who must leave behind her ageing vaudevillian father; vulnerable Sheila, the working girl pursued both by a millionaire and by her loyal boyfriend from Flatbush; and the mysterious European beauty Sandra, whose concert violinist husband cannot endure the thought of their escaping from poverty by promenading her glamor in skimpy costumes.
Director of Photography
An American reporter smuggling news out of Soviet Moscow is blackmailed into helping a beautiful Communist leave the country.
Director of Photography
When a rich woman's ex-husband and a tabloid-type reporter turn up just before her planned remarriage, she begins to learn the truth about herself.
Director of Photography
Em Londres, durante os bombardeios da Primeira Guerra, o oficial Roy e a bailarina Myra se conhecem na ponte de Waterloo e logo se apaixonam. Porém, Roy precisa partir para o front de batalha. Myra promete esperá-lo. Meses depois, ela recebe a notícia da morte de Roy. Desiludida e sem recursos, Myra toma uma decisão drástica. Mas será que o seu grande amor realmente morreu?
Director of Photography
Johnny Brett e King Shaw vêm tentando fazer sucesso como uma dupla de dança em Nova York. O produtor Bob Casey quer um novo parceiro para a estrela da dança Clare Bennett, ele escolhe Johnny, mas Brett acha que o produtor é um cobrador e diz que ele é King Shaw, que deve dinheiro. Devido a essa confusão o homem errado ganha o papel principal em um show da Broadway.
Director of Photography
A Russian prince disguised as a worker and a cafe singer secretly involved in revolutionary activities fall in love.
Esta adaptação para a tela, roteirizada por Anita Loos e Jane Murfin e dirigida por George Cukor, foi um tremendo sucesso no seu lançamento. Estrelada por Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford e Rosalind Russell. O filme deu continuidade à tradição das peças só com personagens de mulheres tagarelas. Dos glamorosos apartamentos da alta sociedade de Manhattan, até Reno onde todos se divorciam, o filme mostra um enfoque ácido de suas vidas e dos esforços dos maridos para fazerem suas esposas ricas e poderosas. Durante toda o filme não aparece um único homem se quer, embora sejam muito citados, e o tema central seja os relacionamentos das mulheres com eles.
Director of Photography
Young Pud is orphaned and left in the care of his aged grandparents. The boy and his grandfather are inseparable. Gramps is concerned for Pud's future and wary of a scheming relative who seeks custody of the child. One day Mr. Brink, an agent of Death, arrives to take Gramps "to the land where the woodbine twineth." Through a bit of trickery, Gramps confines Mr. Brink, and thus Death, to the branches of a large apple tree, giving Gramps extra time to resolve issues about Pud's future.
A newspaper editor turns a kidnapping into the banner headlines and exclusive story that could save his publication.
Director of Photography
Mary and Larry are are a modestly successful skating team. Shortly after their marriage, Mary gets a picture contract, while Larry is sitting at home, out of work.
Director of Photography
Composer Johann Strauss risks his marriage over his infatuation with a beautiful singer.
Director of Photography
During WWI Bill Pettigrew, a naive young Texan soldier is sent to New York for basic training. He meets worldly wise actress Daisy Heath when her car nearly runs him over.
Director of Photography
Alemanha, após a primeira grande guerra. A história de três amigos, ex-combatentes, envolvidos na reconstrução do país e pela afeição de uma frágil garota que os acompanha.
Director of Photography
David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job
A starving, uncompromising artist and an heiress fall in love on first sight and immediately get married. She loves his outrageous behaviour, his strange room-mate and the best apartment poverty can buy.
Still Photographer
A bohemian free spirit helps meek Waldo win back his fiancée and falls in love with her over-controlling sister in the process.
Director of Photography
Anna and Joe are newly married, playful and deeply in love. Joe is scraping by as cab driver in New York City during a period of corruption, mob control and violence between cab companies.
Director of Photography
Em seu papel preferido, Groucho é o Doutor Hugo Z. Hackenbush - Dr., PhD, ABC, BBB, Zyb e mais um montão de siglas. Chico, Harpo e Margaret Dumont também participam desta comédia que é um verdadeiro coice no mau-humor. Divirta-se com um sorvete especial, o exame médico de Dumont, Harpo como uma bela garota e muito mais, à moda dos irmãos Marx.
Director of Photography
A temperamental film star's vacation turns deadly when he uncovers a murder.
Director of Photography
Jim's father wants to marry Eugenia, but her sister Netta refuses to allow it. When Jim sees Ann at a club, he falls for her even though she is with Lord Priory. He meets her the next day at the riding path, but she quickly loses him. He searches all over for her, not knowing that his father's hopeful fiancée is her Aunt. As his caricature work suffers as he searches, he is fired from his paper. But he makes a comeback with the comics 'Rags to Riches' which is based upon the Pett's. But this upsets the Pett's so much that they go back to New York, and he follows, being careful not to let them know that he is the one who draws the strip that parodies them.
Director of Photography
Quando um injustamente acusado prisioneiro mal sobrevive a um ataque de uma turba de linchadores e é dado como morto, ele vingativamente decide responsabilizar a multidão pelo seu assassinato. Joe Wilson e Katherine Grant estão namorando, mas ele não tem dinheiro suficiente para se casar. Então Katherine viaja pelo país para ganhar dinheiro. Mas as coisas dão desastrosamente errado para Joe quando ele para em uma pequena cidade e é confundido com um assassino procurado. Ao longo do filme, Fritz Lang nos mostra como um homem decente e civilizado pode tornar-se um homem cruel e amargo.
Director of Photography
In a town called New Jerusalem, three bandits hold up a bank. After a gun battle with the townspeople, the three robbers retreat into the scorching Arizona desert. There, they happen upon an ill woman stranded with her child. As the mother dies, she begs the men to take care of her infant. The fugitives want to save the baby -- but to do so, they'll have to travel back to New Jerusalem, where they are wanted men.
Director of Photography
A bored small-town teacher gets mixed up with an escaped bank robber.
Director of Photography
A G-man woos a newswoman and corners bank robbers with a hostage in a factory.
Director of Photography
A recently released prisoner lives alone in his cabin so that his bad temper won't get him back in any more trouble, but his peaceful existence is disrupted when a mysterious woman arrives.
Director of Photography
In this all-black short musical comedy, a woman has a husband so lazy she can stick a pin in him without him waking up... but announcing lunch gets him up pretty fast. She's also saddled with a bevy of his lazy relatives. Four more come by and sing as a quartet. After the wife learns they had been traveling men, she advises them to keep traveling and kicks them out...
Director of Photography
A young couple's marriage is jeopardized by the husband's descent into alcoholism.
Camera Operator
During the Florida land boom, the Marx Brothers run a hotel, auction off some land and thwart a jewel robbery.
Mark Sabre hires young Effie Bright to keep his snobbish, cold-hearted wife Mabel company while he goes off to war. When he returns home from the front wounded, he finds that Mabel has fired Effie, who shows up at Mark's door with her baby, having no place to go. Mark takes her in, but Mabel leaves him when the town shuns him for what they believe is going on with Mark and Effie. Matters are further complicated when Effie, driven to desperation, commits an unspeakable act that results in Mark having a nervous breakdown--and then things get worse.
Director of Photography
Silent romantic drama...
Director of Photography
Silent film comedy drama..
Director of Photography
The Hawaiian Princess Laone's love for Keith Parrish is thwarted by social pressure. After being persuaded to refuse Mr. Parrish's proposal she attempts suicide, but is rescued by her lover. After Parrish leaves town to take care of his father, Princess Laone is told he has abandoned her, and she departs for Hawaii on board the yacht of the dastardly wealthy playboy Stephen Brainard. Princess Laone is forced into having sex with Brainard by being threatened with gang rape by his crew.