Shrihari Sathe


Stay Awake
Set against the backdrop of the prescription drug and opioid crisis in the USA, Jamie Sisley depicts the individual consequences of a societal tragedy, while taking an unflinching yet gentle look at a complicated web of relationships.
No Land's Man
In 2019, a man named Naveen disappears from a memorial park in Sydney while traveling with his girlfriend Cathy. Having arrived in New York two years ago, Naveen finds a job at a restaurant and meets Cathy there. As their relationship deepens, Naveen′s lies become bolder. The man known as Naveen, or Sameer, cannot tell the truth about anything, including his name, nationality, religion, family, and past.
Slow Machine
Stephanie, a restless and vibrant actress, meets Gerard, an NYPD counter-terrorism specialist who’s an aficionado of experimental theater (and maybe out of his mind). Flirtation ensues, ends disastrously, and forces Stephanie to the ramshackle home of musician Eleanor Friedberger, a supposed escape infected by violent memories of her past life.
A no-nonsense police report becomes a harrowing, flesh-and-blood encounter with domestic violence and toxic masculinity.
A Woman, a Part
An exhausted, workaholic actress, Anna Baskin, 44, abruptly extricates herself from a successful but mind-numbing TV role, returning to her past life in New York to reinvent herself.
Nota de Mil Rúpias
Uma senhora carente recebe dinheiro de um político em campanha eleitoral e sua vida acaba mudando de maneiras que ela nunca imaginara.
Nas montanhas do Paquistão, uma mãe e sua filha de dez anos de idade fogem de casa na véspera do casamento da garota com um líder tribal, desencadeando uma violenta caçada à sua procura.
Parece Amor
Durante um verão na periferia do Brooklyn, uma garota solitária de catorze anos dedica sua atenção a um capanga mais velho que ela encontra na praia. Ela inventa uma história sobre ele e acaba obcecada para transformá-la em realidade.
Off Season
A man and his dog traverse a cold, barren climate and discover some disturbing things along the way.
The Other Way
Associate Producer
Hank, played by Joe Hawley, tries to drown himself after learning that he has a child with his ex-girlfriend, but instead, time starts to move backwards.