Sem sorte e sobrecarregada de dívidas, Emily se envolve em um golpe de cartão de crédito que a leva para o submundo do crime de Los Angeles, levando a consequências mortais.
AAA Appliance Owner
Um policial começa a ter problemas em sua investigação devido a seu passado obscuro e sua tendência por quebrar as regras.
Ahmed Chalabi
Jornalistas fazem a cobertura do plano de invasão ao Iraque realizado em 2003. Sob a lideração do então presidente dos Estados Unidos, George Bush, a missão tinha como objetivo desarmar o Iraque de todo arsenal que os americanos e aliados considerassem uma ameaça para a paz global.
Após sua filha ser sequestrada, o ex-militar e herói de guerra Dane Hunte decide ir atrás dos criminosos por conta própria. No entanto, a implacável detetive Fini comanda a investigação e tenta chegar a fundo no caso.
Vazgen "Vaz", a Mobster turned businessman, is pulled back into his past life, when his eldest son is accused of killing a Russian gangster. Now he must find a way to save his family and all that he's built.
Vazgen "Vaz", a Mobster turned businessman, is pulled back into his past life, when his eldest son is accused of killing a Russian gangster. Now he must find a way to save his family and all that he's built.
Vazgen "Vaz", a Mobster turned businessman, is pulled back into his past life, when his eldest son is accused of killing a Russian gangster. Now he must find a way to save his family and all that he's built.
By the time Tony found out that his illegal card room was $10,000 short, Kent would be long gone. He had pulled this kind of caper a hundred times. Kent didn't need a partner, but he couldn't resist sharing the experience with Kim, the diner waitress who could make his operation a whole lot easier. So why did Kent find himself holed up in a retirement home with a wounded woman, a man gunning for him and a group of senior citizens asking him to fix their AC? Would Kent let his greed do him in? Or would he find redemption?