Daniel Desaloms


Paco Urondo, la palabra justa
The life of Francisco "Paco" Urondo, writer, poet, journalist and political activist.
Paco Urondo, la palabra justa
The life of Francisco "Paco" Urondo, writer, poet, journalist and political activist.
Bloqueo, la guerra contra Cuba
This documentary consists of interviews with various Cuban functionaries, scientists and artists, plus a few minutes of newsreel footage. The interviews are brisk and to the point and they add up to a coherent whole. There is perhaps not much new material, but the labyrinthine details of the embargo, still in place, deserve exposure. The US though the blockade would turn the people of Cuba against its own government. A bully's reasoning; it was of course wrong. Undeterred, and unable to learn, the US has since insisted again and again, the last two instances Iran and now Russia.