Daniel Sträßer

Daniel Sträßer

Nascimento : 1987-01-01, Völklingen, Germany


Daniel Sträßer was born in 1987 in Völklingen, Saarland, Germany. He is an actor and writer, known for Der letzte Tanz (2014), La Palma (2020) and Subhuman (2016).


Daniel Sträßer
Daniel Sträßer


Mostly Minimalistic
The contrasts between Marlen (Corinna Harfouch) and Fynn (newcomer Daniel Sträßer) couldn't be any more extreme if they tried: Marlen's apartment is packed to the rafters with objects too valuable or important to throw away, while Fynn plans to go through life with only 100 things in his possession. The fact that they can't keep their hands off each other and end up falling in love holds true to the old adage that opposites really do attract...
A Pure Place
A tale of dirt, soap, and magic set in a cult on a remote Greek island.
Ein Schritt zu viel
Josch von Holst
Nicole Lehnert came to work at an escort service through her friend Inès. It finances her law degree. Over dinner she met the much older Friedrich Benning - rather by chance. Friedrich's colleague Lars Albers had booked the meal through the escort agency. Nicole likes the charming, successful banker who falls in love with her.. He rents her an apartment and buys her fancy clothes. Friedrich doesn't understand that it will soon be too much for Nicole. She can no longer concentrate on her law studies, does not pass her exams. When Nicole got to know the up-and-coming start-up entrepreneur Josch, who was the same age, her relationship with Friedrich cracked. The drama of mutual dependencies takes a tragic turn.
Um engenheiro químico de origem estrangeira se sente discriminado e intimidado no trabalho, e mergulha numa crise de identidade.
La Palma
Markus / Pablo
Sanne's and Markus' relationship is in crisis. They go on holiday together, but accidentally fly to the wrong island. There, in desperation, they break into an empty holiday home and embark on a role-play using new identities. At first, the game is an exciting rediscovery of their relationship, but it becomes increasingly destructive as they force themselves into archaic roles.
Charlotte Link: Die Betrogene
Denis Shove
The bestselling film by Charlotte Links "Die Betrogene" offers suspenseful thrill with a psychological depth: A London Scotland Yard official returns to her hometown to clarify the murder of her father, and finds out that he was not the superhuman hero for which she always held him. Leading actress Peri Baumeister and Dirk Borchardt in the role of the local police chief, who wants to keep his big city colleague in vain out of his work, form a contrasting investigator duo.
Der letzte Tanz - Making Of
Egon Schiele: Morte e a Donzela
Dom Osen
Jovem, talentoso, sedutor. Egon Schiele é um dos artistas mais provocativos de Viena no início do século XX. Sua vida e obra são impulsionados pelas mulheres que o cercam: Gerti, sua irmã e primeira musa. E Wally, seu grande amor de apenas 17 anos, imortalizada na famosa pintura “Morte e a Donzela”. Com seu estilo radical, Egon atrai artistas ousados como Gustav Klimt, mas causa um escândalo na sociedade local. Para defender sua arte, ele está disposto a sacrificar seu amor. E até sua vida.
Godehard van Keuken
Hilla grows up in the 60s, her father is a worker and her mother a charwoman. But she wants a different future for herself, wants to study. After a violent incident she needs a strong shoulder. Who of her life will do?
Dr. Zemek
A escritora e psicanalista Lou Andreas-Salomé decide reescrever suas memórias aos 72 anos. Ela relembra sua juventude em meio à comunidade alemã de São Petersburgo. Desde criança, sonhava em ser intelectual e estava determinada a nunca se casar ou ter filhos. Além de trabalhar com nomes famosos, ela escreve sobre os relacionamentos conturbados com Nietzsche e Freud, além da paixão por Rilke e conflitos entre autonomia e intimidade, junto com o desejo de viver sua liberdade.
Sozinhos em Berlim
Na Alemanha, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, na década de 1940, o casal de operários Otto (Brendan Gleeson) e Anna (Emma Thompson) recebem a notícia de que seu filho único foi morto em combate. Inconformados com o fato, eles decidem tomar providências contra os nazistas e resistir da sua forma, mas, logo eles caem na mira da Gestapo. No coração do terror a resistência é uma questão de honra. Baseado em fatos reais.
A Dangerous Fortune
Edward Pilaster
A shocking secret behind a young boy's death leads to three generations of treachery in the midst of the wealth and decadence of Victorian England.
The Jacket
A boy meets a girl. It could be love. But there is this jacket, too. And the jacket will change everything...
Schönefeld Boulevard
A tragic comedy about an 18-year old girl growing up near the new Berlin airport's construction site
The Last Dance
Karl Streiner
One morning police storms into the house, where Karl lives with his mother to arrest the young man. Whatever the charge is, it seems to be something nobody has the slightest understanding for. Months before: Karl is working in a hospital. He is fascinated by a strong willed old lady, A friendship develops with this patient becoming more and more romantic. One night the two of them get closer, closer than allowed.
Ben Glaser