Nicolas Cuche

Nascimento : 1962-08-23,


La vie, l'amour, tout de suite
Julie would have given up all her dreams if she had listened to the doctors, her parents and others: the disease was threatening to suffocate her lungs. But the sixteen year old did as she pleased, devouring life to the fullest. Madly in love with her first flirt of the same age, she falls pregnant with him and decides to keep the baby. She hides her pregnancy from her parents, from the doctors, and come what may. Julie has defied the adult world, armed with a conviction in the form of a lesson for all: it is because life can be short that it must be intense.
L'ami qui n'existe pas
Since his father's death, Martin, 11, has said hardly a word. His mother, Camille, is worried. Then, one day, Martin talks about his new friend Jeff who has made life worth living again. But after one night at Jeff's, Martin disappears. Then Camille learns that there's no pupil called Jeff.
L'ami qui n'existe pas
Since his father's death, Martin, 11, has said hardly a word. His mother, Camille, is worried. Then, one day, Martin talks about his new friend Jeff who has made life worth living again. But after one night at Jeff's, Martin disappears. Then Camille learns that there's no pupil called Jeff.
Um bilionário finge estar falido para ensinar uma lição aos filhos. Agora eles têm que aprender a ganhar a vida.
Um bilionário finge estar falido para ensinar uma lição aos filhos. Agora eles têm que aprender a ganhar a vida.
Deux gouttes d'eau
Um Amável Pão-Duro
François Gautier é mesquinho! Economizar gera alegria e pagar provoca suores. Sua vida é definida com o único propósito de nunca mais gastar nada. Uma vida que irá mudar em um dia: ele se apaixona e descobre que tem uma filha que não sabia que existia. Obrigado a mentir para esconder seu terrível defeito, esse será o início dos problemas de François. Porque mentira, às vezes, pode sair caro. Muito caro...
Après moi le bonheur
A dying woman is fighting to choose a new family to keep her four children together, after she's gone.
Anything for Alice
Slacker Max fell so hard for single mother Alice in college that he developed a website aimed at winning her heart. Years later, after his venture has earned him millions of dollars, Max risks his entire fortune performing an ever more complicated series of social contortions to get close to Alice, now a politically motivated factory worker.
Anything for Alice
Slacker Max fell so hard for single mother Alice in college that he developed a website aimed at winning her heart. Years later, after his venture has earned him millions of dollars, Max risks his entire fortune performing an ever more complicated series of social contortions to get close to Alice, now a politically motivated factory worker.
A Chance Da Minha Vida
Julien tem um grave problema. Apesar de ser um brilhante assessor matrimonial, é incapaz de ter uma relação que dure mais de 15 dias. Ele é um autêntico mau agouro para as mulheres. E não é um desses que dão um pouquinho de má sorte, não. Seus maus agouros as mandam para o hospital, fazem perder o emprego e os amigos… Julien é o pior dos piores para as mulheres e Joana não tardará a se dar conta disso quanto seus caminhos se cruzarem.
La Bonne Copine
Accidental Saint
Raph and Swan, two retarded thugs, are hanging out looking for a bad thing to do. When they steal a bag from a defenseless girl, Swan does a good deed. A halo begins to glow over his head. Determined to make it disappear, Raph and Swan try to find the dirty trick that will save them.
The Seventh Dimension
A poor french guy, in love with a 50's actresse, meet her husband who send him in an other dimension to fight for her love.