A one-hour documentary which originally aired and was created for PBS. This special includes interviews with the three members of the world-famous Blue Man Group--Stanton, Wink, and Goldman--describing the Blue Men. The special also includes video clips from many of their performances over the years.
A one-hour documentary which originally aired and was created for PBS. This special includes interviews with the three members of the world-famous Blue Man Group--Stanton, Wink, and Goldman--describing the Blue Men. The special also includes video clips from many of their performances over the years.
A one-hour documentary which originally aired and was created for PBS. This special includes interviews with the three members of the world-famous Blue Man Group--Stanton, Wink, and Goldman--describing the Blue Men. The special also includes video clips from many of their performances over the years.
Dolby Digital 5.1 mix of the Blue Man Group CD plus extras