François Pommiez


Minúsculos: O Filme
Em uma pacífica clareira, entre as sobras de um piquenique, começa uma batalha entre duas tribos de formigas em busca de uma caixa de açúcar. Uma jovem e corajosa joaninha acaba sendo capturada no meio do fogo cruzado e torna-se aliada das formigas negras, ajudando na luta contra as terríveis formigas vermelhas.
An old shaman was telling a story to 3 young children. Ages ago, some human beings had big troubles because the sky was too low. Birds could not fly and men were bended. One day, small children decided to change things and attempted to raise the sky with stocks.
An old shaman was telling a story to 3 young children. Ages ago, some human beings had big troubles because the sky was too low. Birds could not fly and men were bended. One day, small children decided to change things and attempted to raise the sky with stocks.