Trevor Ryan


Os Desaparecidos
Os residentes de uma cabana no coração do Triângulo Esmeralda, em uma remota parte das florestas do norte da Califórnia, lutam para sobreviver à abduções e brutais ataques de misteriosas criaturas há anos. Quando um fazendeiro local se perde com um grupo de campistas, o que já era um problema tem potencial para escalar para um verdadeiro massacre.
Welcome to Willits: After Sundown
Deep in the woods outside the Northern California town of Willits lies a remote cabin. Here Brock waits impatiently for his friend to complete a drug deal, urging him to get there before dark, for his own safety. As night draws closer, he grows more desperate, fearing a repeat attack from alien abductors.
Welcome to Willits: After Sundown
Deep in the woods outside the Northern California town of Willits lies a remote cabin. Here Brock waits impatiently for his friend to complete a drug deal, urging him to get there before dark, for his own safety. As night draws closer, he grows more desperate, fearing a repeat attack from alien abductors.