Soren Bowie

Soren Bowie


Soren Bowie


Dude Bro Party Massacre III
Male Morning Show Anchor
In the wake of two back-to-back mass murders on Chico's frat row, loner Brent Chirino must infiltrate the ranks of a popular fraternity to investigate his twin brother's murder at the hands of the serial killer known as "Motherface."
Our RoboCop Remake
Human Cop (Scene 34)
Our RoboCop Remake is a crowd-sourced film project based on the 1987 Paul Verhoeven classic. Organized through Channel 101 and a bunch of other places, we're 50 filmmakers (amateur and professional) from Los Angeles and New York who have split the original RoboCop up into individual pieces and have remade the movie ourselves. Not necessarily a shot-for-shot remake, but a scene-for-scene retelling. As big fans of the original RoboCop, and as filmmakers and film fans admittedly rolling our eyes at the Hollywood remake machine, we've elected to do this remake thing our own way.
The Pact
A suicide pact runs into a few problems.
The Pact
A suicide pact runs into a few problems.
Bucket List Night
Soren learns some disturbing facts about his roommate Dan when they share their "Bucket Lists."
Bucket List Night
Soren learns some disturbing facts about his roommate Dan when they share their "Bucket Lists."
Armadilhas Mortais
Enquanto dois detetives do FBI buscam pistas sobre um assassinato cometido com requintes de crueldade por um misterioso serial killer, seis jovens acordam em um prédio sombrio e abandonado onde antes funcionava uma fábrica de ferramentas. Vigiados por câmeras de vídeo e presos em um ambiente bizarro e sem comunicação com o mundo exterior eles acreditam que estão participando de um Reality Show em que terão que passar por provas para vencer o jogo. Porém, logo descobrem, da pior maneira possível, que na verdade são prisioneiros de um assassino impiedoso e calculista e que as provas são verdadeiras armadilhas mortais. Um por um eles vão sendo mortos das mais sádicas e assustadoras maneiras, enquanto tentam desesperadamente escapar. Quando finalmente os dois detetives conseguem chegar ao local, nem imaginam o que os espera... Filme na mesma linha de Jogos Mortais.
Chandler Hall
The events and images that happen during college go by in the blink of an eye. For Jimmy Bravo, those images are about love, sacrifice, and ultimately murder, on many different levels. As college freshmen, Jimmy and his friends get caught up in the rush of fraternities, sex, and drugs, quickly making loads of money as dealers. But soon, Jimmy must make sacrifices for his newfound love, and then eventually betray her trust and his own integrity to make another sacrifice for his friends. This college experience turns out to truly be the experience of life and death.