Saskia van Schaik


Lion Panther She-Wolf
Assistant Makeup Artist
A man wakes up lost in a dark place in the middle of the journey of his life.
RedBad: A Invasão dos Francos
Assistant Hairstylist
Redbad, filho do rei Aldigsl, está duvidando dos rituais ultrapassados de seu povo, os frísios. Ele entra em conflito com o pai quando sua namorada, Fenne, é indicada para ser sacrificada aos deuses. Durante o ritual de sacrifício, os francos entram na cidade. Na batalha, a cidade de Dorestad é capturada e o ambicioso Eibert, tio de Redbad, toma o poder e culpa o sobrinho pela derrota. Amarrado a uma jangada, Redbad é lançado ao mar, mas sobrevive e chega à costa, sendo resgatado pelos vikings. Para libertar seu povo, Redbad conta com a ajuda dos vikings. Mas seriam eles fortes o bastante?
A Mere Grain of Nothing My Death: A Life in Poetry - Ingrid Jonker
On 19 July 1965, the South-African poet Ingrid Jonker walked into the sea near Drieankerbaai in Cape Town at the age of 31. She left behind a little daughter and an oeuvre of three laurelled collections of poems. Jonker's work fell into oblivion, until on 25 May 1994 president Nelson Mandela opened the very first session of the first democratically elected parliament of South Africa with Jonker's poem Die kind wat dood geskiet is deur soldate by Nyanga, a poem from 1960 that refers to the demonstrations near Sharpeville. Mandela chose the poem for good reason; he called Jonker 'both an African and an Afrikaner'. A white person in South Africa cannot get a bigger compliment. In the documentary Korreltjie niks is my dood, director Saskia van Schaik reconstructs the poet's eventful life, making her powerful poetry with its South-African rhythm tell part of the story. (