C.J. Williams

Nascimento : 1858-07-23, New York, USA

Morte : 1945-01-26


The Poor Rich Man
James Carter
Vantyne Carter is a playboy living in luxury off his father. Vantyne's cousin Teddy, meanwhile, leads a fine upstanding life -- or at least he appears to, so he can curry favor with his wealthy uncle, Vantyne's father. One day, the senior Carter, fed up with his son's antics, decides to play a trick on both Vantyne and Teddy. The old man and his lawyer go off on a hunting trip, and then the lawyer returns with news that Carter was killed in an accident.
The Little Trespasser
Lillie's parents are caretakers of the property adjoining Mr. Montgomery's estate. He is a wealthy bachelor. Lillie's pleasures consist in shooting, boating and gathering flowers, while roaming through Mr. Montgomery's woods and gardens. Cobbs, the grouchy gardener, has orders to keep all trespassers off the grounds and in vain to keep the troublesome Lillie away. Jack, the owner's nephew, arrives on a visit, and starts out to frighten away the trespasser, but instead falls in love with Lillie and she introduces him to her parents. A pleasing romance follows and the young people get a bead of fun out of fooling the old gardener and Mr. Montgomery, but Jack always reports that the little trespasser cannot be found.
The Lady of Shalott
On discovering that their beau, Timothy, the village schoolmaster, is quite unable to choose between them for a life partner, Ivy and Lily Skinner agree to draw lots. Ivy, who is of a romantic, novel-reading nature, loses and is broken hearted. She seeks solace in her favorite, Tennyson, and in reading "The Lady of Shalott" becomes imbued with the determination to die as did the heroine in the book.
Cabman Kate
Kate, a washerwoman, takes Tim McGrath’s cab on security when he doesn’t pay his laundry bill. Trouble arises when Kate picks up her first passenger.
Eccles, a profligate old drunkard, is the father of two beautiful girls, Esther and Polly. George D'Alroy, a young officer in the British Army who is infatuated with Esther, brings his friend, Captain Hawtree, to call. The captain is greatly taken with the lively Polly, who makes him carry the teakettle about and generally dance attendance on her to the emphatic disgust of Sam Garridge, an ardent suitor for Polly's hand. Meanwhile Esther shows George a letter from an impresario offering her an engagement on the stage. The offer seems a veritable godsend to the girl, but she changes her mind when George asks her to be his wife instead. A few months after they are married, George receives the unpleasant news that he must sail for India with his regiment. Owing to her ultra-aristocratic ideas, George has not dared to tell his mother, the Marchioness D'Alroy, that he has married a girl of common origin, and he is in a quandary as to what provision he should make for Esther.
The Right Number, But the Wrong House
A comedy short film.
A Letter to Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam is mistaken for Marion's uncle Sam.
All on Account of a Transfer
Herr Müller needs to travel across town, but he runs into difficulties because he cannot understand English.
How They Outwitted Father
Should she marry for love or for money?
Over the Back Fence
Harry Beaumont and Bessie Learn are in love, but their respective uncle and aunt, back fence neighbors, feud bitterly with each other and insist the youngsters have nothing to do with each other. The young leads come up with a plan in this pleasant Edison comedy. (IMDb)
A Serenade by Proxy
A farmer’s daughter helps a farmhand win the heart of a cook by convincing him to serenade her, with unexpected results.
The Title Cure
Mr. Clayworth, a wealthy American and self-made man, has a daughter Bessie, who is determined to marry a foreign title much against her father's wishes. She has an American suitor, William Brooks, who is deeply in love with her but he is given little encouragement. Mr. Clayworth plans to discourage his daughter with nobility and accordingly goes to an employment agency where he engages three foreign menials to impersonate noblemen, supplying them with evening clothes and arranging to have them call at his house that evening. Bessie is overjoyed when she learns from father that three noblemen are to honor them with their presence. Father incidentally suggests that if the noblemen do not come up to her expectations to patch up her little quarrel with Billy and say no more about marrying a title. The fun begins when the three bogus noblemen present themselves at Clayworth's house as Duke Macaroni, Lord Brien Berue and Baron Hasenpfeffer.
How a Horseshoe Upset a Happy Family
A farce in which Ms. Murphy finds that a horseshoe brings her anything but happiness.
An Old Fashioned Elopement
Short comedy
A Proposal Under Difficulties
Short film involving a flirtatious maid.
The Totville Eye
A printer and his young assistant take over a local newspaper while the editor is away.
A Thrilling Rescue by Uncle Mun
A man goes undercover and plays golf.
Everything Comes to Him Who Waits
Cud McGiven applies for employment in a Bowery restaurant. The restaurant is conducted by a German, who engages Cud. Whenever Cud finds himself alone in the pantry he exercises his mania for juggling plates with disastrous results to the crockery. Every time the proprietor bears a crash he is Johnny-on-the-spot and takes out his little book to jot down the damage and charge it to Cud. At last the proprietor loses all patience and decides to discharge Cud. Accordingly he summons him to his private office and demands a settlement of the broken dishes and spoiled food. Cud is unable to see the situation this way at all. The disagreement waxes hot and furious and Cud in revenge breaks all the dishes in the pantry. The riot brings the frightened guests to their feet, where they stand spellbound at seeing a half of the waiters flee before the burly Cud, who is flinging plates after them with the accuracy of a baseball pitcher.