Pamela Bowman


New York Model #2
Frederic Lansing is a writer who hopes to find inspiration while vacationing in Hellview, Oregon; however, the lighthouse in which he's staying is haunted by the ghost of Venetia, who had killed herself 100 years ago and now wants to use Lansing as a vessel for her dead husband, Captain Howdy. When Howdy's ghost starts killing people, two bumbling scientists are brought in to investigate the history of the lighthouse and solve the case.
Embalos a Dois
Jet Setter's Date
Quando o Ser Supremo decide eliminar a humanidade através de outro dilúvio, uns poucos anjos tentam dissuadi-lo e Ele concorda em adiar sua decisão por uma semana, prazo dado para que eles encontrem dois humanos decentes. Escolhem então um inventor frustrado, Zack, que com tantas dívidas decide assaltar um banco e a Debbie, caixa do mesmo banco que Zack, pretende assaltar, já ela por sua vez, é uma jovem pretensiosa que sonha ser atriz. Entre os dois nasce um antipatia mútua e, desta forma, o destino da Terra parece estar traçado, pois um precisa fazer pelo outro um grande sacrifício.
The Challenge
Girl in Gym
Rick, a down-and-out American boxer, is hired to transport a sword to Japan, unaware that the whole thing is a set up in a bitter blood-feud between two brothers, one who follows the traditional path of the samurai and the other a businessman. At the behest of the businessman, Rick undertakes samurai training from the other brother, but joins his cause. He also becomes romantically involved with the samurai's daughter.
Scared to Death
Janie Richter
A series of hideous murders is taking place, and Inspector Capell and cop-turned-novelist Lonergan are investigating. The murders are found to be the work of an out-of-control experiment in genetic engineering. The two men must descend into the city's sewer systems to destroy the horrific miscreation. It won't be hard to find, as it's already looking for its next victims...
Ultra Flesh
An alien comes to Earth to save the planet by curing its men of impotence.