Trond Høines


Selma, 12 and Elliot, 6 are in summer holiday. Selma is jealous of her little brother, because he is getting more attention from Mother. In the forest behind the house, there are wild animals. One evening, Selma tells Elliot that the neighbour has seen a bear just near the house. Selma watches Elliot's growing fascination for the forest, at the same time as she is yearning to get rid of him, since she always has to look after him. One evening she tells him again about the bears, and deliberately feeds his fascination. That night, Elliot sneaks out into the forest.
The Ice Dragon
Director of Photography
An adventure about Mick, aged 11, and his quest for a new home. Mick runs away on an ice dragon, owns a cat factory, befriends brothers Bengt and Bertil, falls in love for the first time and eventually finds his way home.
Grande bolada
Director of Photography
Aterrorizado e sangrenta, Oscar Svendsen desperta conquistou uma espingarda em uma joint strippers. Ao seu redor oito homens mortos, ea polícia com o objetivo de lhe.
Norwegian Ninja
Director of Photography
Norwegian Ninja is the true story of how Commander Arne Treholt and his Ninja Force saved Norway during the Cold War. In 1983 the Ninja Force discovers that the sinister NATO force Stay Behind, who take charge in times of war and emergency, are planning a coup-d'état in peacetime. Treholt and the Ninjas see only one solution: a full can of whoop-ass.
O Homem Que Amava Yngve
Director of Photography
“The Man Who Loved Yngve” se passa em novembro de 1989. O muro de Berlim colapsa. Na cidade de Stavanger, Jarle Klepp, 17 anos, não tem idéia de que as coisas estão prestes a mudar. Até agora ele tinha de tudo; a melhor namorada e o mais legal amigo do mundo. Juntos formam a mais agressiva banda de punk rock da cidade, a Mattias Rust Band. Mas então surge um novo colega de classe, Yngve, que não é como a maioria, deixando Jarle confuso. Lentamente, mas de forma constante, ele deixa de lado todos os que o cercam, e descobre o que significa ficar sozinho. A Trilha Sonora fica por conta de The Cure, Joy Division, REM, Japan, Jesus and Mary Chain e entre outros, confira um pré no trailer logo em baixo...
Director of Photography
Jens Stoltenberg's two-year-long travel throughout Norway to regain Det norske Arbeiderparti's place in the Norwegian political landscape.
Director of Photography
Jim is a 12-year-old outsider. One day Terje (an overweight boy who claims to own a pit bull) starts in his class. He considers Jim as his best friend, but the only friend Jim can get is the only friend he really doesn't want.
A little boy sits in a small hotel and yearns for better times.
A Maioria das Pessoas Vive na China
Director of Photography
No meio do caminho tinha um posto. Lasse, um aficionado por aviões, trabalha e mora ali e observa o cotidiano das pessoas que passam pelo local em oito estórias bem-humoradas, contadas por vários diretores, dentre elas as malandragens de uma garotinha cega que monta ali uma rifa ou de um homem que vê suas roupas serem roubadas e sua mulher e filho, tão absortos em seus mundinhos não perceberem que o ladrão assumiu sua identidade. É véspera de eleições na Noruega e cada segmento remete a um partido político, com bastante leveza.
Pia is coming home for Christmas after traveling in England for about 6 months. She wants to catch up with her boyfriend, Kristoffer, who was supposed to have joined her on the trip, but backed out at the last minute. Finding him, however, is turning out to be quite a task. While searching, she meets several more or less disgruntled and dissatisfied people. And when Santa turns up things start happening...