Frank Fischer


Unabomber: The True Story
The real story behind the hunt for Theodore J. Kaczynski, later known as the Unabomber, a terrorist who sent several bombs through the mail, alarming authorities and society. The movie follows a postal inspector who tracks down the suspect; a obstinate detective; and Kaczynski's brother, who suspected of Ted after the publishing of his manifesto explaining the reasons for the bombings.
A drama centering on the joys, conflicts, and crises on a middle-class family and on its ex-football star father's efforts to keep it on track and intact despite the death of a child and the strain between his wife and father.
Davy Crockett: O Herói das Montanhas
Johnny Cash e Tim Dunigan interpretam Davy Crockett. Crockett e Andrew Jackson, agora velhos, compartilham suas memórias (e diferenças) sobre um levante indígena que eles derrubaram 25 anos antes.