Ola G. Furuseth

Ola G. Furuseth


Ola G. Furuseth


Edvard Munch (45)
Edvard Munch was one of the most important artists in the period between the 19th and 20th centuries. His motif Skrik (The Scream), repeated in several techniques, became part of the 20th-century world subconsciousness – an image of fear and loneliness most people probably know, even if they have no idea who created it.
Batalhas: Freestyle
Hans Christian
Amalie se empolga quando a equipe de dança dela e de Mikael vai competir em Paris, mas se distrai depois que encontra a mãe distante.
Catching the Flame
Ludvig O. Ravensberg
This docudrama takes us on a journey through Nikolai Astrup's life and the inspiration behind some of his most famous paintings until his early death in 1928.
22 de Julho
Prime Minister Stoltenberg
Noruega, 2011. Anders Behring Breivik, consumido pelos seus ideias fundamentalistas cristãos e anti-islâmicos, mata 75 pessoas a tiros em um acampamento na Ilha de Utoya. Os sobreviventes do ataque pedem justiça ao governo Norueguês, enquanto os advogados do terrorista condenado se mobilizam para defendê-lo perante a lei. Baseado em fatos reais.
As I Fall
Joachim is 25 years old. His charming smile veils the daily battle he fights within himself as he struggles to manage a heroin addiction. He smokes everyday and tries to quit almost every other. He hates the drug and the control it has over him, but it removes his pain. His loneliness. After years locked in a cycle of abuse, Joachim is on the verge of a breakdown. He gets an unexpected call from his ex-girlfriend, Maria. She's been arrested and is worried about their 5-year-old son, Lukas. Joachim hasn't seen Lukas since he was born, and she begs Joachim to take care of Lukas until she's released. Without much of a choice and thinking it will only be for a few hours, Joachim agrees. To his own surprise Joachim wants to keep Lukas. He wants a reason to be the person he thinks he is - a responsible man. A sober man. A father.
O Cidadão do Ano
Night Guard
Nils vive em Beitostølen, é casado com Gudrun e tem um filho chamado Ingvar, que acaba de começar a estudar em Oslo. Ele é um homem feliz aos 45 anos de idade, e trabalha como motorista de arado, responsável ​​por manter a estrada do condado sobre Valdresflya livre de neve. Ele foi recentemente escolhido como Cidadão do Ano da cidade e está ansioso para a aposentadoria e para ter netos, o que seria uma vida totalmente despreocupada. Um dia ele recebe um telefonema dizendo que seu filho morrera de overdose. O luto pela perda de Ingvar se transforma em escuridão e vingança, e de repente Nils se coloca no meio de uma guerra contra as drogas. O paraíso bonito e calmo do inverno de Beitostølen é transformado em uma zona de guerra de fogo.
Dear Lisa
Lisa's Husband
In this humorous, yet bitter-sweet, short film Dear Lisa, we start out with the speeches Lisa have received through life - from her father's confirmation speech to her friend's birthday speech, her husband's words for her on their wedding day, and during her funeral. The last speech, however, is given by Lisa.