Shane Thompson


A Night of the Undead
Conspiracy Theory Guy
In 1968 the world was shaken by an outbreak known today as the "Night of the Living Dead". On the anniversary of the event...a group of podcasters soon learn that children shouldn't play with dead things.
I Thought His Name Was Blarche
Using a magical ritual to accomplish something dumb
A woman and her questionable veterinarian search across dimensions to kill God in order to save Blanche the dog.
Dale Archdale
When Dale Archdale's trailer park shuts down, he is forced to move in with his ex wife at her free rental house in an upscale community. Dale manages to catch wind of a Chili Cook-off with enough prize money to save his beloved trailer park. However, he must face his snooty neighbors, an angry mob boss, and shenanigans from his inbred pack of hillbilly friends and family members along the way.
Dale Archdale
Stanley / $-Money
When Dale Archdale's trailer park shuts down, he is forced to move in with his ex wife at her free rental house in an upscale community. Dale manages to catch wind of a Chili Cook-off with enough prize money to save his beloved trailer park. However, he must face his snooty neighbors, an angry mob boss, and shenanigans from his inbred pack of hillbilly friends and family members along the way.
Família do Bagulho
Strip Club Patron (uncredited)
Um traficante é forçado por seu chefe a ir ao México pegar uma carga de maconha. A fim de melhorar suas chances de passar pela fronteira, David pede a uma stripper e dois adolescentes locais para acompanhá-lo e fingir que são uma família em férias.
Os Vingadores: The Avengers
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Loki, o irmão de Thor, ganha acesso ao poder ilimitado do cubo cósmico ao roubá-lo de dentro das instalações da S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury, o diretor desta agência internacional que mantém a paz, logo reúne os únicos super-heróis que serão capazes de defender a Terra de ameaças sem precedentes. Homem de Ferro, Capitão América, Hulk, Thor, Viúva Negra e Gavião Arqueiro formam o time dos sonhos de Fury, mas eles precisam aprender a colocar os egos de lado e agir como um grupo em prol da humanidade.
Only Human
Pretty boy high school jock, Lucas, has it all, the girl, the game, the looks. He just didn't expect to meet Vanessa, who threw a curve in his perfect little life. Now with his high school love ending and college starting, he's lost, searching for where he fits in... A familiar face comes back into the picture - and what Vanessa makes Lucas do to prove his love will stay with him for the rest of his life. This is a story of one boy's path to becoming a vampire through the deceptions and influences of the women around him. And his struggle to remain only human.