Zsolt László


District Magistrate
Rússia, início do século XX. Um médico militar usa uma dose letal de éter e acidentalmente mata uma paciente por quem estava apaixonado. Exilado em uma fortaleza e convencido de que seus experimentos vão alterar a resistência dos soldados, ele logo se encontrará no centro de uma trama de espionagem.
A Kind of America 3
István, a király - 30. éves jubileumi előadás
The Prince's Respite
After a woman dies, the devil allows her to relive a 2 minute period over and over in order to escape her fate.
Young honest public official is sworn in after his predecessor had to leave due to a corruption scandal. Soon, the young idealist discovers just how far-reaching the corruption is in his town and how easy it is to become corrupt yourself.
No massivo labirinto que se encontra o metro de Budapeste, Kontroll provém um atordoante cenario de thriller romântico, no qual um belo jovem herói, uma misteriosa donzela e uma assassino particular conduzem nos trens uma viagem contra o tempo e o destino.
Én és a kisöcsém
Stefanek Pisti
Kató Kelemen is asked by her father to go to his office and welcome an important business partner of his. When Mr. Andersen arrives he assumes Kató is a secretary and instructs her to deliver a letter. He's about to travel to Venice with his nephew who he has never met before. Since Kató falls in love with Andersen at first sight, she decides to dress like a boy and pretends to be the nephew.