Tsuneo Katagiri


A Man's Crest: Fight Challenge
Sixth part in the Enblem of Man series.
The Symbol of a Man
In 1936 under the war clouds over the Manchurian border, 60-year-old Oshima Shozaburo is concerned about the future of his only son, Ryuji, who has refused to follow in the footsteps of his gambler father and decided to become a doctor. Ryuji leaves home to work at a clinic at a dam construction site where he finds the treatment of the laborers intolerable. But when he challenges the boss, who thinks nothing of murder, he discovers to his astonishment that he is safe because of his father's reputation. Torn between filial piety and his ideals Ryuji is told of the murder of his father by men of a rival gang. He experiences another shock when informed that the woman behind the rival gang is his true mother who was forced to leave his father due to an unwritten code among gamblers.
Jungle Block
A young doctor falls into a despair of developments. He plans to revenge the disgrace inflicted upon his sister, whose engagement was broken as a result.
The Rambling Guitarist
Arriving in the town of Hakodate, a wandering musician, Shinji Taki, is soon recruited by the local gang as a hired hand. However, with the arrival of a sinister gunman, Taki's mysterious past catches up with him.
Os Sete Samurais
Farmer in Front of Gono
No século XVI, durante a era Sengoku, quando os poderosos samurais de outrora estavam com os dias contados, pois eram agora desprezados pelos seus aristocráticos senhores. Kambei (Takashi Shimura), um guerreiro veterano sem dinheiro, chega em uma aldeia indefesa que foi saqueada repetidamente por ladrões assassinos. Os moradores do vilarejo pedem sua ajuda, fazendo com que Kambei recrute seis outros ronins (samurais sem mestre), que concordam em ensinar os habitantes como devem se defender em troca de comida. Os aldeões dão boas-vindas aos guerreiros e algumas relações começam. Katsushiro (Ko Kimura) se apaixona por uma das mulheres locais, embora os outros ronins mantenham distância dos camponeses. O último dos guerreiros que chega é Kikuchio (Toshiro Mifune), que finge estar qualificado mas na realidade é o filho de um camponês que almeja aceitação.
Eagle of the Pacific
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a brilliant tactician, is a loyal subject of the emperor, despite his grave misgivings about leading Japan's navy into war with the United States. He opposes the attack on Pearl Harbor, but, overruled, he leads his forces to the best of his ability.
Traveling with Breeze
1953 Hiroshi Inagaki movie.
Burocrata de longa data, que não liga para nada que não o interessa, descobre que está com câncer. Decide, então, construir um playground em seu bairro, tentando descobrir um sentido para sua vida.
Mother in the Storm
Chinese officer
Vendetta for a Samurai
The famous showdown at Kagiya corner has been told many times, but never before with the realism and intensity of this version scripted by Kurosawa Akira and starring Mifune Toshiro as the famed swordsman who must face his best friend as they are forced to take opposite sides in a vendetta caused by the murder of a family member. Told mostly in flashback as the avengers await the arrival of their quarry, this film displays true heroism in the face of fear as most of the combatants, while of the samurai class are not skilled swordsmen. They contrast sharply with the true warriors involved in this battle. Araki Mataemon (Mifune), who was not only a direct student of Yagyu Munenori, but the founder of his own sword style under the Yagyu name is a powerful force ready to assist his brother-in-law against the murderer's allies that include not only another noted sword teacher, but the deadly spear of Katsumi no Hanbei.
The Invisible Man Appears
Jewel thieves become interested in an invisibility formula invented by Professor Nakazato and want to use his invention to acquire a diamond necklace called the "Tears of Amour."
Oiwa Nagaya