Ariane Pellicer

Ariane Pellicer


Ariane Pellicer


Fogo Sombrio
Em busca de sua irmã, um criminoso renegado busca respostas em um hotel sórdido onde encontra um hóspede sinistro e namora uma garçonete misteriosa.
Nothing Was Happening Here
In 1978, when rock was banned in Mexico, four friends dared to initiate a punk revolt.
In 1994, Mexican presidential candidate Colosio garnered attention for his democratic ideology and anti-corruption stance until he was shot through the head in Tijuana. The wondrous ColOZio, which is partly based on true events, starts three days prior with a prophecy to tripping friends Diego and Gael: save Colosio from death. The duo's dancing in a kaleidoscopic animated, almost 10-minute-long title sequence subsequently sets the tone for a playful, delightfully over-the-top road movie. Expect mythical apparitions, cartoony chases and plenty of drink and drugs.
In 2033, Mexico City is a hot, mechanical and chaotic megacity ruled by the military and a tyrannical government. It is an oppressed society with its religious faith and liberty of expression stolen. Pablo, the main character, is a young finantial yuppie that gets shelter in drugs and alcohol. He leaves his privileged life in order to help the unprotected and destroy the system that controls the population.
Chamas da Vingança
Reporter 1
Uma grande onda de sequestros e criminalidade varre a Cidade do México, fazendo com que muitos de seus cidadãos mais ricos contratem guarda-costas para seus filhos. John Creasy é um ex-agente da CIA. Sem emprego e bebendo mais do que deveria, ele aceita a proposta de ser guarda-costas da pequena Pita, uma garota de 9 anos que é filha de um industrial. O sequestro de Pita faz com que ele, mesmo ferido, parta para resgatá-la a qualquer custo.
A Mexicana
Mexican Ticket Agent
Jerry Welbach é um gângster atrapalhado que recebe dois ultimatos de uma vez só. O primeiro vem de seu chefe mafioso, que quer que ele vá ao México para recuperar uma pistola antiga e inestimável. Já o segundo vem de sua namorada Samantha, que exige que ele rompa sua associação com a máfia. Entre perder a vida ou a namorada, Jerry resolve ir ao México, ainda mais depois de saber que Samantha será mantida refém pelos mafiosos até que ele retorne com a lendária pistola.
The Pearl
Based on John Steinbeck's classic novel, The Pearl is the story of an impoverished diver whose life is changed forever when he discovers "the pearl of the world".
Angel of Light
An ancient warrior is looking to correct the error that cost him to lose heaven. He is reincarnated in the body of a man who notices the strange supernatural powers he has and acts without thinking of the consequences causing a race between good and evil with nothing clear and anything possible to happen
Desires of Innocence
Three young women on vacation find men and trouble when one of the women accidently grabs the wrong suitcase which is full of money.
La mujer de los dos
The boys in a famous pop-band all have girl troubles. And other problems. Sucks being them.
A Trickle of Blood
Leon has a crush on Ofelia, so he decides to steal money from his father and cross the country looking for Ofelia who traveled to Guadalajara. On his journey, Leon goes through many adventures and takes the final step from childhood into adolescence.
El Asesino del Zodiaco
Gertrudis Bocanegra
Biopic about a woman who played a courageous role in the resistance against French occupation of Mexico in the early 1800s.
Death and the Compass
In a totalitarian future, in a nightmare metropolis, inhabited only by criminals and police, Erik Lonnrot, a gifted detective, investigates a series of strange murders and disappearances that seem to implicate a insane crime lord. (Re-released in 1996 as a feature film, 86 minutes.)
Undressed and Unruly
A beautiful woman is abandoned by her husband during their honeymoon, she stays alone in the hotel where she meets other guests and listen to their stories.
É Pura Sorte
Girl at Club
Filha de milionário desaparece em viagem ao México. O ricaço arruma um sujeito estranhamente sem sorte para viver os mesmos passos da filha e tentar reencontrá-la.
El día que murió Pedro Infante
Mexican feature film