When two rival basketball coaches (Kirk “Sticky Fingaz” Jones and Khalil Kain) fall out over a bad call in a championship game, things only heat up when KNight Mathews hooks up with the lovely Brooklyn Taylor (Ashley Ferrer), the cousin of his newfound rival.
In Eden, a society where homosexuality is seen as not only a sin but also a disease, a longstanding government agency detains and imprisons homosexuals in an institution where they are experimented on, to cure them of their homosexuality.
An ordinary suburbanite couple discovers that the natural world simply vanished during the night. Yet even stranger, all of their neighbors carry on with their daily routines.
Billy is a teenage outcast in search of his life's true meaning. Day by day, he slaves away at the local burger joint, only to return home to a paraplegic father, whose own dreams of happiness have faded away in an alcoholic haze. Nonetheless, Billy tries to bond with his delusional father, but cannot break through the many layers of pain and regret that surround him. Frustrated, Billy longs to escape the dead-end existence that has engulfed his father, and now appears to be closing in on him as well.
À medida que outro semestre chega ao fim na Universidade de Dreyskill, um simples jogo sonhado para ajudar os alunos a evitar o estudo se torna uma batalha sangrenta pela sobrevivência.
Em 1938 Henri Young (Kevin Bacon) é condenado a cumprir pena em Alcatraz por roubar 5 dólares. Numa tentativa frustrada de fuga com outros três prisioneiros, Young é levado de volta à prisão e, como punição, é confinado na solitária por 19 dias. Dezenove dias que se estendem por três anos, recluso em um fosso escuro, sem nenhuma roupa, sem banheiro e sendo espancado constantemente pelos guardas. Ao sair da solitária e colocado junto aos outros presos, Young, enlouquecido e vingativo, assassina o companheiro que o delatou. Young será julgado e conta com a defesa do inexperiente advogado público James Stamphill (Christian Slater) para enfrentar o perverso diretor Gleen (Gary Oldman) e provar que a instituição Alcatraz e sua diretoria são os verdadeiros culpados pelos crimes.
Barbara and Al adopt Eric, who is deaf and mute, and take him camping in Santa Cruz Mountains of California. Eric becomes lost and is found by a hermit named Crazy Jack, who teaches him how to survive in the woods.