James Crabe
Nascimento : 1931-08-19, Los Angeles, California, USA
Morte : 1989-05-02
James Crabe (August 19, 1931 – May 2, 1989) was an American cinematographer known for his work in the 1970s and '80s on numerous films, including Rocky, The China Syndrome, Night Shift, The Karate Kid, and Thank God It's Friday. He was a part of the 1960s underground film collective known as Gay Girls Riding Club, a group of gay men in the industry, who spoofed Hollywood movies in a series of elaborate amateur films.
Himself (archive footage)
John G. Avildsen pays tribute to cinematographer James Crabe.
In Memory Of
Em Los Angeles, Daniel LaRusso é desafiado por um lutador de karatê que quer também destruir seu mestre, Miyagi. Inicialmente, ele reluta em aceitar o desafio, mas termina sendo obrigado a aceitá-lo. Porém, desta vez ele não poderá contar com o apoio de Miyagi, que se recusa a treiná-lo argumentando que o karatê é para defender a honra e a vida e não para se obter títulos e troféus.
Director of Photography
Darcy quer ser jornalista, Stan arquiteto. Eles formam um casal adolescente adorável. São bonitos, inteligentes e com um futuro brilhante pela frente. Mas uma inesperada gravidez os obriga a apressar o casamento, renunciar a alguns sonhos e driblar as dificuldades para conseguir criar sua filhinha e continuarem juntos.
Director of Photography
Small time crooksters Nick and Charlie have an elaborate plan to rob an exclusive jewelers store. Using a variety of disguises and posing as rich old men and women they begin the set-up, but then Nick falls for the owner of a neighboring antique store and things get a little complicated.
Director of Photography
Kate Capshaw plays a schoolteacher and suburban housewife who happens to be an ex-spy. Nobody knows of Capshaw's previous espionage activities, least of all her somewhat obtuse husband Cliff De Young. When Capshaw's ex-lover Jeroen Krabbe, an intimate of Castro, lands in a Cuban prison, she is swept back into the spy business, leaving her nonplussed hubby in the dust.
Director of Photography
True story about a nurse's descent into the nightmarish world of substance abuse which endangers her life and the lives of her patients.
Director of Photography
A Los Angeles psychiatrist testifies for the prosecution in the trial of an accused child molester. Later the defendant, who is out on bail, is found dead in the psychiatrist's office, in what appears to be a suicide. Shaken, the psychiatrist moves to the mountains outside of L.A. Not long afterwards a detective he knows comes to him for help. A seven-year-old girl saw someone kill both of her parents, but is so traumatized by the event that she can't remember anything, and the detective wants the doctor to help jar her memory. Soon, however, the doctor and the detective discover that the parents' murder and the pedophiles "suicide" may be linked to a shadowy group of wealthy and influential pedophiles, and that the child isn't the only one whose life is in danger.
Director of Photography
The first U.S. president (Barry Bostwick) and his wife (Patty Duke) endure two terms of turmoil from 1789 to 1797.
Director of Photography
Ao descobrir que seu pai está à beira da morte, o professor Miyagi volta para Okinawa, no Japão, junto com seu aprendiz, Daniel LaRusso. Na terra natal, o mestre de caratê é surpreendido com a notícia de que Yukie, seu grande e antigo amor, está solteira.
Director of Photography
A powerful family that controls the world's banks has made a deal with Satan to help the forces of evil take over the world. An underground group named The Judges bands together to try to stop them.
Director of Photography
Mahoney (Steve Guttenberg) e os companheiros acabaram de se graduar na Academia de Polícia, e como cadetes iniciantes têm que sair em uma missão. O grupo de desajustados vai ter que enfrentar uma gangue de vândalos que estão trasnformando a cidade em um verdadeiro caos, e só assim conseguirão baixar as taxas de criminalidade da cidade, mas não conseguirão diminuir as confusões.
Director of Photography
O adolescente Daniel LaRusso se envolve com a ex-namorada de um mau caráter na escola e passa a ser atormentado por sua gangue. Para sua sorte, ele contará com os ensinamentos de um mestre de karatê, o senhor Miyagi, que o prepara para autodefesa e também para um importante campeonato.
Director of Photography
Three generations of women spend an emotional weekend that will change them forever.
Director of Photography
Cansado do ritmo frenético do mercado de ações e em busca de paz e sossego, Chuck Lumley, um analista financeiro, arruma trabalho em um necrotério. Mas após algum tempo é obrigado por seu chefe, que empregou o sobrinho no turno do dia, a trabalhar no turno da noite, para total irritação de sua noiva. Chuck, ainda tem de suportar seu novo assistente, Bill Blazejowski, um rapaz inquieto e falastrão que insiste em convencê-lo a aproveitar o pouco movimento do lugar para agenciar prostitutas sem cafetão e ganhar um bom dinheiro. Contrariando o bom senso, Chuck, gosta da ideia e resolvem transformar o necrotério em um bordel quando anoitece. As "profissionais do leito" são lideradas por Belinda Keaton, que com o assassinato do seu gigolô ficou "viúva" recentemente.
Director of Photography
The wife of a Malaysian planter kills an employee of her husband one night, but her motive begins to appear not entirely truthful.
Director of Photography
While investigating the death of a friend and fellow cop, Los Angeles police officer Barney Caine stumbles across evidence that Nazis created a synthetic alternative to gasoline during World War II. This revelation has the potential to end the established global oil industry, making the formula a very valuable and dangerous piece of information. Eventually, Caine must contend with oil tycoon Adam Steiffel, who clearly has his own agenda regarding the formula.
Director of Photography
Oregon, 1980: Jane, Elaine and Louise are all feeling the effects of inflation and cannot afford the high cost of living. Jane cannot afford a babysitter or get married and if she wants privacy with her boyfriend, she has to sleep in the car. Even worse, her war veteran father comes to live with her to turn her life upside down. Louise lives a happy life with her veterinarian husband, Albert. She runs an antique shop on the side, but since it doesn't take in any profit, the IRS considers it a hobby. She needs to come up with the money to keep it going, or she will be trouble with the IRS. Elaine's husband has left her for another woman and without any money. She is in a constant struggle with banks, power companies, and gas stations. She needs money to get by and also catches the eye of police officer Jack. The local mall is having a contest that features a giant money ball that states it will help fight the inflation.
Director of Photography
A tale of two hustlers trying to set up a big game.
Director of Photography
A rising tennis star falls for an older woman engaged with a wealthy man she doesn't love.
Director of Photography
A woman, who had left home 20 years previously under acrimonious circumstances, finds out that she is terminally ill. She returns home and tries to rebuild her relationship with her embittered mother before she dies.
Director of Photography
Kimberly Wells e Richard Adams são jornalistas que filmam um acontecimento irregular em visita a uma usina nuclear, mas a matéria não vai ao ar. Intrigados, os dois decidem investigar o caso, e a verdade pode ser mais grave do que eles imaginavam.
Director of Photography
O filme conta as aventuras e desventuras de frequentadores de uma discoteca na cidade de Los Angeles, dentre estes uma cantora iniciante (Donna Summer) em busca do sucesso.
Director of Photography
On the day of her wedding to her sixth husband, a glamorous silver screen sex symbol is asked to intervene in a political dispute between nations, which leads to chaos.
Director of Photography
When a teenager is accused of his mother's murder, the community of Canaan rallies to his defense.
Director of Photography
The story of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt during their 12-year stay at the White House.
Director of Photography
Rocky Balboa, um pequeno boxeador da classe trabalhadora da Filadélfia, é arbitrariamente escolhido para lutar contra o campeão dos pesos pesados, Apollo Creed, quando o adversário do invicto lutador agendado para a luta é ferido. Durante o treinamento com o mal-humorado Mickey Goldmill, Rocky timidamente começa um relacionamento com Adrian, a invisível irmã de Paulie, seu amigo empacotador de carne.
Director of Photography
In 1926, celebrated evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson mysteriously disappeared. She turned up several weeks later and recounted the details of her kidnapping and escape to authorities. Not everyone believed her, however, and she was accused of having gone away to have an affair with a married man. A court hearing took place to reveal the truth.
Director of Photography
The story of author F. Scott Fitzgerald's two stays in Hollywood to write for films, once in 1927 at the height of his acclaim, and again in 1937 when he arrived with little money, enormous expenses and an ill wife.
Director of Photography
W.W. Bright is a robber with a heart of gold who travels the South knocking off banks and gas stations owned by a corrupt businessman. When he hijacks a car, he meets an aspiring country band, the Dixie Dancekings, led by Dixie. The two sides eventually take a liking to one another, especially after the Dancekings realize the size of Bright's thefts. Trailed by religious zealot cop Deacon Gore, Bright helps the band make it big while on the run.
Director of Photography
In the 1930s, a sailor trying to prove that his brother was wrongly executed for murder finds himself becoming drawn into the occult world.
Director of Photography
In February, 1962, as the civil rights movement reaches Bayonne, Louisiana, a New York journalist arrives to interview Jane Pittman, who has just turned 110. She tells him her story dating back to her earliest memories before slavery ended. In between the chapters of her life, the present-day struggles of Blacks in Bayonne, urged on by Jimmy, are dramatized.
Director of Photography
A boozing young man in love with his co-worker finds that everyone around him, even his pompous and condescending best friend, is changing into a rhinoceros.
Director of Photography
Harry Stoner (Jack Lemmon) está em crise com sua vida pessoal e profissional. Ele começa a ultrapassar sua conduta moral oferecendo prostitutas a clientes e, até mesmo, arma um plano para tentar incendiar a fábrica onde trabalha para faturar o dinheiro do seguro. Oscar de Melhor Ator para Jack Lemmon.
Director of Photography
The pursuit by America's loveliest girls for a coveted beauty crown is threatened by a scandal which implicates a judge, a former winner, and one of the five finalists.
Director of Photography
An over-the-hill rodeo champion is so self-centered that he ignores his wife, son, and best friend.
Director of Photography
An ESP expert uses his powers to try to track down a psychic who uses telepathy to commit murder.
Director of Photography
Three financially down-and-out buddies plot to pull a bank robbery to cure their financial woes.
Director of Photography
The captain of a downed airliner must help his crew and passengers survive on a deserted jungle island in the midst of a power struggle - an adult version of "Lord of the Flies."
Director of Photography
A dying man frames himself for murder so his widow can collect the reward.
Director of Photography
In 1960, the ruins of an American bomber were found in the Libyan desert, but the remains of the crew were never located. In Guerdon Trueblood's teleplay, the ghosts of a bomber crew hang around their derelict plane, awaiting the day that their bones will be recovered and given a decent burial. The sole survivor, navigator Russell Hamner, has in the intervening 25 years become a General. He joins an investigation team that has come across the wreckage, while the ghosts, headed by Major Devlin, plot to expose Hamner as a coward who deserted his post and left his crew mates to die.
Director of Photography
The head of the Human Aetiological Relations Machine pits an agent against a flesh-to-fungus spore gun.
Director of Photography
A janitor finds a four-leaf clover and dreams of his good luck turning him into a television star. Somehow, this translates to "naked women all over the place."
Director of Photography
A college boy with a speech impediment learns the hard way about love and heartbreak.