Michael D'Antonio


The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden
Self - Interviewee
A look into what has shaped President Donald Trump and presidential candidate Joe Biden, where they came from and how they lead.
Frontline: America's Great Divide
Self - Trump Biographer
A deep look into the growing divide in America from the Barack Obama era through the presidency of Donald Trump.
Zembla - The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump Part 1: The Russians
For months, the FBI have been investigating Russian interference in the American presidential elections. ZEMBLA is investigating another explosive dossier concerning Trump’s involvement with the Russians: Trump’s business and personal ties to oligarchs from the former Soviet Union. Powerful billionaires suspected of money laundering and fraud, and of having contacts in Moscow and with the mafia. What do these relationships say about Trump and why does he deny them? How compromising are these dubious business relationships for the 45th president of the United States? And are there connections with the Netherlands? ZEMBLA meets with one of Trump’s controversial cronies and speaks with a former CIA agent, fraud investigators, attorneys, and an American senator among others.
The Making of Trump
As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention. Additionally, celebrities, politicians, and people described as "close to The Donald" weigh in, including former US Senator Al D'Amato (R-N.Y.), former Atlantic City mayor Jim Whelen, boxer Mike Tyson, and notorious "Apprentice" contestant Omarosa.
Crown Heights
After the Crown Heights riots, an orthodox Rabbi and a community activist help two youths--one a Hasidic Jew, the other African-American--form a hip-hop group to heal their neighboorhood.
Em Defesa da Honra
Um dos capítulos mais importantes da história americana e do movimento dos direitos civis. Os afro-americanos de Bogalusa, na Louisiana, ainda são tratados como cidadãos de 3ª categoria, e seus direitos básicos são esmagados pela estrutura do poder branco. Como muitos homens negros da vizinhança, o veterano de guerra Marcus (Forest Whitaker) trabalha em uma fábrica local por um mísero salário e ainda tem que suportar a constante humilhação de seus supervisores brancos. Mas sua paciência passa dos limites quando é espancado pela polícia por defender a sua própria filha.