Michael Alaimo


Michael Alaimo is a film and television actor.


Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Father Navarra
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Space Jam
Numa tentativa desesperada para vencerem um jogo de basquete e assim conquistarem a sua liberdade, os «Looney Tunes» procuram a ajuda do campeão da NBA. Michael Jordan!
Não Mexa com a Minha Filha
Baggage Handler
Katie é uma adolescente feia que, de repente, se transforma numa jovem atraente. Doug é o pai da beldade e faz de tudo para afastar os "gaviões", de forma tão incisiva que corre o risco de perder o amor de sua "pequena".
Dona de Casa por Acaso
Jack e Caroline são um casal tentando ter uma vida decente, quando Jack, de repente perde o emprego. Eles concordam que ele deveria ficar em casa e cuidar da casa enquanto Caroline trabalha. É ele que nunca fez isso antes, e realmente não tem a menor idéia.
A Matter of Life and Death
The true story of a nurse who spent her life caring for terminally ill patients.
It's My Turn
Man at Restaurant
A successful but stressed mathematics professor goes to her father's wedding and falls in love with her father's bride's son, a prematurely retired pro baseball player. She must choose between him and her current boyfriend, between Chicago and New York, and between research and administration.
Síndrome da China
Greg Minor
Kimberly Wells e Richard Adams são jornalistas que filmam um acontecimento irregular em visita a uma usina nuclear, mas a matéria não vai ao ar. Intrigados, os dois decidem investigar o caso, e a verdade pode ser mais grave do que eles imaginavam.
The Last Angry Man
Mr. Dannenfelser
In the midst of the Depression, a crotchety doctor, whose practice is in the Brooklyn slums, takes an interest in a local teenager, whose hostility and erratic behavior the doctor believes is due to more than just his environment.
A documentary about a political troupe headed by actors Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland which traveled to towns near military bases in the US in the early 1970s. The group put on shows called "F.T.A.", which stood for "F**k the Army", and was aimed at convincing soldiers to voice their opposition to the Vietnam War, which was raging at the time. Various singers, actors and other entertainers performed antiwar songs and skits during the show.
A documentary about a political troupe headed by actors Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland which traveled to towns near military bases in the US in the early 1970s. The group put on shows called "F.T.A.", which stood for "F**k the Army", and was aimed at convincing soldiers to voice their opposition to the Vietnam War, which was raging at the time. Various singers, actors and other entertainers performed antiwar songs and skits during the show.
Indecent Desires
Zeb (as Michael Lawrence)
Zeb encontra uma boneca e um anel em uma lata de lixo. Então, ele vê Ann indo trabalhar com sua amiga Babs. Ele acha que ela se parece com a boneca. Ao chegar em casa, acaricia a boneca... Ann sente! Quando Zeb descobre sobre o noivo de Ann, Tom, ele realmente fica bravo, queima a boneca e bate nela, o que faz Ann pensar que está enlouquecendo.
Come Ride the Wild Pink Horse
A drama directed by Joseph W. Sarno.
A Taste of Flesh
Nick (as Michael Lawrence)
Two professional assassins take over the home of two women (who happen to be lesbians) and their "houseguest" in order to assassinate a visiting foreign dignitary.
Anything for Money
Scheming Judy and her affable husband Jack move back east and shack up temporarily with her staid Aunt Edna. Edna's reclusive, auto-erotic roommate and business associate, Louise, takes an immediate dislike to them.
The Sex Cycle
The Cocoa Poodle bar is the central meeting place for the denizens of a bohemian suburban area. Janet, a rather colorless model, is jealous of her artist/mentor Tanya, who attracts the attention of all the local guys. An exotic card-reader offers her a pair of earrings which will give her power over others. She soon becomes the center of attention, but commits a fatal error.
File X for Sex: The Story of the Perverted
Guy in Stag Film
Sex film about a series of case study sketches collected by a man studying abnormal sexual behavior.
The Love Merchant
Vince (as Michael Lawrence)
Biker Click procures lovely willing young women for decadent millionaire playboy Kendall Harvey III. Kendall sets his sights on Peggy Johns as his next conquest, but the married and straight-laced Peggy turns down his proposal. However, after her husband's advertising business finds itself in a financial slump, Kendall offers to help out but only if Peggy agrees to be his intimate companion for two days.