Jochen Schmidt-Hambrock


Music Editor
Einfach die Wahrheit
Prosecutor Charlotte Reinke investigates in a sensitive case: The eight-year-old Laura accuses her father novel of sexual abuse. This indignantly rejects the suspicion. The child had made the accusation under the influence of the mother, who only wanted to take revenge for having left her for another. Does Roman say the truth? Rather accidentally, the prosecutor makes a decisive discovery.
The Perfect Nanny
The ambitious business consultant and single father Edgar Strack is desperately trying to reconcile family and work needs. Alone: ​​He does not succeed. His three adolescent children are frustrated, his new girlfriend Barbara complains, in the company he is betrayed by a competitor. In his distress, Edgar hired the spirited interpreter Ana, whom he had just fired as a colleague, as a new nanny. And lo and behold: Suddenly everything runs like clockwork again.
Pettersson und Findus - Jubiläums Edition Folge 2
Tod auf Amrum
Inspector Rolf Spiekermann is committed and successful, but has many enemies in Hamburg's underworld and little time for his family. That's why his wife Elke and the children are looking forward to vacationing together in Amrum. Arriving on the idyllic island, Rolf falls victim to a treacherous attack. With the help of the young hitchhiker Olaf, he gets off lightly. Rolf feels at the mercy of an invisible opponent. Because the local police only investigates half-heartedly, he tries to find the perpetrators himself. But inspector Spiekermann has found that all his professional skills cannot help him.
Mein großer Freund