Barry Norton

Barry Norton

Nascimento : 1905-06-16, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Morte : 1956-08-24


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Barry Norton (born Alfredo Carlos Birabén; June 16, 1905 – August 24, 1956) was an Argentinian-American actor. He appeared in over 90 films, starting in silent films from 1925 until his death in 1956. He is perhaps best known for his role as Juan Harker in Universal Pictures' Spanish-language version of Drácula in 1931, the English language role of Jonathan Harker originated by David Manners. Arriving in Hollywood in the 1920s, Norton first appeared as an extra in The Black Pirate (1926) but was soon cast in Fox Films' The Lily that same year. His big break came when he was given the role of Pvt. "Mother's Boy" Lewisohn in What Price Glory?, which turned out to be a huge commercial success. He landed substantial roles in Legion of the Condemned and 4 Devils (both 1928), which were also very successful. His acting was well received by audiences and critics at the time, and during the silent era he avoided being typecast as a Latin lover. One theater owner in Golden City, Montana said, "[Norton] has as yet to show me a bad performance. There's a boy that is a 'natural'." In the early 1930s, Norton could still get leading roles in major films. Major Hollywood studios started producing alternate-language versions of their prestige productions, and he became one of dozens of Latino actors needed. Drácula was one of these films, but Norton also appeared in Spanish-language versions of Paramount on Parade (1930), The Benson Murder Case (1930), and The Criminal Code (1931). In a few cases, he appeared in both versions of a film. Examples include Storm Over the Andes (Spanish version: Alas sobre El Chaco), The Sea Fiend (El diablo del Mar), and Captain Calamity (El capitan Tormenta), the latter film reuniting him with Lupita Tovar, his romantic interest from Dracula. In addition to roles in Spanish-territory films, he had roles in numerous major films, usually playing sophisticated Europeans. With the decline in Spanish-language film production in Los Angeles, Norton's opportunities for leading roles became less and less frequent. Though he had a pleasing voice, his Argentine accent seemed incongruous with his appearance. According to some sources, he never mastered English very well. In 1933, he secured what would be his last important role, playing Jean Parker's Spanish fiancé in Frank Capra's Lady for a Day (1933). Although he would continue to work for another 15 years, Norton's last credited screen role would be Should Husbands Work? (1939). For the rest of his career, Norton continued to reside in Los Angeles and obtain small roles in films. Many films he appeared in are now considered to be classics.


Barry Norton


A Volta ao Mundo em Oitenta Dias
Extra (uncredited)
Em 1872, o nobre inglês Phileas Fogg (David Niven) aposta vinte mil libras com seus colegas do Clube Reformatório de Londres de que ele consegue dar a volta no planeta em exatamente oitenta dias. Ao lado do engenhoso Valet Passepartout (Mario Moreno), ele busca cumprir o seu objetivo com aventuras em todos os continentes, acaba conhecendo e se encantando pela bela viúva Aouda (Shirley MacLaine), ao mesmo tempo que, em uma conspiração, é acusado de ter roubado o dinheiro que investiu na aposta.
Palavras ao Vento
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Mitch Wayne e Kyle Hadley são amigos desde criança. A irmã de Kyle, Marylee, pretende se casar com Mitch. Mas este considera a jovem praticamente uma irmã e na verdade está apaioxonado por Lucy. O problema é que Kyle também está e é ele quem acaba se casando com Lucy, antes mesmo que Mitch pudesse expressar seus sentimentos. Kyle, antes um playboy e bebedor, com o tempo passa a ter mais responsabilidade. Mas então descobre que é estéril e mergulha com tudo na bebida. Marylee, movida pelo ódio de ter sido rejeitada, sugere ao irmão que Mitch e Lucy são amantes. E quando Lucy revela estar grávida, Kyle acusa o amigo Mitch de ser o pai.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Um jovem trabalhador do campo sonha ser cantor de ópera. Ao cantar em um restaurante, ele é descoberto por uma socialite por quem se apaixona e que lança sua carreira. Ao ser abandonado por ela, ele vai para o México e se apaixona por outra mulher.
Nasce uma Estrela
Benefit Attendee (uncredited)
Esther Blodgett (Judy Garland) é uma sonhadora artista que deseja se tornar uma grande estrela do cinema americano. Seu sonho se torna realidade quando ela conhece o astro de Hollywood Norman Maine, e os dois se apaixonam. Depois de um tempo, eles se casam, e a carreira de Esther começa realmente a decolar, e ela passa a ser chamada pelo nome artístico de Vicky Lester. Só que enquanto sua fama aumenta, seu marido está cada vez mais decadente e afundado no álcool, o que começa a abalar a carreira da esposa. Segunda versão da clássica história e primeiro filme colorido do diretor George Cukor.
A Nave da Revolta
Ship's Officer (uncredited)
Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial Willie Keith (Robert Francis), um jovem oficial, se incorpora à tripulação do Caine, um navio de menor porte que funciona como caça-minas. O imediato Steve Maryk (Van Johnson) e o tenente Tom Keefer (Fred MacMurray) também fazem parte do staff. Logo depois da chegada de Willie, o capitão DeVriess (Tom Tully) é substituído pelo capitão Philip Francis Queeg (Humphrey Bogart), que logo impõe sua autoridade e sua neurose acerca de limpeza, pois é de seu intento comandar um navio imaculado, onde até uma camisa fora de calça é motivo de séria advertência. Esta neurose faz com que ele se distraia e navegue em círculos, além de cortar seu próprio cabo de reboque. Incidentes adicionais indicam que Queeg está sofrendo de stress. Maryk acha estranho o comportamento do capitão e Keefer insidiosamente planta a semente, dizendo que Queeg está próximo de um colapso nervoso. e 10.
Small Town Girl
Party Guest
Rick Belrow Livingston, in love with Broadway star Lisa, is sentenced to 30 days in jail for speeding through a small town. He persuades the judge's daughter Cindy to let him leave for one night, so that he can visit Lisa on her birthday. After that he goes on the town with Cindy and she falls in love with him. But Dr. Schemmer wants his son to become her husband.
Atalhos do Destino
Party Guest
Struggling to retain custody of his daughter following his divorce, football coach Steve Williams finds himself embroiled in a recruiting scandal at the tiny Catholic college he is trying to bring back to football respectability.
O Cantor de Jazz
Nightclub Patron
As Jerry Golding scales the heights of show business, he breaks the heart of his father, who'd hoped that Jerry would follow in his footsteps. Sorrowfully, Cantor Golding reads the Kaddish service, indicating that, so far as he is concerned, his son is dead. A tearful reconciliation occurs when Jerry dutifully returns to sing the "Kol Nidre" in his ailing father's absence.
Young Man with Ideas
Lawyer at Seminar (uncredited)
A Montana lawyer gets distracted after moving to California with his wife and children.
Na Voragem do Vício
Man in Tweeds (uncredited)
Aging advertising executive Alan Miller is a recovered alcoholic who now does interventions on behalf of Alcoholics Anonymous, is called by the elevator operator of a residential hotel to come and intervene in the case of one of the guests, struggling Broadway actress Jenny Carey. The two find they have even more in common than their taste for drink. But Jenny wants to put an end to their romance because Alan is a married man, who moreover is the father of two children. How will Jenny and Alan resolve their feelings without destroying Alan's marriage?
Sempre Cabe Mais Um
Boy Scout Ceremony Attendee (uncredited)
Anne and "Poppy" Rose have three quirky kids. Anne has a generous heart and the belief in the innocence of children. To the unhappy surprise of her husband she takes in the orphan Jane, a problem child who already tried to kill herself once.
O Tirano
The wicked Alain plots an elaborate revenge against his younger brother Edmund, leading to a deadly confrontation in his dungeon deathtrap.
Hollywood Story
Christmas Parade Spectator (uncredited)
A producer takes over a small film studio and - sensing that it'll be a good movie- begins investigating an old murder of a silent film director shot in his office years ago. He finds that his life is threatened as he digs deeper into the mystery.
Senhor 880
Restaurant Diner (uncredited)
O Skipper é um velho charmoso amado por todos os seus vizinhos. O que eles não sabem é que ele também é o Sr. 880, um falsário amador que surpreendentemente conseguiu escapar do Serviço Secreto por 20 anos. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Da Terra à Lua
Reporter (uncredited)
Astronauts blast off to explore the moon on Rocketship X-M or "Rocketship eXploration Moon". A spacecraft malfunction and some fuel miscalculations cause them to end up landing on Mars. On Mars, evidence of a once powerful civilization is found. The scientists determined that an atomic war destroyed most of the Martians. Those that survived reverted to a caveman like existence.
Johnny Allegro
Treasury Department officials recruit a florist (Raft) to lead them to a wanted criminal (Macready); but once he gets too close, he finds he's the hunted.
An Innocent Affair
Rocket Roof Patron (uncredited)
Vincent Doane is in the precarious position of trying to close an advertising account with his rich ex-fiancée. Unfortunately she is more interested in him than in business. Vincent's wife Paula gets suspicious and finally decides to do some flirting of her own to make him jealous. Unknown to her, she chooses cigarette tychoon Claude Kimball. In fact, Kimball hits it off well with both of the Doanes. The question is whether or not their marriage can survive all the shenanigans.
Monsieur Verdoux
Garden Party Guest (uncredited)
Monsieur Verdoux (Charles Chaplin) é um assassino em série golpista. Ele casa com senhoras ricas e logo depois as mata para ficar com toda a herança. Esse dinheiro ele usa para sustentar sua verdadeira família, que se encontra em dificuldades financeiras desde que Verdoux se deu mal nos negócios.
Twilight on the Rio Grande
Gene and Pokie are on vacation in Mexico when they learn that their buddy Dusty has been bumped off.
Devil Monster
Robert Jackson
A schooner disappears at sea without a trace. Years later, evidence of possible survivors prompts the mother of the schooner's mate Jose to hire a tuna boat to investigate. They discover the lad living happily on a South Seas island, and, when he refuses to leave with them, they abduct him. However, Jose gets revenge by leading the ship into the lair of a mysterious giant manta ray.
Romance e Fantasia
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Kit Madden is traveling to Hollywood, where her best-selling novel is to be filmed. Aboard the train, she encounters Marines Rusty and Dink, who don't know she is the author of the famous book, and who don't think much of the ideas it proposes. She and Rusty are greatly attracted, but she doesn't know how to deal with his disdain for the book's author.
Por Conta do Cupido
Nightclub Patron (Uncredited)
A Brooklyn showgirl gets mixed up in a divorce between a soldier and his wife.
German Cafe Patron (Uncredited)
O professor Richard Myles e sua mulher Frances se preparam para sair em lua de mel na Alemanha quando são contratados pelo serviço secreto inglês. Eles precisam encontrar um misterioso cientista nazista determinado a destruir a Marinha britânica.
Missão em Moscou
Ball Guest (uncredited)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
O Fogo Sagrado
Steven (Spencer Tracy) está escrevendo uma biografia sobre um herói nacional que morreu quando seu carro caiu da ponte. A viúva (Katharine Hepburn) do homem coopera com o escritor, mas ele acaba descobrindo que ela poderia ter evitado o acidente, mas escolheu não fazê-lo. Agora ele precisa descobrir os motivos da viúva.
Gambler at Rick's (uncredited)
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, muitos fugitivos tentavam escapar dos nazistas por uma rota que passava pela cidade de Casablanca. O exilado americano Rick Blaine encontrou refúgio na cidade, dirigindo uma das principais casas noturnas da região. Clandestinamente, tentando despistar o Capitão Renault, ele ajuda refugiados, possibilitando que eles fujam para os Estados Unidos. Quando um casal pede sua ajuda para deixar o país, ele reencontra uma grande paixão do passado, a bela Ilsa. Este amor vai encontrar uma nova vida e eles vão lutar para fugir juntos.
Bonita Como Nunca
One of Maria's Suitors (uncredited)
O Acunas, uma rica família argentina, seguem a tradição de que as filhas têm de se casar em ordem, primeiro as mais velhas. Quando a irmã # 1 se casa, as irmãs # 3 e # 4, que já escolheram seus futuros maridos, fazem pressão sobre Maria a irmã # 2. Mas Maria ainda não conheceu um homem que goste. O pai Eduardo Acuna, acreditando que os homens não são românticos suficiente nos dias de hoje, envia para sua filha flores e cartas de amor anônimas, criando um "homem misterioso" para ela se apaixonar. Ele pretende escolher um rapaz apropriado para ela mais tarde, para ocupar o papel. Mas Robert Davis, um dançarino americano à procura de trabalho, surge em cena. Maria se apaixona por ele, mas o pai não aprova.
Rua das Ilusões
Nightclub Patron (Uncredited)
Meek busboy Little Pinks is in love with an extremely selfish showgirl who despises and uses him.
The Falcon Takes Over
Nightclub Patron (Uncredited)
While an escaped convict, Moose Malloy, goes in search of his ex-girlfriend Velma, police inspector Michael O'Hara attempts to track him assuming him to be a prime suspect for a number of mishaps.
Dois Tiros Silenciosos
Man at Ship Dock (uncredited)
In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
The Mexican Spitfire's Baby
Nightclub Patron
An advertising executive and his temperamental wife adopt a war orphan who turns out to be a beautiful woman.
Niagara Falls
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
The nosy antics of a honeymooner puts an unwed couple in the same room.
Segure o Fantasma
Club Patron (uncredited)
Two bumbling service station attendants are left as the sole beneficiaries in a gangster's will. Their trip to claim their fortune is sidetracked when they are stranded in a haunted house along with several other strangers.
Seu Três Amores
Bowler (uncredited)
Janie is a telephone operator who is caught up in the lines of love of three men: car salesman Tom, Chicago millionaire Dick and auto mechanic Harry. But Janie just can't seem to make up her mind between them. While fantasizing about her futures with each of the men, Janie spends her time desperately trying to juggle between them until she can make a decision.
A Vida é Um Teatro
Palm Beach Casino Patron (Uncredited)
Discovery by Flo Ziegfeld changes a girl's life but not necessarily for the better, as three beautiful women find out when they join the spectacle on Broadway: Susan, the singer who must leave behind her ageing vaudevillian father; vulnerable Sheila, the working girl pursued both by a millionaire and by her loyal boyfriend from Flatbush; and the mysterious European beauty Sandra, whose concert violinist husband cannot endure the thought of their escaping from poverty by promenading her glamor in skimpy costumes.
As Três Noites de Eva
Passenger on Ship (uncredited)
Depois de um ano estudando ofídios amazônicos, o rico - porém rústico - Charles Pike conhece em um navio Jean Harrington, uma golpista. Eles se apaixonam, mas um engano os separa. Para reconquistá-lo, Jean se disfarça como uma senhora inglesa e volta para atormentá-lo.
Mexican Spitfire Out West
Hotel Guest
Dennis heads west to work on an important business deal minus the Mexican Spitfire, Carmelita. His hot-tempered spouse decides to surprise him, but ends up as the surprised one when she sees him with another woman. Instead of a second honeymoon, Carmelita begins divorce proceedings
Serenata Tropical
Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Uma garota americana em férias na Argentina se apaixona por um rico proprietário de cavalos de corrida.
A Vida é uma Dança
Dissaproving Theatre Patron (uncredited)
Judy O'Brien é uma bailarina aspirante em um grupo de dança. Também está no grupo Bubbles, uma trambiqueira ousada que sempre deixa a trupe lutando pela carreira no burlesco. Quando o grupo se desfaz, Bubbles dá a Judy uma tarefa ingrata. As duas finalmente se chocam quando ambas se apaixonam pelo mesmo homem.
Should Husbands Work?
Ronald McDonald
Joe Higgins' wife gets the job meant for him, so he stays home to do the housework. A Higgins Family comedy
Second Fiddle
Nightclub Patron
Studio publicist discovers Minnesota skating teacher and takes her to Hollywood. She goes back to Minnesota but he follows her.
Angel of Mercy
President Garfield's Secretary (uncredited)
This MGM Passing Parade series short tells the story of Clara Barton, the founder of the Red Cross.
Lafitte, O Corsário
French pirate Jean Lafitte rescues a girl and joins the War of 1812.
I'll Take Romance
Theater manager James Guthrie's (Melvyn Douglas) career depends on famed soprano Elsa Terry (Grace Moore) singing in his Buenos Aires opera house, however, Elsa breaks the contract in favor of a more lucrative deal in Paris. Desperate, James begins showering her with flowers and candy in an attempt to woo her to the Argentinian opera house. When Elsa overhears James confess to his friend Pancho that he'd be willing to resort to kidnapping to get Elsa to Argentina, she mistakenly believes his motives to be solely romantic.
Rich Relations
Don Blair
A secretary finds herself being romanced by a "ladies man". What she doesn't know is that it's her boss who really loves her.
A Dama das Camélias
Emile (uncredited)
Marguerite Gautier (Greta Garbo), uma cortesã, conhece o amor, mas é humilhada pelo antigo amante e o pai de seu novo amor, Armand Duval (Robert Taylor), que lhe diz que ela destruirá o futuro do seu filho. Diante deste quadro, apesar de amá-lo loucamente, ela não só o abandona como o faz acreditar que voltará para o seu antigo amante e protetor.
Captain Calamity
A South Seas skipper fights off thieves and pirates who are after a lost treasure.
The Sea Fiend
Robert Jackson
The Sea Fiend, aka Devil Monster, is an American adventure film directed by S. Edwin Graham and it was shown in Great Britain as The Sea Fiend in 1938. An edited version of the film was released in 1946 as Devil Monster, a low-budget South Seas drama spiced up with stock footage inserts including half-dressed native girls that were also featured in the film's trailer.
Murder at Glen Athol
Tom Randel
A famous detective is invited to a swanky party at an elegant mansion, but before the night is over he finds himself involved with gangsters, blackmail and murde
El Diablo del Mar
A ship disappears without trace. What happened to the crew? Years later there's news of possible survivors and soon a rescue team is setting sail. Eventually they discover a young man living on a remote island and they ask him to leave with them. He refuses, so they abduct him. But he gets his revenge and guides them into the lair of the devil of the deep. Alternate language version of THE SEA FIEND (1935)
Woman Wanted
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Just after a jury finds Ann Grey guilty of murder, the car carrying her to prison crashes into another car. Ann escapes and ends up in lawyer Tony Baxter's car. Tony realizes Ann is innocent, so he vows to help her prove it, risking his neck in the process. Tony and Ann are pursued by the police and by Smiley Gordon, a mob boss who engineered Ann's escape thinking that she can lead him to a $250,000 stash.
Storm Over the Andes
A war between Bolivia and Paraguay is the setting for the stories of flyers involved with both sides in the conflict.
Young Officer at Beer Garden (Uncredited)
A countess marries a Gypsy fiddler instead of a baron's son at harvest time in Tokay wine country, Hungary.
Imitação da Vida
Young Man Proposing Toast (uncredited)
Uma viúva em dificuldades e sua filha recebem uma empregada negra e sua filha de pele clara; as duas mulheres iniciam um negócio de sucesso, mas enfrentam problemas familiares, de identidade e raciais ao longo do caminho. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Grand Canary
Robert Tranter
Based on an AJ Cronin novel, a disgraced doctor exiled to the Canary Islands, meets and falls in love with a married woman.
The World Moves On
Jacques Girard (1924)
Two families, cotton merchants in England and America, with branches in France and Prussia swear to stand by each other in a belief that a great business firmly established in four countries will be able to withstand even such another calamity as the Napoleonic Wars from which Europe is slowly recovering. Then many years later, along comes World War One and the years that follow, to test the businesses.
Unknown Blonde
Bob Parker
An unprincipled hustler who makes his living getting--or making up--evidence in divorce cases finds that he's framing his own daughter.
Only Yesterday
Jerry (Uncredited)
On the back of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, a young business man is about to commit suicide. With the note to his wife scribbled down and a gun in his hand, he notices a thick envelope addressed to him at the desk. As he begin to read, we're taken back to the days of WW1 and his meeting with a young woman named Mary Lane.
Dama por um Dia
O gangster transforma a Annie das Maçãs, mendiga da Times Square, em Dama por um Dia. A Annie das Maçãs é uma indigente que sempre escreve cartas para sua filha na Espanha e diz nas cartas que é da alta sociedade de Nova York. Com sua filha repentinamente vindo para a América com seu novo noivo e o pai do noivo, um membro da aristocracia espanhola, Annie precisa manter sua encenação de riqueza ou o conde não dará sua bênção ao casamento. Ela recebe ajuda inesperada de Dave the Dude, uma figura bem conhecida no submundo de Nova York, que considera Annie o seu amuleto de boa sorte. Ele lhe oferece um apartamento de luxo para entreter os visitantes - mas esse ato de bondade incomum de um homem com uma reputação vergonhosa desperta suspeitas, levando a complicações que fazem com que as coisas não saiam exatamente como foram planejadas. Refilmado pelo mesmo diretor em Dama por Um Dia (1961).
Cocktail Hour
Prince Philippe de Longville
Cynthia Warren, independently wealthy through her ability as an illustrator and poster artist, rebels against the premise that every woman is destined for matrimony and motherhood and decides she has as much right as a man to play around.
Luxury Liner
Prince Vladimir Gleboff
This drama offers a few slices from the lives of those who live, work, and travel upon a luxurious trans-atlantic ocean liner.
Young Lieutenant - Firing Squad
Marie Kolverer é uma prostituta vienense que se oferece como espiã ao serviço secreto de seu país. Transformada na sedutora agente X27, uma espécie de Mata Hari, ela facilmente seduz e extrai segredos de oficiais inimigos durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Contudo, ela acaba se apaixonando pelo Coronel Kranau, um espião russo...
Juan Harker
At midnight on Walpurgis Night, an English clerk, Renfield, arrives at Count Dracula's castle in the Carpathian Mountains. After signing papers to take over a ruined abbey near London, Dracula drives Renfield mad and commands obedience. Renfield escorts the boxed count on a death ship to London. From there, the Count is introduced into the society of his neighbor, Dr. Seward, who runs an asylum. Dracula makes short work of family friend Lucia Weston, then begins his assault on Eva Seward, the doctor's daughter. A visiting expert in the occult, Van Helsing, recognizes Dracula for who he is, and there begins a battle for Eva's body and soul.
East is West
Billy Benson
An irascible retired old lawyer exposes a diamond thief.
Galas de la Paramount
Master of Ceremonies
Spanish-language version of PARAMOUNT ON PARADE (q.v.), with new sequences of interest to Spanish-speaking audiences mixed with original- version sequences.
Bold Love
Malatroff, head of an international gang of jewel thieves, pressures Lucy Stavrin to pose as a countess and become friendly with the Corbetts, a nouveau-riche American couple residing on the Costa Azul.
Sins of the Fathers
Tom Spengler
A married restaurant owner is persuaded to become a bootlegger by a beautiful young girl. When he starts making money at it, she steals it, then runs off with another man. His wife finds out what happened. Complications ensue.
The Red Dance
Rasputin's Assassin (uncredited)
Tasia (Dolores del Río), a beautiful dancer lower class of Russia, falls heir to the throne Prince, Grand Duke Eugene (Charles Farrell), but only admired from a distance. At the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, the Duke falls in captivity and this allows Tasia be near him.
Os Quatro Diabos
The circus provides the backdrop for this melodrama that chronicles the lives of four children raised within the big top. Film historian and collector William K. Everson stated that the only surviving print was lost by actress Mary Duncan who had borrowed it from Fox Studios. In the December 1974 issue of "Films in Review," he explained that Mary Duncan, one of the film's stars, wanted it to show to a group of friends in Florida. The star was aware that it was a dangerous nitrate print and assumed that Fox had others. She threw the only copy in the ocean, a mistake characterized by Everson as "a monumental blunder to rank with Balaclava, Sarajevo, and the Fall of Babylon as one of history's blackest moments."
The Legion of the Condemned
Byron Dashwood
Finding his sweetheart, Christine, in the arms of a German officer, Price joins the French Air Legion. Christine is later revealed to be the spy whom Price has been ordered to drop behind enemy lines. They are reconciled, are captured by the Germans, and are rescued by his unit.
The Wizard
Reginald Van Lear
A mad doctor sews human head onto gorilla's body.
Ballroom Dancer / Kissing Couple (uncredited)
Seduzido por uma moça da cidade, um fazendeiro tenta afogar sua mulher, mas desiste no último momento. Esta foge para a cidade, mas ele a segue para provar o seu amor.
A Man About Town
Amos, a Centerville Clerk
A comedy short film directed by George Marshall.
The Heart of Salome
Henri Bezanne
1927 picture starring Alma Rubens and Walter Pidgeon.
Ankles Preferred
Nora, a department store clerk, is determined to succeed on the basis of her brain power despite her attractive ankles. She gets a job as model at the shop of McGuire and Goldberg, and they announce that Nora may be given a trip abroad if she persuades their financer to lend the partners additional funds. The financer, Hornsbee, becomes presumptuous, leading to an encounter between him and Barney, Nora's young suitor; and she is ultimately glad to accept Barney's modest attentions.
The Canyon of Light
Ricardo Deane
The story begins as Tom Mills (Tom Mix) rides off to fight in WWI. Leaving his ranch in the care of his sister Ellen (Carmelita Geraghty) and her husband Ed (Carl Miller) Mills returns from the battlefield two years later to find that his brother-in-law has deserted, and the ranch is in a state of ruin and disrepair. Even worse, Ed is now top man in a vicious outlaw gang.
What Price Glory
Pvt. Kenneth 'Mother's Boy' Lewisohn
U.S. Marine sergeants Quirt and Flagg are inveterate romantic rivals on peacetime assignments in China and the Philippines. In 1917, W.W. I brings them to France, where Flagg, now a captain, takes up with flirtatious Charmaine, inn-keeper's daughter. Of course, Quirt has to arrive and spoil his fun. But the harsh realities of war and the threat of a shotgun marriage give the two men a common cause...
The Lily
Max de Maigny
O Pirata Negro
Youth (uncredited)
Um nobre promete se vingar de um bando de piratas que assassinou seu pai. Para atingir seu objetivo, ele se enfiltra no grupo de criminosos e, disfarçado, acaba ajudando na captura de um navio. As coisas se complicam quando chega a bordo do navio uma mulher que ele se sente no deve de proteger dos piratas.