Peter Modestij

Peter Modestij

Nascimento : 1976-05-12,


Peter Modestij


Maya Nilo (Laura)
Nilo is a feminist writer, living an orderly life with her husband and 13-year-old daughter Laura. When her irresponsible sister Maya, whose projects constantly tend to bomb, both "kidnaps" Nilo's Volvo and daughter and heads south, Nilo tags along. The goal of the trip is Portugal, where the sisters’ complicated mother recently diagnosed with cancer lives, together with Maya’s son, who it has finally become time to take responsibility for.
Bella chega a Los Angeles de sua cidade natal, na Suécia, com sonhos de se tornar a próxima estrela pornô. Entretanto, como sua impiedosa ambição a leva a um território cada vez mais perigoso, Bella luta para conciliar seus sonhos de empoderamento com a realidade do lado mais obscuro da indústria.
Meu Nome é Greta
A história da adolescente ativista climática Greta Thunberg é contada por meio de cenas nunca antes vistas em um documentário íntimo do diretor sueco Nathan Grossman. Começando com a greve escolar em prol do meio ambiente, em que ela ficava sentada na frente do parlamento sueco, Grossman segue Greta - uma estudante tímida com Asperger - em sua ascensão ao reconhecimento, mostrando seu impacto global e a forma como impulsionou greves em escolas de todo o mundo. O filme culmina com a extraordinária viagem dela movida pelo vento através do Oceano Atlântico para falar na Cúpula do Clima da ONU, em Nova York.
Meu Nome é Greta
Executive Producer
A história da adolescente ativista climática Greta Thunberg é contada por meio de cenas nunca antes vistas em um documentário íntimo do diretor sueco Nathan Grossman. Começando com a greve escolar em prol do meio ambiente, em que ela ficava sentada na frente do parlamento sueco, Grossman segue Greta - uma estudante tímida com Asperger - em sua ascensão ao reconhecimento, mostrando seu impacto global e a forma como impulsionou greves em escolas de todo o mundo. O filme culmina com a extraordinária viagem dela movida pelo vento através do Oceano Atlântico para falar na Cúpula do Clima da ONU, em Nova York.
As if immersed in the situation, the viewer witnesses a distressing encounter between angry parents, a helpless teacher and three schoolgirls. It soon becomes clear that certain things are going wrong in their class. There have been complaints of bullying. The parents are mainly concerned with defending their own children. They throw around neurotic accusations and make untenable demands. Using a camera which itself seems to participate in the discussion, scene after scene is dissected with refreshing malice and a sense for the dark side of human nature. Desperate attempts to resolve things unleash an avalanche of other problems. It takes a long time before Denise, Bella and Mina can have their say.
As if immersed in the situation, the viewer witnesses a distressing encounter between angry parents, a helpless teacher and three schoolgirls. It soon becomes clear that certain things are going wrong in their class. There have been complaints of bullying. The parents are mainly concerned with defending their own children. They throw around neurotic accusations and make untenable demands. Using a camera which itself seems to participate in the discussion, scene after scene is dissected with refreshing malice and a sense for the dark side of human nature. Desperate attempts to resolve things unleash an avalanche of other problems. It takes a long time before Denise, Bella and Mina can have their say.
Experienced male actors are called to an audition. During the screen test, they realise that the female director is looking for something they are unwilling to expose. A humorous and masterful depiction of power structures and male defense mechanisms.
Couple Fucking
A man in search of status buys a copulating couple at an auction. But every action has consequences.
Couple Fucking
A man in search of status buys a copulating couple at an auction. But every action has consequences.