Charles Major


Entre a Espada e a Rosa
Conta a história de Mary Tudor e sua problemática jornada até o amor verdadeiro. Henry VIII, por razões políticas, determina que ela case com o Rei da França. Ela tenta escapar para a América com seu amor mas é capturada quando sua identidade é revelada numa embarcação de navio. Em troca de seu consentimento quanto ao casamento com o rei, Henry concorda em deixar que ela escolha um segundo marido. Quando o Rei Louis da França morre, Mary é sequestrada pelo duque de Buckingham, que tenta forçá-la ao casamento.
The backdrop is fifteenth century France, and Charles, Duke of Burgundy has promised his daughter, Princess Mary, that she can marry the man she loves, Prince Maximilian of Styria. But when the Swiss threaten war, the duke is compelled to take back his word and he arranges for Mary to wed the half-witted dauphin of France's King Louis XI .
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall
In the year 1550, Sir George Vernon agrees to have his young daughter Dorothy betrothed to John Manners, the son of the Earl of Rutland. Sir George signs a contract, promising that the marriage will take place on Dorothy's 18th birthday, or else he will have to pay a large penalty to Rutland. But when the two children have grown older, rumors of John's wild behavior in France provoke Sir George to call off the engagement, and to pledge his daughter instead to her cousin Malcolm. Rutland now claims the forfeit from Sir George, and meanwhile, John has befriended Mary Stuart, the sworn enemy of Elizabeth, who is now Queen of England.
When Knighthood Was in Flower
Mary Tudor falls in love with a new arrival to court, Charles Brandon. She convinces her brother King Henry VIII to make him his Captain of the Guard. Meanwhile, Henry is determined to marry her off to the aging King Louis XII of France as part of a peace agreement.
Sweet Alyssum
The boss of iron worker Roanoke Brooks (Power), is having an affair with his wife (Kathlyn Williams). Eventually she commits suicide and her lover dies in an accident. Roanoke lavishes all his love and attention on his daughter (Edith Johnson). As a young woman she goes to the West where she meets the son of the man who broke up her father's marriage.