Svetlana Titova


Cidade dos Ventos
Costume Design
Na década de 1970, jovem universitário que se proclama "dissidente" disputa com o amigo comunista o amor da doce Lyuda, enquanto o entusiasmo socialista na URSS vai sofrendo uma gradual, porém contínua, erosão.
O Último Guerreiro
Costume Design
Ele foi sentenciado à morte, mas sobreviveu à destruição de sua tribo e sua família. O último homem da tribo Grey Dogs se torna um poderoso guerreiro e passa a ser conhecido como Wolfhound. Ele escapa da morte no submundo das minas e se transforma no protetor de Elen, a filha de um governante que espera salvar sua cidade concedendo a mão da jovem a um guerreiro da terra vizinha. Eles iniciam uma perigosa expedição em busca do futuro marido de Elen. Mas Wolfhound se verá frente a frente a misteriosos acontecimentos que mostrarão os verdadeiros objetivos desta jornada.
Неуправляемый занос
Production Design
Kolkhoz Entertainment
Costume Design
Summer 1989. A people of kolkhoz are forced to produce a show in order to get additional financing.
The Suit
Costume Design
Three young Russian friends amuse themselves in a small seaside town with a series of minor adventures, some of which involve a new suit.
The Kopeck
Costume Design
In this movie we follow fate not a person but car: first Soviet Lada. It starts with Brezhnev daughter and then gradually moves on parallel to last years of USSR into wild after-perestroika years with bandits and newly born oligarchs.
Poisons or the World History of Poisoning
Costume Design
A story of an actor named Oleg whose wife has been seduced by his neighbor. As he is thoroughly convinced of her infidelity, he would like to poison her. An old man named Prokhorov helps him to get rid of his wife by lecturing about famous deaths caused by poisoning. It is from Prokhorov we learn that many famous and not so famous like Cesare Borgia and Caligula were killed as they were poisoned.
The Romanovs: A Crowned Family
Costume Design
The story of the last year and a half of Tsar Nicholas II and his family from the February Revolution of 1917 to their execution in July 1918.
Three Sisters
Costume Design
A screen adaptation of Anton Chekhov's play about three sisters yearning for a better life.
A Small Giant of Big Sex
Costume Design
Based on the story "Oh, Marat!" by Fazil Iskander. The main character of the movie, Marat, lives in a coastal town near the Black Sea, he works as a photographer at the beach and is an editor at the local newspaper. But he is known for an entirely other reason: no woman can resist him. Making love is a serious thing for Marat, although his adventures will make the viewers die with laughter...
Costume Design
Pavel and Pavelina leave their rural countryside homes and move to Moscow to find work. Once there, they find that urban life is not what they thought it was and have to endure bitter hardships as they try to find work and places to live. The two meet for the first time during a fight at a bar, when they are arrested by police along with others in the building. The understand each other's troubles and band together to avoid both the police and criminal gangs that plagued Moscow toward the end of the Soviet Union.
Okhota na Sutenera
Production Design
Двое приятелей Вова и Боб ограбили квартиру Нины - любовницы директора рынка. Всю вину молодчики свалили на бывшего любовника и сутенера Нины Стаса Шапкина. Шеф не стал впутывать в эту историю милицию, он поручил заняться этим делом своим людям. Бандиты пытают Стаса, требуют отдать пропавшую сумму. В конце концов, бедняге приходится занять деньги у всех своих проституток и отдать вымогателям.
Costume Designer
Sergey Gusev, a thirty years old engineer from Moscow is kidnapped and forced to work in a mine.
Production Design
Sergey Gusev, a thirty years old engineer from Moscow is kidnapped and forced to work in a mine.
Vacation at Your Own Expense
Costume Design
A young girl from the Siberian province arrives in Moscow for her beloved, whom she met during his business trip. He is a test designer for buses and will be on a business trip to Hungary. It was at this point that Katya set her vacation time. But it seems that they didn’t really wait for her... However, a meeting with László changes all her plans...
Adam Marries Eve
Costume Design
Every day of Dr. Kalinnikova
Costume Design
The story of a talented woman who dedicated her life to surgery. Patients from all over the country go to her orthopedic laboratory — the doctor’s unique methods of treatment are so effective. However, an anonymous complaint is received by the metropolitan commission. Now experts have to figure out whether Kalinnikova really creates innovative healing techniques...