A retelling of the popular fairy tale that mixes live action and animation.
Jerry and Tuffy lead the quest to thanksgiving. All the sudden, Tom sneaks into the dinning room to destroy Jerry and Tuffy. So, Jerry, Tuffy and Tom battle over thanksgiving. In the end, Jerry, Tuffy and Tom would agree to eat the whole turkey but Tuffy decides to ate the whole turkey.
Tom is chasing Jerry again. In a panic, the mouse runs into the doghouse of little Tyke, the bulldog. Right next to the sleeping Tyke sleeps Spike, his father. Tom unthinkingly snatches the puppy out of his house. When Spike wakes up and sees this, he delivers a stern warning: Stay away from my boy, or else. Jerry realizes that sticking close to the boy is the best way to repel his feline tormentor, but Tom is not about to let the mouse evade him so easily.
Spike is showing his son Tyke how to barbecue when his cooking is disrupted by a typical Tom-and-Jerry chase.
Jerry narrates in voiceover: Tom has fallen hard for the cat next door, and competes with rich cat Butch for her affections. But Butch outspends Tom to a ludicrous level at every turn. Tom goes downhill after that, until we see him contemplating suicide.
A dancing bear escapes from the zoo and finds his way to Tom and Jerry's house. He dances with Tom, making it impossible for Tom to call the authorities; Jerry takes every opportunity to play music and keep Tom and the bear dancing
Tom settles in for a day at the beach with his sweety, accidentally ruining Jerry's day. Meanwhile, Tom's girl is paying more attention to the bodybuilders than to Tom.
A lost baby woodpecker, that believes Jerry is its mother, does everything it can to save the mouse from Tom, who is once again in pursuit. A CinemaScope remake of the 1949 Tom and Jerry cartoon Hatch Up Your Troubles.
After Tom's mistress orders him to clean up the mess he made while chasing Jerry, Tom spies an ad for a cat needed as companion to an old lady. Tom leaves his current home for what he anticipates will be a better life, only to discover the old lady is a witch.
When a duck hatches from the egg underneath Tom, the newborn (Little Quacker) is convinced Tom is his mother. Tom would like to eat the duckling; Jerry is determined to keep that from happening.
Jerry's eccentric uncle, Pecos, a Texan mouse, comes to spend the night with him before his musical performance on television the next day. He decides to rehearse with his guitar for the performance but each time he plays, one of his guitar strings snaps off. Fortunately, he is able to replace them by plucking off one of Tom's whiskers each time. Tom is rather reluctant about this and tries to hide to protect his whiskers from Uncle Pecos.
Nobody's home, so Tom invites his alley cat friends in to look at home movies (clips from earlier cartoons where Tom gets the drop on Spike). While they're showing them, Spike sneaks in.
Mousketeer Jerry has a love letter to deliver to darling Lilli. He gives it to his young pupil, who has a hard time getting past Tom to deliver it, but he does. They send a few more letters back and forth, at great pain to the youngster.
Tom designs a better mousetrap that would have made Rube Goldberg jealous. While he sleeps, the mouse that Tom drew wakes Jerry and they get chased by the cat Tom drew. As Tom awakes, they make a strategic alteration to the design.
Tom sells Jerry to a local pet store that's buying white mice. Yes, Jerry's brown, but a little paint fixes that.
Spike is taking his son on a picnic. Jerry keeps hiding in the basket, so Tom keeps disrupting the picnic while chasing him.
Jerry's little duckling friend has packed his bag and is all set to fly south for the winter despite the book Jerry keeps showing him that points out that domestic ducks do not fly south, and despite his obvious inability to fly at all. But that doesn't stop him from ending up in Tom's frying pan, at least briefly.
A young mouse arrives at the Parisian headquarters of the King's Mouseketeers with a letter from his father, François Mouse, asking Jerry to teach the lad to be a Mouseketeer. Lessons begin for the French-speaking boy, but although he's charming, he's hopeless and when he gets into a scrape with Tom, Jerry sends the garçon packing. As the boy is leaving Paris, he hears the noise of fighting, and he returns to find Jerry in a fight for his life with Tom. Champagne corks, a paint brush, and a barrel of wine are props in the lad's attack. But has he lost all his clumsiness?
The couple that owns Tom and Spike decides they can't afford to keep both. They agree that the first one to catch the mouse can stay - bad news for Jerry.
Jerry's little duckling friend is depressed because he's just read The Ugly Duckling and thinks that he's ugly. Jerry does his best to help. Tom gets involved when the suicidal duck offers himself as a meal.
Tom chases Jerry through the streets of Naples; they meet a local mouse who recognizes them from their cartoons and shows them around. Meanwhile, some local dogs are shadowing them.
Jerry and his diapered little mouse friend flood the kitchen, then use the freezer to turn it into a skating rink. Even though Tom finds a pair of ice skates, the mice have no problem outmaneuvering him.
An alley cat is foraging for food when he sees Tom's house and decides it's a rich haul. He dresses as a foundling baby and lands on the doorstep. Tom takes him in and Butch proceeds to raid the fridge between Tom's babying him. What he doesn't know is that Jerry's going to grab the ham Butch swiped every chance he gets.
Professor Jerry teaches a course in how to outwit cats, but his pupil seems to know more than Jerry.
Spike has just put Tyke to bed for his nap when Tom and Jerry chase out the door to Tyke's crib, waking him up. This gives Tyke an attack of hiccups. Spike warns Tom not to wake him up again, which of course is all Jerry needs...
Jerry rescues a bag of puppies from the river. Most of them run away as soon as Jerry releases them, but one stays behind. Jerry tries to get rid of it, but ultimately takes pity and invites the frisky pup inside, where he has to hide it from Tom, who keeps throwing it out.
Mail call. Nothing for Tom, but at Jerry's box, Tom finds a package; inside is a book, "Life with Tom" by Jerry Mouse. As Tom flips to chapters and hears, first a radio audience, then a group of alley cats, then Spike and Tyke, all laughing over the book, we see the clips from earlier shows that everyone is laughing at. Tom gets more and more irate about being the butt of everyone's jokes, and confronts Jerry, clobbering him with the book, when Jerry shows Tom the rest of his mail. The royalty checks have come in, and Jerry has split his $50,000 royalty with Tom. Suddenly, with $25,000 in his pocket, Tom is able to find the book funny.
The Bide-a-wee Mouse Home sends two orphans over for a hike with Scoutmaster Jerry. Trouble is, the orphans, dressed as Indians, want to shoot arrows and tomahawk-chop everything in sight, and especially Tom, who quickly gets scalped and has the end of his tail chopped off. He captures Jerry; this, of course, means war, for which the tots paint dozens of badminton shuttlecocks as a fake army. They also paint a fierce face on the sleeping dog. Ultimately, they get Tom to leave a trail of gunpowder, which they light, destroying the garage. Tom signals a truce, and they all smoke a peace pipe, but the smoke comes out of Tom's ears instead of his mouth.
Jerry Mouse befriends a newly hatched duckling who can't swim and ends up protecting him against his feline nemesis, Tom.
Spike explains to his son the rules of being a dog: 1: be man's best friend (begging, lying at feet); 2: bury bones; 3: chase cats. Just then, Tom (and Jerry) run by, offering the perfect practice subject. Spike lectures Tom to be scared by the pup or else; Jerry overhears, and is soon doing his best dog impersonation, while Tom works on various strategies to neutralize Tyke
At the home of Viennese composer Johann Strauss lived Johann Mouse. Whenever the composer played his waltzes, the mouse would dance to the music, unable to control himself. One day, when Strauss was away, the house cat played his master's music. When word got out about a piano-playing cat and a dancing mouse, they were commanded to perform for the emperor.
A baby elephant rolls off the circus train and right into Tom's bed. He quickly allies himself with Jerry, and with a rolled-up trunk and some paint, passes himself off as a giant mouse. The two then keep trading places to the bafflement of Tom.
Jerry is raiding the fridge while, nearby, a watchful Tom chases Jerry causing him to crash into a wall which, in turn, causes a bottle of white shoe polish to pour on Jerry. It is at this time when Tom hears on the radio that a dangerous white mouse, having swallowed an explosive formula, has escaped from a lab and that the slightest jar will cause an explosion and destroy a city. Tom then notices the now white Jerry and does whatever he can to stop Jerry from doing dangerous things to himself.
Tom is the official cat on the cruise ship S.S. Aloha, but he'll be kicked off if the captain finds even one mouse. That one, of course, is Jerry, who sneaks on board just before sailing.
Tom's being especially lazy, which makes it even easier for Mammy to toss him out when her new mouse-catching robot cat, Mechano, arrives. Mechano is frighteningly efficient, foiling several attempts by Jerry. Jerry turns this efficiency against him by unleashing several mechanical mice; the zealous robot makes a shambles of the house, and finally itself, in the process of chasing them down. Tom is welcomed back, but at the last moment, a key part of the robot had gone down Tom's throat; Jerry activates it, and sends Tom chasing after one of the wind-up mice.
Jerry removes a tack from Spike's paw. In gratitude, Spike gives Jerry a bell to ring when he's in trouble. Soon, Tom is acting as Jerry's servant. But then the city passes a leash law, and Spike can no longer help. Soon, Tom is taunting Spike (much like Foghorn Leghorn taunts the barnyard dog) and harassing Jerry, who becomes his servant until the leash law is repealed.
A baby seal escapes from the circus and ends up in Jerry's backyard pool. Tom finds out soon enough, and when the circus offers a $10,000 reward, his goal is clear.
Someone drops off three cute little kittens; Tom is put in charge of them while Mammy goes shopping. But behind her back, the three little angels are real devils.
Tom, a castle soldier in 16th century France, is assigned to guard the food laid out on a banquet table. Jerry and a smaller mouse companion, two wandering "mouseketeers", make the situation miserable for Tom as they abscond with (and occasionally eat) all the food they can.
Tom is duck hunting, and he wings a little duckling that can't quite keep up with the flock. Jerry gets to the fallen duck before Tom, bandages his wing, and shelters him from Tom as he keeps running out to join his flock.
Tom sets out to capture and eat a sleeping canary. Jerry is walking out, preparing for a new day, when he spots the vulpine manner in which Tom is acting. As Tom steals the canary in its cage, Jerry trips the cat and Tom loses the canary. The cage rolls into the tree, jolting the canary and waking it up. The first thing he sees is the ongoing chase and he helps Jerry out by tangling Tom in the drying lines and sectioning him. Tom instead chases the canary with an axe, but misses and chops down a pole, which hits Tom on the head and comically nails Tom into the ground. As Jerry is being pursued, the canary motions for him to join him up in the birdhouse. Tom follows him up, but the canary gives him a 2,000-lb weight and Tom plummets. The two shake hands but the peace doesn't last long as Tom erects a ladder and starts to climb it. But before Tom can reach the top, the canary lights a match to it. Tom and the ladder are left burned and completely black.
Tom has plans to take a nice long nap in a hammock, but Jerry has gotten there first and is snoozing happily, so the two fight it out to see who gets to sleep there.
Tom has amnesia and believes he's a mouse. Jerry, finding him more obnoxious as a fellow rodent than as a cat, seeks to cure him with a blow to the head.
Spike has just washed his pup. Tom and Jerry's chase knocks him into a mud puddle. Spike makes Tom clean him up again and promise to keep him clean which of course is Jerry's opening to get Tom in trouble.
Tom has been out late carousing with his chums. When he gets home, Mammy won't take any excuses, and insists he stay awake; Jerry, overhearing, thus tries a number of schemes to get Tom to sleep.
When Tom's harassment gets out of hand, Jerry writes to his Cousin Muscles, a tough inner city mouse, and asks for his help.
Tom, whose appetite was whetted by a radio cooking program, wants to make a meal out of the pet goldfish. Jerry, who is friends with the fish, does what he can to thwart their feline foe.
Tom is in a pool hall after hours; as he soon discovers, Jerry is sleeping in the corner pocket. Tom chases Jerry around the table and the rest of the pool hall. Tom's energetic game of pool is more than Jerry can cope with. Soon, the table becomes a battlefield.
Tom filches a drumstick from a fresh-baked chicken. When Mammy is about to discover him, he hands it off to Jerry; this lets him be a hero to Mammy and still get his chicken. Jerry is miffed, and sees his chance to retaliate: Spike is very possessive of his bone. Jerry keeps stealing the bone and planting it on Tom. Finally, Jerry bores a hole in the bone, inserts a bolt, and gets Tom to swallow a magnet. The bone keeps coming back to Tom, even through a fence. Finally, as Tom runs off followed by Spike, Jerry, who's been hiding in a tin can, is also dragged along.
Tom is conducting a symphony at the Hollywood Bowl when Jerry comes out to co-conduct.
It's Independence Day, and Jerry's little nephew, Nibbles, wants to celebrate with fireworks, while Jerry reminds him to "keep it safe and sane." Initially, this backfires against Jerry, as his attempts to dispose of the firecrackers Nibbles lights explode in his face, but ultimately, Nibbles saves Jerry from Tom with the usual cartoon uses of black powder.
Jerry agrees to help an escaped circus lion, whose first need is food. But first they'll have to evade Tom, who heard the news bulletin and is armed with a shotgun.
Tom is a cowboy boot-wearing cat at a Texas dude ranch. When a beautiful female cat comes for a visit, Tom takes time from his regular torturing of Jerry to use the mouse as a way to impress the dame. Naturally, Jerry gives Tom his comeuppance.
Mammy steps out for the evening. While she's away, the cats - in this case Tom and three of his alley cat friends - play. Play and perform rollicking jazz, that is.
Tom steals an egg from a mother duck's nest, but soon the resultant hatchling runs away from the cat and into a mouse hole, where it finds an able protector in Jerry.
Tom plays championship tennis against a cigar-smoking bully, but both cats find themselves battling Tom's much-abused lackey, Jerry Mouse, for the trophy.
The kiddie radio host, Uncle Dudley, reminds his listeners that it is "Be Kind to Animals" week. Tom resolves to be kind to his mouse-nemesis, Jerry, but the cat changes his mind after sneaking a look at Jerry's diary.
When a bulldog threatens Tom to keep away from his puppy, Jerry realizes that sticking close to the boy is the best way to keep away his feline tormentor. But Tom is not about to let the mouse evade him so easily.
During yet another pursuit of Jerry, Tom ends up being killed when an upright piano slides down the stairs and slams into him. He meets a feline St. Peter at the gate of the Heavenly Express, but is initially turned away due to his constant torture. However, he will be allowed onto the train if he can have Jerry sign a letter of forgiveness within one hour. If not, it's Hell for Tom. Will he go up or down?
A baby woodpecker mistakes Jerry for his mother. The mouse rejects the newly hatched bird but soon finds himself protecting it against his feline nemesis, Tom.
The Bide A Wee Mouse Home has sent the orphan mouse Nibbles to spend Thanksgiving with Jerry. Unfortunately, Nibbles is always hungry.
Tom pretends to have a cold in order to trick Mammy into letting him stay inside for the night. Jerry tricks Tom by making him think he really is sick - with the measles.
Mammy Two-Shoes threatens to throw Tom out of the house if he makes a mess. Jerry sees an opportunity to rid himself of his feline nemesis.
Tom, complete with mortarboard, is teaching a kitten the basics: "cats chase mice." But Jerry keeps subverting this lesson at every opportunity.
Mammy Two-Shoes replaces Tom with a younger cat who is a lightning-quick mouser. Tom and Jerry form an alliance in order to get rid of this dangerous newcomer.
Butch convinces Tom and Jerry that there's no reason to fight and they should all sign a peace treaty. Tom and Butch even rescue their pals from a fellow cat and dog. But then a steak falls off a truck and the boys can't decide how to divvy it up, ultimately losing it completely, and the truce is off.
O gato encontra um novo inimigo, o rato encontra um novo amigo: o canário da casa.
Tom chases Jerry into a bottle of invisible ink, and Jerry then proceeds to have fun torturing Tom.
Mammy Two-Shoes tells Tom and Butch that the cat who gets rid of the icebox-raiding, breadbox-invading mouse (Jerry) is the one who can stay.
Tom's day at the beach doesn't start out well. First he gets his swimsuit caught in the door of the beach house, and doesn't realize it until his intended dive in the ocean sends him snapping back and crashing through the door. He runs out and tries again. This time he is so determined to jump in the water that when he does so, he doesn't notice the tide is out and that he is swimming in the sand, which is filled with broken bottles, tin cans and other debris. Later, he tries to win over a beautiful girl on the beach, but, being the boor he is, he annoys her by drinking her soda pop, eating her hot dog and munching loudly as he lays his head in her lap. Suddenly, a tomato flies through the air and lands on his head. So does a banana peel. Tom looks for the culprit and finds him in the girl's picnic basket. Jerry is inside, eating what he wants and tossing out the rest...
Tom, cansado de Jerry roubar o leite de sua tigela, o envenena. Em vez de matar o rato, a poção transforma-o numa fera muscular.
Tom is given the task of guarding the fridge during the night by Mammy-Two-Shoes, but as soon as he has started he is tricked by Jerry into falling into the basement, where he lands in a barrel of cider. Now drunk, Tom staggers around in the house getting up to no good with Jerry.
Spike is guarding a private fishing hole - in his sleep. Tom sneaks in to do some fishing - with Jerry as bait. But one particularly vicious fish turns out to be more than Tom or Jerry bargained for, particularly when he wakes up Spike.
Tom ties up Spike and sneaks into the courtyard of the glamorous Toodles Galore with his bass, hoping to woo her with his song, much to the annoyance of a sleeping Jerry.
Tom calls the exterminators, but they send a cat, who despite his various tools, doesn't fare much better than Tom usually does.
Jerry is awakened from a nightmare by a knock on the door: someone has left a foundling in a walnut shell with a note, giving his name as Nibbles and saying he needs lots of milk. Fortunately, there's a dish handy, but it's next to Tom. Nibbles scurries out and dives off Tom's nose, then grabs a whisker for balance, waking Tom up. Jerry grabs him just in time and they hide under the milk. Tom laps up some milk and gets Nibbles; Jerry rescues him, and they run for the hole. Next, they try a very long straw; Tom catches them and sucks Nibbles through the straw. Much chasing follows, with a pause now and then for some milk. Tom traps Jerry in a milk bottle and chases Nibbles a while; he finally corners Nibbles and spanks him with a flyswatter. Jerry is so enraged he burst out of the milk bottle and lets out a ferocious roar; he grabs Tom by the tail and thoroughly pummels him, then stands over him as Tom feeds Nibbles milk.
It's spring, and Tom is much more interested in the female cat next door than in Jerry.
The family dog warns Tom not to make any noise so he can take a nap. Jerry hears this and immediately devises plans to ensure that the dog's nap will be interrupted.
Jerry está cansado da vida no campo e decide ir embora para a cidade grande.