In the Sacramento Mountains of Southern New Mexico In the shadow of Sierra Blanca Peak Live the proud people of the Mescalero Apache With a history of peace, and unimaginable struggle The Mescalero live to honor their ancestors While fighting to survive in a modern world This is their story, in their words, from their Homeland Nation.
In the Sacramento Mountains of Southern New Mexico In the shadow of Sierra Blanca Peak Live the proud people of the Mescalero Apache With a history of peace, and unimaginable struggle The Mescalero live to honor their ancestors While fighting to survive in a modern world This is their story, in their words, from their Homeland Nation.
Bar Couple (uncredited)
Em Los Angeles é cometido um assalto no qual são roubados US$ 1,6 milhão de títulos ao portador e três policiais são mortos no assalto. Assim, um detetive da Divisão de Roubo e Homicídio assume o caso. Apesar de contar com poucas pistas, de estar lidando com ladrões profissionais além de ter problemas em sua vida pessoal, ele tenta impedir que esta quadrilha continue operando.