Peter Blackwell


Homeland Nation: Mescalero Apache
In the Sacramento Mountains of Southern New Mexico In the shadow of Sierra Blanca Peak Live the proud people of the Mescalero Apache With a history of peace, and unimaginable struggle The Mescalero live to honor their ancestors While fighting to survive in a modern world This is their story, in their words, from their Homeland Nation.
Homeland Nation: Mescalero Apache
In the Sacramento Mountains of Southern New Mexico In the shadow of Sierra Blanca Peak Live the proud people of the Mescalero Apache With a history of peace, and unimaginable struggle The Mescalero live to honor their ancestors While fighting to survive in a modern world This is their story, in their words, from their Homeland Nation.
Fogo Contra Fogo
Bar Couple (uncredited)
Em Los Angeles é cometido um assalto no qual são roubados US$ 1,6 milhão de títulos ao portador e três policiais são mortos no assalto. Assim, um detetive da Divisão de Roubo e Homicídio assume o caso. Apesar de contar com poucas pistas, de estar lidando com ladrões profissionais além de ter problemas em sua vida pessoal, ele tenta impedir que esta quadrilha continue operando.