Massimo Civilotti


Carabinieri si nasce
Il gatto mammone
Production Supervisor
Lando Buzzanca plays a man desperate to father a male heir. However, his wife (Roseanne Podesta) is apparently barren. They decide to use a surrogate mother, which, since this was in the days before artificial insemination, means Buzzanca will have to impregnate the surrogate the "old-fashioned" way. After a mishap involving a VERY unattractive but fertile widow, Buzzanca sets his sights on young girl (Gloria Guida) at an orphanage for unwed mothers (who has already given an illegitimate child up for adoption). They hire her as a maid, but she is under the impression they're going to adopt her, leading to some quasi-incestual misunderstandings...
O Segredo do Bosque dos Sonhos
Production Assistant
Baseado em fatos reais, um maníaco realiza uma série de assassinatos envolvendo um grupo de crianças em um vilarejo da Sicília, na Itália. Com a cidade à beira da histeria, todos passam a serem suspeitos. Andrea Martelli (Tomas Milian) é um jornalista e tenta desvendar o verdadeiro culpado, enquanto a bela Patrizia (Barbara Bouchet) tenta se livrar das suspeitas levantadas contra ela, mas o medo acaba formando uma onda de violência com pessoas inocentes.