Donald Novis


Guilty Bystander
O ex-policial Max Thursday se embebeda em um hotel barato quando sua ex-mulher aparece com más notícias e o manda numa corrida desesperada contra o tempo e a bebida. Uma relíquia noir independente do diretor Joseph Lerner, filmada inteiramente em Nova York. Um filme independente repleto de bebida e paranoia, filmado inteiramente em lugares reais nas ruas de Nova Iorque.
Down Memory Lane
archive footage
This film is a compilation, with narration by Steve Allen, of comedies from the old Mack Sennett silent studio. Sennett, himself, appears in a cameo at the end of the film.
Slightly Terrific
Patrick Michael O'Toole
A manufacturer and an impresario (who has promised some young people he will stage their show) are twin brothers causes a lot of confusion when the manufacturer is mistaken for his no-money brother.
Sweethearts of the U.S.A.
Don Clark
A WW-II defense plant worker gets knocked out and dreams about helping the war effort in various ways, including solving a crime.
The Policy Girl
Jack Saunders
An insurance salesman persuades his sister to help him meet a radio star so he can sell the celebrity a policy.
The Night Before Christmas
A narrator sings the opening stanzas of the classic poem while we see the house at rest. Santa lands on the roof, comes down the chimney, and opens his bag. The toys march out and decorate the tree, with the toy soldiers shooting balls from their cannon, a toy airplane stringing a garland like skywriting, and the toy firemen applying snow. A blimp delivers the star to the top. Meanwhile, Santa fills the stockings. His laughter awakens the children, who sneak out. The toys rush to their places, and Santa escapes up the chimney just in time.
Ma's Pride and Joy
Danny O'Brien
This Mack Sennett produced short has Donald Novis playing Danny O'Brien, a young singer whose mother takes him to a talent agent office where she demands that the owners listen to him.
The Big Broadcast
Donald Novis
The top brass at a radio station believe their popular new star singer is paying more attention to his love life than to his career.
Esposa Improvisada
Singing Gondolier (uncredited)
When Stephen, the husband of Gerald’s mistress, Claire, discovers a pair of tickets for their planned trip to Venice, Gerald must invent a wife to cover their tracks. He is then forced to hire a woman to play “his wife” when Stephen insists he and Claire accompany them to Venice.
Flying High
Young Man (uncredited)
An inventor and his lanky girlfriend set an altitude record in his winged contraption.
The Pajama Party
After running their car off the road, a society matron insists that the girls spend the evening at her mansion.
Let's Do Things
Music Store Customer, Singer (uncredited)
Zasu & Thelma go out with two idiots to a nightclub.
Monte Carlo
Monsieur Beaucaire in Stage Opera
A Condessa Helene Mara ia casar-se com o Príncipe Otto von Liebenheim, mas abandona-o na última hora e parte de trem para Monte Carlo. Lá, começa a fazer a ronda dos cassinos e perde tudo que tinha. Subitamente, um estranho pede para tocar seu cabelo para ter sorte. No entanto, é a própria condessa que recupera tudo que tinha perdido. Daí, ela o contrata como cabeleireiro e secretário particular e eles acabam se apaixonando, porém o casamento é impossível, já que ele não pertence à nobreza.
Irish Fantasy
The Groom
An Irish grandfather tells his young grandson stories of his roots, his courtship with his grandmother and love of freedom through stories and song.
Amante de Emoções
Country Boy
O Capitão Hugh Drummond, herói de guerra, à procura de aventuras em Londres, é contatado pela bela americana Phyllis. Ela lhe pede que liberte seu tio John Travers, preso ilegalmente em um falso asilo.