Violeta leads a normal life in a well-off family, with loving parents, surrounded by everything the heart of an eleven-year-old girl might wish for. But she hasn’t always been the pretty girl she is today; she was born a boy. At age 6, she baffled her parents (the famous adult movie stars Nacho Vidal and Franceska Jaimes) when she told them she wanted to be called and dress as a girl. After the initial shock, they decided to give her all their support on the long and tough road that will lead to her becoming a woman someday. Violeta faces many challenges, medical (such as deciding whether or not to take hormone-blockers to stop the development of masculine features as soon as puberty kicks in) and legal (obtaining an ID card with her new name and gender). Later, she may consider getting a sex reassignment procedure, or the possibility of becoming a mother through adoption.
Executive Producer
Obsolescência programada é a decisão do produtor de propositadamente desenvolver, fabricar, distribuir e vender um produto para consumo de forma que se torne obsoleto ou não-funcional especificamente para forçar o consumidor a comprar a nova geração do produto. A Obsolescência programada está em nossas vidas, a evolução de um sistema que era feito para estragar para um sistema atual que leva o consumidor a substituir produtos através do desejo do novo, seja por evolução de design ou tecnologia.