Kevin Thomas Conroy


Porn 'n Chicken
Based on a true story. In 1996, five overworked Yale undergrads formed a club to watch porno films on weekends while ingesting mass quantities of fried chicken and Miller High Life. As the "Porn 'n' Chicken Club" gained members and notoriety, the hide-bound Yale Establishment ordered that the club be closed down. Defiantly, the original members scraped together enough money to produce their own X-rated movie -- and much to the dismay of the faculty and administration, the club became more popular and renowned than ever. In the film, all character names are changed, and even Yale is not mentioned by name (it was filmed on the campus of Columbia University). What remains constant is the youthful exuberance of the club members and the anal-retentive reaction of the authority figures, notably Kurt Fuller as the Dean. Real-life porn stars Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson make amusing cameo appearances.
Mais um Verão Americano
Mork Guy
No verão de 1981, um grupo de adolescentes vai para o Acampamento Firewood sob a supervisão de Beth (Janeane Garofalo). Chegando próximo do fim do encontro, os jovens decidem que vão fazer valer ao máximo o tempo que passaram juntos, e para isso precisam esclarecer situações e romances mal-resolvidos, assim, junto com os professores, aprontam muitas loucuras tentando superar a timidez, ter suas primeiras aventuras sexuais ou até mesmo chorar as mágoas do fim de um relacionamento. Enquanto isso, um astrônomo (David Hyde Pierce) aparece no local avisando que um pedaço de satélite caindo do espaço pode destruir o acampamento.