Szymon Zaleski


Divine Carcass
This film follows the fortunes of an old Peugeot off loaded in Cotonou, Benin. As it changes hands we get a glimpse into the lives of its successive owners.
Fin de Siglo
A portrait of daily life in Cuba in the late 1990s,
Fin de Siglo
A portrait of daily life in Cuba in the late 1990s,
Do Leste
Production Manager
Chantal Akerman has toured Eastern Europe through Russia, Poland, Ukraine filming everything that moved her : faces, streets, cars, buses, stations, landscapes, interiors, queues, doors, windows, meals. Women and men, young and old passing or stopping, seated or standing. Days and nights, rain, snow and wind, winter and spring.
Do Leste
Assistant Director
Chantal Akerman has toured Eastern Europe through Russia, Poland, Ukraine filming everything that moved her : faces, streets, cars, buses, stations, landscapes, interiors, queues, doors, windows, meals. Women and men, young and old passing or stopping, seated or standing. Days and nights, rain, snow and wind, winter and spring.