Jasin Challah

Jasin Challah

Nascimento : 1974-01-01, Helmstedt, Germany


Jasin Challah


Benjamin o Elefante
Benjamim é um elefante bonacheirão que vive feliz num jardim zoológico. Tem amigos de todas as espécies, mas o seu preferido é Otto, um rapaz de dez anos que o vem visitar sempre que pode. Tudo seria perfeito não fosse a pouco escrupulosa e gananciosa Zora Zack, que está determinada a fazer grandes mudanças no zoo. Sob o pretexto de fazer melhoramentos, tem um plano que pode arruinar a vida de todos os que ali vivem: construir um condomínio de luxo que promete render-lhe milhões de dólares.
A Hitman's Solitude Before the Shot
The over-ambitious Koralnik has a dream job: he is a contract killer for a secret EU programme. But even eight years after his training he still hasn't had a single hit. Bored and frustrated, he lives according to the programme's strict rules - withdrawn, no social contact and constantly undercover. One day, the shy Rosa crashes into his car and life. Before he knows it, Koralnik is having dinner with her. For the first time, he can flee his everyday misery for an evening of company. But then the telephone rings. It's Koralnik's first job. With Rosa alongside, Koralnik sets off on a chaotic odyssey through a night in which nothing goes according to plan. It is only when Koralnik's target is revealed to be none other than one of his colleagues that the rigid concept by which he lives finally comes into question. He is confronted with the dilemma of either protecting his secret programme or drawing a line under his unfulfilled existence as a killer.
Megalodon - O Ataque dos Tubarões
Um tubarão pré-histórico (nomeado nos livros "megalodon") espreita Mallorca, matando duas pessoas. Um mergulhador profissional começa a caçada.