Leland Crooke

Leland Crooke


Leland Crooke


The Civilization of Maxwell Bright
Buddy DeHare
After a series of bad relationships, a man orders a mail order bride and receives more than he bargained for.
Mestre do Disfarce
Uma família usou talentos especiais de disfarce contra o mal. O último deles, Pistachio, não entende este misterioso poder.
Shattered Illusions
A Psycho stalks a talk radio personality and her mentally challenged sister.
Entre Mulheres
O estado da Louisiana, EUA, é conhecido por ser a casa de um povo de cultura peculiar, os cajuns. Na noite em que celebrava o seu casamento, a jovem Splendid se depara com um grande dilema: ela está apavorada com o que acontecerá em seu quarto durante a noite de núpcias.
FX 2 - Ilusão Fatal
Movie Director
Apesar dos perigos que correu tentando ajudar a polícia no primeiro filme, o especialista em efeitos especiais Roland 'Rollie' Tyler (Bryan Brown) é novamente convocado pelas autoridades de Nova York para ajudar a capturar perigoso assassino. Mas o tiro sai pela culatra e ele passa a ser perseguido, sendo forçado a pedir ajuda a seu velho amigo da polícia Leo McCarthy (Brian Dennehy).
Dead Man Walking
Nomad Farmer
After Leila, his boss's daughter, is kidnapped by psychopathic plague victim Decker, chauffeur Chazz teams up with plague-infected mercenary Luger to penetrate the toxic & off-limits Plague Zone and bring her back alive.
Passe a munição
Sheriff Rascal Lebeaux
Um pregador corrupto da televisão e sua congregação são mantidos reféns por uma mulher, seu amante e seus dois primos, na tentativa de vingar o roubo de sua herança. Um olhar peculiar sobre a desonestidade da indústria televangelista.
Blue Movies
The "slippery" comedy is about 2 easy-living young men. They decide to make sex films. This adventurous enterprise could be a little complicated but nothing will deter them.
Maid to Order
Spoiled Jessie Montgomery, whose wild behavior and spending excesses cause her well-meaning but exasperated millionaire father Charles to wish he never had her, is visited by fairy godmother Stella. In an effort to save Jessie, Stella casts a spell which causes Charles to no longer have a daughter. Jessie, now penniless and without a friend, must take a maid's job to earn a living, and hopefully to learn her lesson.
The Party Animal
Dean's Secretary
The Party Animal is a documentary-style comedy about a sex-starved man, Pondo Sinatra, a 26-year-old college student whom everyone agrees is doomed to die a virgin. Desperate to break what seems to be a cosmic curse, he tries ever more bizarre schemes to seduce one the sexy, scantily-clad women who seem to be everywhere, taunting him and enjoying his misery. Despite his best efforts, however, he is rejected everywhere, even at the local cathouse. When Pondo threatens to kill himself, Studley, his ladykilling best friend, tries to help him in his quest to "get him a little", as does Studley's mentor, a wise old janitor named Elbow.