Gianfilippo Pedote


Peripheric Love
Maria, a Mexican migrant, is pregnant. Her husband Giorgio is sterile. She conceals the pregnancy from him out of fear he might suspect infidelity. Caught between doubt and longing, both seek tenderness elsewhere. Fascinated by the unknown, their feelings drive them into the depths of love. There, where only trust can prevent them from losing one another.
Suole di vento - Storie di Goffredo Fofi
Executive Producer
Goffredo Fofi does not want to be considered an intellectual but he has spent his life founding magazines, writing books, reviewing movies. The film portrays his tireless political and cultural work, his encounters with famous figures, the extra-parliamentary groups, ideological excesses, discovering new authors and directors. Social work as a political resource. The profile of a heretical intellectual and an extraordinary cultural organizer reveals a very critical view of Italian society, its power mechanisms, and the injustice that leaves a mark on it.
Os adolescentes Alessandro e Pietro são amigos inseparáveis em Nápoles. Eles aceitam a proposta do diretor de gravarem vídeos de si mesmos com um iPhone, comentando em tempo real suas próprias experiências diárias, sua grande amizade, o bairro em que vivem e uma tragédia em comum.
Por Uma Hora a Mais com Você
Em 1972, após um longo processo de adoecimento mental, Liseli Marazzi Hoepli se suicidou, deixando sua filha Alina, de apenas sete anos. Tempos depois, a menina já adulta vasculha velhos filmes caseiros, diários, cartas e contas médicas, numa tentativa devastadora de dar voz à mãe e as histórias dela que não pode conhecer.
Fame chimica
Fame chimica
Anima Mundi
Executive Producer
Image and music are intertwined in this third collaboration between director Godfrey Reggio and composer Philip Glass. The film was produced to celebrate the World Wildlife Fund's Biological Diversity Campaign. The film combines images of nature with pulsing rhythms in a Microcosmos (1997) meets Koyaanisqatsi (1983) spectacle. Written by Martin Lewison
Chi ha incastrato Elio e le Storie Tese?
Associate Producer