Byron Roberts


The Gong Show Movie
A week in the life of "The Gong Show" host and creator Chuck Barris.
Fuga no Século 23
Unit Production Manager
No século XXIII, os sobreviventes de um Holocausto vivem numa cidade condenada isolada do resto do mundo. Ali, apenas podem viver até os 30 anos por causa do controle populacional e dos recursos escassos. Por isso, têm duas escolhas: ou participam numa cerimônia de exterminação onde lhes é prometido o renascimento ou podem tentar fugir e sobreviver fora da cidade.
Fuga no Século 23
Unit Production Manager
No século XXIII, os sobreviventes de um Holocausto vivem numa cidade condenada isolada do resto do mundo. Ali, apenas podem viver até os 30 anos por causa do controle populacional e dos recursos escassos. Por isso, têm duas escolhas: ou participam numa cerimônia de exterminação onde lhes é prometido o renascimento ou podem tentar fugir e sobreviver fora da cidade.
Assistant Director
Hotheaded laborer B.J. Hammer can't go long without ending up in a fight, and, after he comes out on top in a particularly impressive workplace scuffle, word of his brawling skills makes its way to Davis, a top boxing manager. Hammer is hired by Davis and begins a lucrative career in the ring, only to find out that his new employer wants him to throw a fight and take part in other illicit activities. Hammer reacts to this news violently, and the feud is on.
The Search for the Evil One
Production Manager
Valley of the Dragons
In 1881 Algeria, an American soldier and a French aristocrat are about to have a duel over a woman when a comet hurtling past the Earth draws them into its gravitational pull. The men find themselves transported to the moon, where they discover a prehistoric civilization inhabited by reptiles and humans.
Assassino Público Número Um
Associate Producer
Famed Depression-era gangster “Baby Face Nelson” (Mickey Rooney) robs and kills while accompanied by his beautiful moll (Carolyn Jones).
Monster from Green Hell
Production Manager
A test rocket carrying wasps to outer space, to study the effects on them of weightlessness and radiations, crashes out of control back to Earth, into the jungles of Africa. The two astrobiologists in charge of the test mount an expedition to the Darkest Continent to retrieve their experiment, only to find the wasps have grown to giant size which are panicking all forms of life as they quest for food.
Terra de Assassinos
Associate Producer
A prospector becomes a small town outcast after he rescues a man about to be lynched.
O Fantasma de 10.000 Ligas
Production Supervisor
Uma rocha radioativa incomum no fundo do mar transforma a vida do oceano em um monstro horrível. Quando carbonizados, corpos radioativos começam a ser levados para a costa de um cientista e agente do governo que investiga o fenômeno, e é uma conexão com um professor local de biologia marinha.
Hold Back Tomorrow
Assistant Director
Suicidal hooker Cleo Moore agrees to spend the night with condemned prisoner John Agar in this Hugo Haas film noir.