Maersk Alabama Crew
Visão multi-facetada da captura, em 2009, do porta-contentores norte-americano Maersk Alabama por piratas da Somália. É simultaneamente – através do olhar característico de Paul Greengrass - uma emocionante aventura e um complexo retrato dos inúmeros efeitos da globalização. O filme mostra a relação entre o comandante do Alabama, o Capitão Richard Phillips, e Muse, o chefe Somali, que o tem como refém. Phillips e Muse vêem-se em rota de colisão quando Muse e a sua tripulação decidem atacar o navio desarmado de Phillips. No inevitável confronto, a 145 milhas da costa da Somália, ambos serão confrontados com forças alheias ao seu controlo.
A newlywed couple burdened with economic hardship decides not to exchange Christmas presents to save money over the holidays. Secretly, they make sacrifices to buy the other a special gift.
It has been a year since William's brother David went missing. The worst year of his life, one that has left him a broken man. The day Chloe moves into his bleak apartment block, it seems there is a chance for some happiness in his life, she makes him feel different, alive. When William suddenly starts receiving mysterious messages relating to his missing brother, his fragile world is turned upside down. William must try and follow these strange clues regarding his brother to find out who is responsible for his disappearance. With Chloe at his side he embarks on a dangerous journey to discover the truth.