Max Foster (Carl Betz), an American newspaper reporter, is in Hong Kong to assist a defecting Russian diplomat. In return for arranging an escape, the diplomat must turn over to Foster a diary revealing the true events taking place in China. While making his escape, the defector is killed ant the diary vanishes. The reporter sets off on a search for it, from Hong Kong to Australia. The chase ends in an action-filled climax, with the journalist finally meeting up with "That Lady from Peking" (Nancy Kwan) - the diplomat's daughter.
The Emperor of Japan is scheduled to visit the small fishing village of Titipu for the annual cherry blossom festival. Unfortunately, during the ceremony the town tailor, Koko, winks at the pretty Kataisha, who is to be the wife of the Emperor's son Nanki Poo. Koko is promptly arrested and thrown in a dark, dank dungeon and sentenced to death for disrespecting the Emperor. Things look bleak for Koko until Nanki Poo falls in love with the lovely Yum Yum, and Koko gets caught up in a scheme to deceive the Emperor.
Novamente em busca do tesouro, o pirata Long John Silver finge ajudar o governador a resgatar sua filha raptada por outro bucaneiro, que também mantém cativo o jovem Jim Hawkins. Mas é só um truque para obter um navio. Produção independente e continuação não-oficial do grande sucesso da Disney, "A Ilha do Tesouro" ("Treasure Island", 1950).