Erick Oh
Nascimento : 1984-01-10, South Korea
Erick Oh is a Korean filmmaker and animator based in California, USA. His independent films have been introduced and awarded at numerous international film festivals. After receiving his BFA from Fine Art Department at Seoul National University and his MFA from UCLA’s film program, Erick worked at Pixar Animation Studios from 2010 to 2016 as an animator. Erick recently joined Tonko House and directed PIG : The Dam Keeper Poems which was nominated at Annie Awards 2018 for the Best Special Animation.
One person is born out of his consciousness. As he looks into his inner self as well as observes the world around him, he goes on a journey to find his own voice and color.
A narrative poem brought to life and an ode to a grandfather's passing, NAMOO—which translates to “tree” in Korean—follows the journey of a budding artist from beginning to end.
A narrative poem brought to life and an ode to a grandfather's passing, NAMOO—which translates to “tree” in Korean—follows the journey of a budding artist from beginning to end.
A história, as estruturas e os ritmos da história humana são vistos através de uma gloriosa pirâmide maciça.
Pig lives at the top of a hill in a town surrounded by a destructive, dark cloud. Before Pig’s father leaves to find a solution to the cloud, he builds Pig a small wooden dam to protect him and the town. The dam’s windmill keeps the cloud at bay, and Pig now has the responsibility to care for the dam. Young and alone, Pig finds love and family through his friendship with Fox, and continues to care for the townsfolk in a variety of ways. However, Pig struggles with the absence of his father, and his desire to search for his father competes with his need to keep the town safe.
Pig lives at the top of a hill in a town surrounded by a destructive, dark cloud. Before Pig’s father leaves to find a solution to the cloud, he builds Pig a small wooden dam to protect him and the town. The dam’s windmill keeps the cloud at bay, and Pig now has the responsibility to care for the dam. Young and alone, Pig finds love and family through his friendship with Fox, and continues to care for the townsfolk in a variety of ways. However, Pig struggles with the absence of his father, and his desire to search for his father competes with his need to keep the town safe.
Pig lives at the top of a hill in a town surrounded by a destructive, dark cloud. Before Pig’s father leaves to find a solution to the cloud, he builds Pig a small wooden dam to protect him and the town. The dam’s windmill keeps the cloud at bay, and Pig now has the responsibility to care for the dam. Young and alone, Pig finds love and family through his friendship with Fox, and continues to care for the townsfolk in a variety of ways. However, Pig struggles with the absence of his father, and his desire to search for his father competes with his need to keep the town safe.
Pig lives at the top of a hill in a town surrounded by a destructive, dark cloud. Before Pig’s father leaves to find a solution to the cloud, he builds Pig a small wooden dam to protect him and the town. The dam’s windmill keeps the cloud at bay, and Pig now has the responsibility to care for the dam. Young and alone, Pig finds love and family through his friendship with Fox, and continues to care for the townsfolk in a variety of ways. However, Pig struggles with the absence of his father, and his desire to search for his father competes with his need to keep the town safe.
A man dies and a red flower blossoms. Then the colors of orange, yellow, green, blue and purple come into play and combine to become a beautiful and sublime rainbow.
After numerous trials and failures in the past 18 years, Jun Ho was able to finally capture every single breath-taking moment of the total eclipse at Aug 21st, 2017 in North America with technology he developed to track the peripheral surface of the sun in motion.
TOTALITY | 4K is a short film with the footages of the total solar eclipse that happened in Aug 21st, 2017 in North America. All the still and moving images are taken by Rainbow Astro, founded by Jun Ho Oh, the director of KAIST HUBO LAB.
O filme gira em torno de uma criatura chamada Lou, que reside na caixa de achados e perdidos de um playground. Ele é composto de um hoodie vermelho e algumas bolas de beisebol, enquanto tenta manter um olho protetor sobre as crianças enquanto elas brincam. Quando um valentão chamado JJ começa a aterrorizar as outras crianças, Lou decide tomar uma atitude para protegê-las.
A história de um pequeno pássaro que vive próximo a praia e se aventura pela primeira vez a sair do seu ninho e ir atrás de comida. Uma perspectiva delicada da vida humana sob o olhar do pequenino animal.
Amigável, porém esquecida, Dory começa uma busca por seus pais há muito perdidos, e todo mundo aprende alguma coisa sobre o real significado da família ao longo da jornada.
SANJAY'S SUPER TEAM follows the daydream of a young Indian boy, bored with his father's religious meditation, who imagines "a kind of ancient, Hindu version of The Avengers," with the gods appearing like superheros.
Crescer pode ser um desafio, e não é exceção para Riley, que é arrancada da sua vida no Minnesota quando o pai arranja um novo emprego em São Francisco. Como todos nós, Riley é guiada pelas suas emoções: Alegria, Medo, Raiva, Repulsa e Tristeza. As emoções vivem no Quartel-general, o centro de controlo da mente de Riley, onde ajudam a encaminhá-la no dia-a-dia. Apesar de Alegria, a emoção principal e mais importante de Riley, tentar manter tudo positivo, as emoções entram em conflito sobre como navegar por uma nova cidade, uma nova casa e uma nova escola.
Gunther's journey to find out who he is continues even when his friends are all starving to death.
Gunther's journey to find out who he is continues even when his friends are all starving to death.
Supervising Animator
In a desolate future, one small town has survived because of a large windmill dam that acts as a fan to keep out pollution. The dam's operator, Pig, works tirelessly to keep the sails spinning and protect the town, despite abuse from classmates and an indifferent public. When a new student joins Pig's class, nothing will be the same again.
In a desolate future, one small town has survived because of a large windmill dam that acts as a fan to keep out pollution. The dam's operator, Pig, works tirelessly to keep the sails spinning and protect the town, despite abuse from classmates and an indifferent public. When a new student joins Pig's class, nothing will be the same again.
Os brinquedos partem em uma viagem juntamente com Bonnie, mas um evento inesperado faz com que todos parem em um hotel de beira de estrada. Quando um dos brinquedos simplesmente desaparece, Woody, Buzz e toda a turma precisam enfrentar o medo do desconhecido para encontrá-lo.
Mike e Sulley, alunos promissores da Universidade Monstros, são forçados a se unirem quando sua disputa acirrada pelo posto de aluno mais assustador da turma foge ao controle e eles acabam sendo expulsos da faculdade.
Fix Animator
Determinada a seguir seu próprio caminho na vida, a princesa Mérida desafia um costume que traz caos ao seu reino. Concedido um desejo, Merida deve confiar em sua bravura e suas habilidades de arco e flecha para desfazer uma maldição bestial.
Here is a delicious apple. How would you like to eat it?
Here is a delicious apple. How would you like to eat it?
Fix Animator
O astro das corridas, Relâmpago McQueen, e o carro-guincho, Mate, viajam para disputar o primeiro Grand Prix Mundial, que irá revelar o carro mais veloz do planeta. Nessa jornada imperdível, Mate se envolve com um grupo de espionagem e vive grandes aventuras com seus amigos.
The film, Heart questions ourselves in realizing our essence and the meaning of life. This film will captivate the viewer's attention to what we fight for and why we destroy each other.
HUBO (KHR-3) is a walking humanoid robot with a life-size bipedal frame, developed by the KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and was revealed January, 2005. HUBO, short form for "humanoid robot," has been paving the road in realizing a vision of fantasy to the real world.
HUBO (KHR-3) is a walking humanoid robot with a life-size bipedal frame, developed by the KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and was revealed January, 2005. HUBO, short form for "humanoid robot," has been paving the road in realizing a vision of fantasy to the real world.
Art Designer
'Symphony' portrays a sentient creature trying to escape from a reality of being swept away and assimilated into the mainstream, regardless of its own will. The topic of this abstractedly crafted animation applies to anything that struggles to be free. It can be a phenomenon occurring deep within the mind, or an individual confronting the standardized masses. There is no concrete answer to these questions; the only role I play is to showcase reality. The solution and conclusion of the story is open for interpretation.
'Symphony' portrays a sentient creature trying to escape from a reality of being swept away and assimilated into the mainstream, regardless of its own will. The topic of this abstractedly crafted animation applies to anything that struggles to be free. It can be a phenomenon occurring deep within the mind, or an individual confronting the standardized masses. There is no concrete answer to these questions; the only role I play is to showcase reality. The solution and conclusion of the story is open for interpretation.
'Symphony' portrays a sentient creature trying to escape from a reality of being swept away and assimilated into the mainstream, regardless of its own will. The topic of this abstractedly crafted animation applies to anything that struggles to be free. It can be a phenomenon occurring deep within the mind, or an individual confronting the standardized masses. There is no concrete answer to these questions; the only role I play is to showcase reality. The solution and conclusion of the story is open for interpretation.
'Symphony' portrays a sentient creature trying to escape from a reality of being swept away and assimilated into the mainstream, regardless of its own will. The topic of this abstractedly crafted animation applies to anything that struggles to be free. It can be a phenomenon occurring deep within the mind, or an individual confronting the standardized masses. There is no concrete answer to these questions; the only role I play is to showcase reality. The solution and conclusion of the story is open for interpretation.
'Way Home' is a story featuring a fly, a dung beetle, and a farmer.
'Way Home' is a story featuring a fly, a dung beetle, and a farmer.
'Way Home' is a story featuring a fly, a dung beetle, and a farmer.
By covering the whole history of communication and media, Communicate shows how humankind has been interacting with one another to reach the true answer of life which is illustrated as a red ball. Winner of the Grand Prize Asia Digital Art Awards 2009
By covering the whole history of communication and media, Communicate shows how humankind has been interacting with one another to reach the true answer of life which is illustrated as a red ball. Winner of the Grand Prize Asia Digital Art Awards 2009
'The Bag' describes those living in such a chaotic world where truth and falsehood are all mixed together; those who cannot find the true meaning of life.
'The Bag' describes those living in such a chaotic world where truth and falsehood are all mixed together; those who cannot find the true meaning of life.
'The Bag' describes those living in such a chaotic world where truth and falsehood are all mixed together; those who cannot find the true meaning of life.
'The Bag' describes those living in such a chaotic world where truth and falsehood are all mixed together; those who cannot find the true meaning of life.